
Baelgrim Bloodhammer

Luctus · 2844

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on: April 21, 2018, 12:59:19 AM
Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Baelgrim
Character Name (if different): Baelgrim Bloodhammer
Species: Dwarf
Age: 249
Apparent Age: 200
Gender: Male
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 375 lbs.
Build: Stocky
Fur/Skin Color: Caucasian
Hair Color/Style: White
Eye Color: Red
Markings/Scars: Concealed
Appendages: Beard
Handedness: Right
Primary Class: Warrior
Secondary Class (optional): Other: Runelord
Profession: Runesmith
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Gotta write a new one. This will be here soon enough.

Demeanor: Boastful, boisterous, cheerful
Likes: Booze, fights, and food
Dislikes: Children, loudmouths
Phobias (if any):
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Judge)
Description: They are disciplined and believe that adhering to and enforcing laws and traditions is the most important thing. They will not generally go out of their way to help others but will intervene to stop crime.Example: Asimovian robots .
Cribnote: Follow the rules and don't get involved.

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX): Low
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Medium-High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium-High
Charisma (CHA): Low
Overall Evaluation: (72) Very Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances
  • Strength / Resistance: Endurance
    Description: As a dwarf, Bargrim is exceptionally well equipped to deal with foreign agents introduced to his body. Even the nastiest of poisons or most virulent of pathogens stand little chance of lasting more than a few days at the most against his immune system, and their effects will be greatly decreased even then. He is not immune, however - enough poison could still kill, and a severe enough illness could simply overwhelm his immune system to the point of collapse.
  • Strength / Resistance: Heat Resistance
    Description: Though not immune, Baelgrim is well adjusted to intense heat. A combination of dwarven heritage, a handful of warding runes, and a great deal of time spent in the forge have endowed him with great tolerance. Heat and fire--whether magical or natural--are 25% less effective against Baelgrim. He'll not be sticking his hands in any raging hot magma anytime soon, but he could walk quite near it without the slightest bit of discomfort.
  • Strength / Resistance: Magic Resistance
    Description: Spells that would act directly upon Baelgrim have their effects halved; potency, duration, and after-effects are reduced thusly. Teleportation magic still works, but anyone wishing to transport him in this way must put forward twice the normal amount of effort. Area of effect magic works normally with the exception of having its impact on Baelgrim greatly reduced.
  • Weakness: All-consuming Grudge
    Description: Less of a direct weakness and more of a heavily exploitable personality flaw. Baelgrim is the sort that will form and hold grudges quite readily. Even a minor slight could result in the immediate termination of a lifelong friendship, while a particularly egregious slight may inspire frightening levels of hatred in the dwarf; he could hunt a man theoretically forever, or at least until his natural life reached its end. So potent are these grudges that a truly magnificent offense may inspire spite enough for the dwarf to cling to life for years past his due date simply to see it through, although there is a limit to how far that can go.
  • Weakness: Cold Vulnerability
    Description: Being well adjusted to heat has left Baelgrim rather lacking when it comes to coping with the cold. Anything below freezing leads to immediate discomfort on the dwarf's part. The decrease in strength and stamina when very cold are fairly noticeable even early on, and the effects only worsen from there. Ice-based magic is 25% more effective against Baelgrim.
  • Weakness: Magic Resistance
    Description: Magic Resistance Beneficial magical effects directed at Baelgrim are halved across the board just like harmful ones. Area-wide or large scale beneficial effects function normally with the exception that their impact on Baelgrim is reduced appropriately.
  • Weakness: Small Stature
    Description: A dwarf is a dwarf. Baelgrim is on the taller end of things for his species, being 5'0", but he is none the less left at a considerable disadvantage against larger opponents. Being short brings with it a distinct lack of reach that can prove rather damning in many combat situations. Short legs also limit movement speed.

  • Weapon: Dwarven Fire Pistol
    Description: A handgun carried on Baelgrim at most times. Rather than utilizing gunpowder and bullets, the weapon condenses magic from fire and air runes, compresses it into dense balls of swirling flame, and discharges it at a rate of speed comparable to bolts from a crossbow. The resulting projectiles do explode on impact, but the blast isn't powerful enough to cause significant injury. Only the area of initial impact is likely to suffer severe burns.

    The weapon's significant drawback is a propensity for overheating. Rather than requiring numerous rounds to recharge once depleted or having to be reloaded, the weapon retains more and more heat after each use. Mechanically it can only be fired every two rounds, but the fifth consecutive shot risks the weapon overheating to the point that it actually explodes in the user's hand. The overheat is severe enough at four to risk burning of the hands even through Baelgrim's native resistance to heat. It has about the same effective range as any other pistol of the era.
  • Weapon: Dwarven Fire Spitter
    Description: This curious weapon requires two hands to use instead of one. The right hand supports much of its weight by grasping the trigger at the back while the left provides stability and aiming by grasping the handle roughly half way down the unusually wide barrel. It's a bit unwieldy--brandishing it lowers maneuverability to a noticeable degree.

    The weapon functions by drawing power from a combination of fire and air runes to release short-lived gouts of searing hot flame at targets immediately in front of the user. It may be charged further for increased range and duration, though doing so very slightly reduces the overall intensity of the flames produced. Each round spent allowing the weapon to charge up equates to a round that it can be fired, an extra five feet of range, and the aforementioned slight yet cumulative drop off in temperature of the flames. The weapon must be charged for at least one round before it can be fired.

    Each use of the Dwarven fire spitter rapidly builds heat, and each round spent charging makes this problem that much worse. The weapon will reach critical heat levels at five exactly as the pistol above; it is both far more likely to explode and capable of far more damage if it does than the pistol. The heat generated at four is already severe enough to risk burning Baelgrim's hands and arms quite badly.
  • Weapon: Rune-imbued Axe
    Description: A bearded axe sized appropriately for a human male of average size. The ironwood haft adds a degree of lasting power that lesser woods may lack. And the blade--wrought of a little known metal of comparable strength to adamantine--affords it great durability and bite. The bladed on this particular bearded axe is just a little thicker and a little longer in the `beard` than the norm, but the difference isn't enough to offset its balance to any meaningful degree. A modestly sized spike is secured to the top of the weapon.

    Three runes appear on this weapon; a half-circle with three lines slanted lines running upper left to lower right going through its center on the left face, a triangle with one missing corner and something resembling an inverted Z running through its middle on the right face, and one resembling an F tipped on its side with a curved line connecting the bottom prong to the bottom of the letter and a secondary line running through both prongs. The first rune allows the axe to become wreathed in flames at the wielder's behest, the second can be used to temporarily alter the weapon's weight, and the third allows it to be called back into the wielder's hand if thrown or disarmed.
  • Weapon: Rune-imbued Shield
    Description: A-typical for a round shield; this is an example of full metal construction. This tool is wrought from the same metal as the head of Baelgrim's axe, and it is every bit as durable. The substance used affords it a level of durability comparable to that of adamantine, although it is thankfully a tad bit more flexible. The shield's design is very simple and straightforward; it lacks significant ornamentation other than runes and a bit of dwarven heraldry. Parts of the shield's rim have been sharpened.

    The shield's three runes take the form four circles; three smaller ones spread evenly amongst the shield conjoined by a large one that forms a sort of border between the shield's rim and its interior. The first circle is home to what could be described as a tilted A with a missing leg, the second houses something resembling a horizontal H superimposed on a regular V, and the final circle contains a backwards C pierced top to bottom by three lines and left to right by one more. All this runework allows the shield to be called to its owner's hand within a limited range, to completely absorb the force of one blow every five rounds, and to discharge that absorbed force back into an opponent via shield bash if the user should elect to do so.
  • Armor: Rune-imbued Armor
    Description: A single suit of armor wrought of the same metal as Baelgrim's axe and shield; its durability is second to none. The armor consists of your typical components: bevor, pauldrons, cuirass, couter, plackart, vambraces, faulds, gauntlets, cuisses, poleyns, greaves, and sabatons. One curious adjustment made was an allowance for the mail shirt worn beneath the armor to hang down and form what is essentially a metallic kilt.

    The runes on this armor are on the inside and therefore invisible to the naked eye. Baelgrim's sabatons have been imbued with the ability to greatly increase his movement speed in short bursts and his gauntlets a passive increase to his already impressive physical strength.
  • Armor: Rune-imbued Helmet
    Description: A helmet forged to perfectly compliment the suit of armor for which it was made; it is both aesthetically and functionally ideal. The helmet veers slightly away from the function-over-form design of the armor in that a pair of horns have been added to it and a small set of crossed golden hammers were placed at the center of the forehead. The lower face is also left open to accommodate the dwarf's mightiest trait of all: his beard.

    Like his suit of armor, the runework of Baelgrim's helmet is hidden on the inside. This piece contains a single rune with two possible effects: it may call nearby foes to focus their attacks upon the dwarf for a limited time, or it may rally allies to fight with renewed vigor for as long as their bodies can physically sustain the effort. In either case, the rune may not be activated again for at least three rounds.
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item:
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Darksight
    Description: Baelgrim sees quite well even in near-total darkness. Even the slightest bit of light is adequate enough for him to readily discern his surroundings almost out to the same range he might when out in board daylight.
  • Ability: Spatial Awareness
    Description: Like many dwarves, Baelgrim remains innately aware of his position relative to his surroundings at all times. He is also always aware of each cardinal direction relative to his location, up and down relative to his orientation, and his current elevation.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Armored Combatant
    Description: Countless years spent on the front lines left Baelgrim well adjusted to wearing a full suit of armor. The weight of such a suit in no meaningful way impacts his movement, speed, or even his stamina. He may behave almost normally even whilst marching into battle in all but the heaviest of armors.
  • Ability: Combat Proficiency
    Description: The dwarf possesses more than a passing knowledge of unarmed combat, though it is largely limited to striking techniques. Where he excels is in the use of any combination of a weapon and a shield, two axes or hammers sized appropriately for dual-wielding, and the handling of various types of crossbows and firearms.
  • Ability: Gunsmithing
    Description: Baelgrim far more well versed in the construction and maintenance of firearms than he is their use. His knowledge is complete enough to allow him to adequately upkeep almost any firearm he may come into contact with, and he could conceivably learn new builds through simple disassembly and a few minutes to a few hours of study.
  • Ability: Runesmithing
    Description: This dwarf was taught from an early age how to forge magic into objects by adding specialized Dwarven runes. Almost any enchantment one can think of may be added to an item or individuals brave enough to receive runes in tattoo form. Some of these runes may be used to channel spells in a more conventional manner as well, though using them in such a way is likely to require a short recharge period before one may do so again. Baelgrim's great skill as a runesmith permits him to quickly analyze and understand virtually any type of rune magic he may come into contact with. Perhaps most impressive of all is the dwarf's ability to temporarily enhance the effect of any runes on his own equipment in exchange for temporarily losing their effects after a set period of time.

    Lastly, runesmiths of Baelgrim's school must adhere to the following rules:
    Rule of Three - No single item may have more than three runes. It is virtually impossible to forge an item capable of bearing the strain of such power, and even those that can would eventually fail. A suit of armor is considered one item for the purposes of this rule.
    Rule of Form - Weapon runes can only be inscribed on weapons, armor runes can only be inscribed on armor, and banner runes can only be inscribed on standards; each rune is uniquely purposed to the item for which it is intended.
    Rule of Pride - No two items made by the same runesmith may carry the same combination of runes except under the most dire of circumstances. Moreover, a runesmith may not copy the works of another runesmith except during their apprenticeship, and even that must be limited to the works of their instructor.
    Rule of Jealousy - No master rune may be used more than once per army, and no more than one master rune can be inscribed on an item. Master runes are so powerful that they cannot be combined together on the same item or used together on the same battlefield. Catastrophic consequences await those that attempt any of these things.

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WIP. Just putting this here in case my net dies. Don't want to have to redo the whole thing in the sheet generator again.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 02:23:24 PM by Luctus »