
A Letter to the Master Healer

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on: January 01, 2017, 12:31:29 AM
A letter would be delivered to the Master Healer. If she could not be found, the letter would be given unto the wee fennec lass, @Zehera, and no other, to be delivered to Ania once the woman was available.

Lady Ania (@Amena),

I regret to inform you that one of the healers in your employ has been charged with two counts of magical assault. Pending an investigation, it is requested that the Fae Dorax be removed from active duties within the infirmary on grounds of being a danger to the health and wellbeing of those within your care.

It is no secret that Fae are masters of trickery, and have had quite the history with causing injury, especially within the halls of the infirmary. It is the fear of a Councilman that brought the matter to my attention, and I am afraid I can not disagree with him. Merely saying the words 'I wish' opens up dangerous doors if Dorax should hear it, and those who are injured or ill or not in a right state of mind are greatly at risk to make 'bargains' without the ability to think of the repercussions.

I hope you understand the danger that having someone of that nature can be in a sensative place such as the infirmary.

All respect unto you,

Master of Law

Offline Amena

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Reply #1 on: January 02, 2017, 02:13:38 PM
A reply letter was sent to Squall.

Master Squall ( @Squall ),

As I have encountered Fae and what they are capable of in the past, I understand the concern. Any patients in the infirmary that are in Dorax's presence are currently warned not to utter 'I wish,' and I am able to stop him if I am in his presence. Granted, I can not always be with him in the infirmary. Given recent circumstances, my healers have had to pick up a lot of the work I normally do on my own. I did not know how Dorax would turn out when I hired him, but he has proven himself a hard worker and has helped not only my family and myself, but several patients and students without issue.

For the time being, so as not to create further concern while he is under investigation and while he is recovering from an attempt on his life from Zelanze, he will not be treating patients. He nearly died and isn't capable of treating anyone during his recovery. My son, Gibbit, has some plans in the works that may help with this issue and will be in contact with you. I have no intention of permanently dismissing Dorax as he has done nothing in the infirmary or to patients to warrant it.

I do hope that the attempt that nearly claimed his life will not go unpunished just because a council member was the one to issue the attack.

If you wish to discuss any of your issues or concerns in person, I am happy to do so. I would rather us come to a resolution that works for everyone without further harm.


Ania Kyuuzou
Master Healer


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Reply #2 on: January 02, 2017, 05:16:22 PM
Lady Ania,

It does well that you took precautions. I am sorry to hear that there has been difficulty of late for you. Forgive me for sending these letters at such a poor time.

I had been made aware of the incident in question, though the breadth of it not so much. I would like to speak with you in person, if you are able.

Thank you for the quick reply.

Stars guide you and yours,

Master of Law