

Zuri · 2901

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on: December 22, 2015, 01:35:08 AM
A little about my previous experience:
The beginning of my tale begins in the deep, dark chatrooms of AOL, circa 1995.  In '99, I found the blossoming community of Furcadia, and I've been playing on and off ever since.   I've pretty much done it all at some point during this crazy ride of mine.

Why I'd like to join:
For years now I've been coming the dream whenever I get the urge to hop into some good ol' RP again, but generally life has been rather disallowing of such.  However, I refuse to let life bully me around any longer!  I've always loved the way the dream's progressed over the years, as well as the friendly community of folks that always seem to be around.  So, what better place to try and settle down, and finally commit to RP once again?

Full Name:  Geraint de Cruce
         ( Formerally Slayn Arkwright. )
Aliases:  Slayn, though refuses to go by the name anymore.
Hair: Bright blonde.
Fur/Skin:  Tanned, caramel.
 During his time in the Sacred Order, his body was subject to many tattoos and branding. Holy enchantments, when active they glow with a soft white light.  They're more than likely the only things physically keeping him together.
-Multiple Latin scripts and sigils dot his arms, legs, and midsection.
-Large Enochian sigil above his heart.
-The Sigillum Dei inked between his shoulder blades.
-A large, oddly ornate Crucifix is branded into his left side. Unfading.

Eyes:  Right eye is a vibrant blue, the left is a glinting silver and it's pupil is a tad misshapen on closer inspection, has full vision in it however.
Height:  6'1"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Species: Human.
                (Formerally subspecies of Lion, human half-breed.)
Race: Divine and spiritual Abomination.
Due to an unforeseen misadventure, the combined essence of original Archangels and primordial Demons wrestle with his human and feline blood.  So far, human willpower has won out - but the struggle will be eternal.  Archangel, ancient evil, and the bestial lion however, have emerged as a secondary form combining traits of all three.  He is slowly learning how to control it, but it's tough, since sometimes the conflicted essences don't like to play nice sometimes. 

Alignment:  Neutral Good.
Profession: Gourmet Chef.
Former Holy Knight of the Sacred Order of Contego before it's destruction; Second Seat, "The Ark Knight."  Knight-General of the Order's Second Crusade.  Has actually worked for the Etla guard for a little bit in the past.
Resistances: Fire, Holy and Demonic energies and magic, possession.
Weaknesses: Prone to hefty mood swings, strong mental attacks, and a slowly growing Achilles Complex.
Phobias: Xenophobia, specifically the fear in losing his identity among the conflicting natures inside him.

Strength - Low
Constitution - Medium
Dexterity - High
Agility - Medium
Intelligence - Medium
Wisdom - High

Fortitude - Medium*
Reflex - Medium*
Will - High
*Slightly buffed due to physiology.

- A nameless, two-handed broadsword - Divine in nature; retrieved from the Order's armory as the city was destroyed, used to replace his enchanted sword lost in the battle.  He knows of it's power, but has rarely tapped into it's potential, often only using it as a channel for his own Magic.  It's the last relic he has kept from his life then, as he feels inexplicably  connected to it.  Doesn't often carry it visibly around, however, so it has to be summoned.

-Chef's Knife - He's yet to give the blade a name, but it was a gift from a King he once served as cook for.  Not typically meant to be used for meal preparation, it is a highly ornate  Damascus blade with unique patterns.  Though, while meant more as a status symbol, it's more than capable of outing most typical knives in quality and function.

Armor & Trinkets
-While once in possession of many valuable armors and relics from the Order, he has since abandoned them or even sold them for wealth on his travels, all in an attempt to further distance himself from his life as the Holy Knight.
- Ethereal Physiology, Semi-Immortality: Cannot age, but remains vulnerable to mortal wounds, diseases, and poisons.  Enhanced capabilities overall.
-Holy Fire and Hell Fire manipulation: His combined natures have allowed him a unique gift to channel both the mystic fires of hell, and the holy flames from above.  Each flame has a multitude of uses.  Often not used in conjunction with one another due to sheer strain of contain such conflicting powers.
-His connection with Holy Magic has been limited due to the primordial Demons' essence lingering in him, as it takes the Angelic presence's powers once granted to him to contain it.   He has since been able to learn how to use his newly gained use of both Holy and Hell Fire to cover this loss, however, since it can serve the same purposes.

-The Holy Knight: While he can no longer channel Holy Magic very well, he has great knowledge of spells, enchantments, and techniques that were passed down to him in the Order.   He served as the Order's Master Enchanter as well, before he was promoted to Knight-General.
-Combat: He's highly proficient almost all manor of sword, shield, and spear techniques.  Capable of making impromptu weapons and using them efficiently.   Has also become highly adept in knife work, so much so that they have become one of his preferred weapon.  Well versed in multiple disciplines of warfare and leadership.
-Cooking: His most recent acquisition, in comparison to the rest.  After he abandoned his former life, he came to discover he was actually really good at cooking and preparing food.  Quickly, he came to hone this new skill - and has come to travel far and wide, acting as chef to numerous royal families, dignitaries, and nobility, learning all that he can.  It has been the biggest driving force in his new life, and he's become quite proud of his ability.
Just over 6'1", broad shouldered with an athletic, muscular build.   His tanned flesh nearly caramel in color, contrasting with bright blonde hair left short, meticulously styled.  Eyes seem to shine with an almost unnatural light, the right a bright blue with the left a glittering silver.  Seemed young for a human, mid to early thirties at most.  Clothed in casual, yet fashionable clothes: white silk undershirt and royal blue tie beneath an elegant ebony vest with matching slacks.  Not a single thing out of place, with the exception of an ornate handled chef's knife sheathed on his belt.  It's all topped off by a big, warm smile, almost inviting in nature. 

One last note: Please, be gentle.  :-[

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Reply #1 on: December 22, 2015, 08:59:20 AM
Nice, another AOL rper. I used to play in Medieval Tavern and Red Dragon Inn back in like '01-'03.

And no....the cold doesn't care; the cold isn't gentle.

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