

Draum · 3228

Offline Draum

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on: March 13, 2016, 02:13:20 PM
A little about my previous experience:
I've been RPing off and on in Furcadia for over fifteen years across a lot of different continuities, interacting with a wide range of character types and participating in many different plots.

Why I'd like to join:
I'd like to continue that trend going forward with such a large, active community. Etla seems like a fun place with many varying ranges of character types.

Furcadia Name: Draum
Character Name: Draum Snowe
Aliases: Nothing of note, though he has been known to give false names!
Species: Anthro Snow Leopard
Subspecies/Race/Class: None
Age: 25 - 27 (The character doesn't know his exact birth date)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11
Fur/Skin Color: White fur, black markings on his arms and tail.
Hair Color/Style: Black.
Eye Color: Green.
Markings/Scars: Nothing visible.
Appendages: Two arms, two legs, and a tail.

Demeanor: Polite and kind.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Profession: Owns a bank in another town, investor, former professional gambler.
Resistances: Cold weather (He is a snow leopard!)
Weaknesses: Anything that would harm a normal furre, gambling addiction.
Phobias: Loud rooms, harm coming to his family

(Compared to the average furre)
Strength (STR): Medium low
Dexterity (DEX): Medium low
Constitution (CON): Medium Low
Intelligence (INT): High*
Wisdom (WIS): High*
Charisma (CHA): Medium High*
* Reflection of the character's personality, he's unable to cast spells!

- None. Draum's a thinker, not a fighter!

- None
- Lucky - Draum's just got a sort of natural luck about him.
- Sharp - Though uneducated formally, Draum's a quick learner and adapts to new ideas well.
- Street Smart - His teenage years were spent in the slums. He's learned a few things.
- Boss - Draum employs a few guards and tellers at his bank in another town. Like any business, the employees all occasionally do favors for each other.
- Poker Face - He's excellent at hiding his emotions to all but a select few.
Green eyes ignited amongst the snow leopard's white fur, framed on a proud, youthful face. Dark stripes randomly sprang forth from the feline's fur, wrapping and then ending around his limbs. Tailored shirt with it's sleeves rolled up to mid forearm rested behind a gray vest, tucked away into sleek black pants. He walked on a pair of shiny shoes with his head held high and a swaying of his tail like he knew that today would be his lucky day. A golden band is worn around his left ring finger.

Any other pertinent info:
More information can be found on his RPR, along with the character's history prior to when I began to RP as him!

Offline Hashenn

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Reply #1 on: March 13, 2016, 04:03:36 PM

I'm vouching for this fellow; looking forward to more RPs with the player!