
Vallahd Sacretor

Vallahd · 3784

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on: April 29, 2017, 11:06:14 PM
I've been around rping a decent bit. I enjoyed being creative and found roleplaying to fit well. I've been to a few other dreams and tried long term there, primarily Peddler's Hollow, though I tend to lean more towards the craftsman and diplomatic/dialogue style of rp. Fighting I'm decent at but haven't really had much worth while practice in, given that some people used to freak over the smallest and minute detail I didn't add in. So I'm mainly staying towards the more craftsman side of things in rp's.

As for why I'm interested in joining, me and Hors joined from Peddler's Hollow when that dream went down. Etla was a large dream with people playing in it, so we could both get the kind of roleplay we wanted. And since ICly Val and Hors are a couple, it only felt reasonable to join with Hors.

Furcadia Name: Vallahd Sacretor
Character Name: Vallahd Sacretor
Aliases: Val, Vallah, That one short blacksmith who never freaking sleeps
Species: Feline
Subspecies/Race/Class: Half Shadow Elemental
Age: Physically 21, Spiritually 53
Gender: Maleherm
Height: 5 foot even
Fur/Skin Color: White Fur
Hair Color/Style: Blood red hair usually in a braid to the center of his back
Eye Color: Gold with black specks in it
Markings/Scars: A black nine point star in a circle on the backs of his hands
Appendages: 2 arms, 2 legs, 1 tail, 2 ears, and can manifest 2 black feathered wings of shadow

Demeanor: Usually content, care free, and relaxed, though almost always doing something
Alignment: True Neutral
Profession: Currently a Celestial Blacksmith, Combat wise can be a Blademaster
Resistances: Negative magics such as shadow magic, abyssal, and demonic, and has a decent resistance towards physical damages
Weaknesses: Light Magic and swimming
Phobias: Deep water (deep being deeper than 8 feet)

Strength (STR): 22
Dexterity (DEX): 25
Constitution (CON): 14
Intelligence (INT): 19
Wisdom (WIS): 16
Charisma (CHA): 14

- Shadow Dragon Katana/Twin Shadow Wakizashis - Despite the long name, it's relatively simple. It's a pair of twin wakizashis that are made from shadow metals that can be fused into a long katana, or Odachi to use the proper term. It can channel Val's energy, and is healed when cracked and in shadows, but nothing special beyond that.
- Fenrir Slayer and Giant Slayer - Two war axes of Norse make, inherited by a viking vampire who loved Val's alcohol. As their name implies, one is a silver viking war axe meant to kill Werewolves, and the other is a gold viking war axe meant to kill giants.
- Endar - Endar is an Adamantine Khopesh from his long time friend and celestial smith master, the first true celestial weapon Val worked on. It's infused with the energies of fire, shadow, and light, though thanks to both smiths following a more Paladinic mindset, will only hurt those who the wielder truly mean to hurt. Val's personal name for it is Endar, The Flame of Truth, after the Egyptian ideology of a feather of truth showing those who are guilty of heinous crimes.
- Shadow Light Plate - Val's armor consists of a series of thin, purposely shaped platelets that interconnect intricately to provide as much coverage as possible without being either noisy or restricting in movement. The original armor was made out of pressurized thin steel plates that were tempered, layered on leather armor with silk cloth around the edges of the armor to reduce noise. The most up to date version of this armor is black mithril plates on top of shadowsilk leather armor, which he controls to ensure they don't make noise and can channel his magic without restriction. The helmet, though, is a remnant of his lost village, which allows him to use a sort of dark vision to see the world without the restriction of physical barriers, though spells light illuminate and transient light blind him to this effect.
- Obsidian Wedding Ring - Being the only real trinket he has on his person at all times, this wedding ring was teleported out of obsidian by Hors and enchanted by both of them to ensure that they would always know where the other was at, and if needed, could communicate with each other via a mind link. Thus would allow Hors to teleport safely to Val without risk of popping into someone or something.
(Natural, I'll list his tops since he is an elemental)
- Shadowstep - A quick form of shadow travel that allows him to move up to 100 feet at a time so long as the destination has a surface shadow for him to walk out of. So he won't be stepping out into a desert any time soon, unless someone has a shadow there.
- Shadow Hand - A simple spell, more akin to a parlor trick than a real exertion of power, that allows him to lift items up and move them like he had Telekinesis. Unless said object is illuminated from the inside, it'll work on most things that aren't magical.
- Shadow Form - A natural 'elemental' form he grew into when he gained his full strength, it's a more alien form, empowering his shadow magic while making his weakness to light all the stronger, to the point where sunlight will burn him like a traditional vampire. This allows him to access a few high powered shadow spells though, like an exclusion zone that empowers shadow and darker elemental magics even further, though at a contained space.
- Normal Magic - Despite being an elemental, not all magics came naturally to Val. In fact, if it wasn't for his village's symbols, the 9 pointed stars on his hands, he would be confined to shadow magic purely. As it is, thanks to those symbols, he's able to convert his natural energy into other forms to manifest other magics.
- Shadow Variants - As vague as the title is, it's pretty straight forward. With learning new magics, he learned how to manifest them in his own magic, such as fire, fireballs, and lightning, though instead of them being Exothermic, they're Endothermic, instantly freezing things. Makes for great special effects.
- Ninjitsu and Assassination - Val is a retired assassin, and as such, he learned a lot about killing, stealth, and poisons. Which in his new line of profession, means almost nothing except he can swing a blade well and understand how they feel.
(Furcadia Description)
Standing at about 5 feet tall, anyone who looked upon him would note a few things. First and foremost, this feline wasn't a stick. His body was toned well from years of work and training. His blood red hair was long, down to the middle of his back, but was usually braided to keep it neat and manageable. He was often wearing only a black silk tunic and grey pants, barefoot. On his left hand was an obsidian ring on his ring finger. His eyes were a dark gold, keen, sharp, and attentive, even when he was relaxed. Beyond that, he was relatively normal.
Any other pertinent info: Vallahd, despite his backstory and skills, is not meant for combat centered roleplays. He can fight, and will fight should anything happen, but he is more centered about casual roleplaying and quest line style roleplays, assuming the quest lines actually get expanded upon with the player around. I know the player is strong. He is retired from combat, unless an end of the world scenerio happens and it's alright to take the reigns off. Until then, he's a craftsman, and sometimes a spy or scout.


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Reply #1 on: May 14, 2017, 06:35:04 PM
Hullo Val! Your OC is a bit complex, so I'm going to have a few questions for you first.

Vallahd is a Celestial blacksmith with a resistance to darkness, but you also listed light as one of his weaknesses. Does he he have power over holy/light and dark magics?

The weapon made of shadow magic is written as capable of channeling Val's energy. What does this mean? Is it made of solidified dark energies, and can it fire dark magic?

Is the golden giant-killer axe enchanted to make heavier hits, or is it just made of gold?

His Adamantine Khopesh is imbued with fire, shadow, and light. Shadow and light are conflicting magics that should not be able to coexist as enchantments on the same item.

Both the teleportation ring and shadowstep should have preps to prevent endless auto-dodging in combat.

What is the maximum weight he can move with shadowhand/telekinesis?

What is his shadow form's Shadow Zone ability size?

What magics is he capable of as a whole? Do they all revolve around the symbols on his hands? Is there a limit to how much mana he can expend/the size/strength of spells he can cast? If the symbols are damaged, what would happen?

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Reply #2 on: May 14, 2017, 08:06:24 PM
To answer them in order, Val has a superficial control over light. Holy he can manipulate because despite being dark, it's not aligned to evil or a 'dark god' of sorts, rather he is aligned to the ruling spirit of shadow. But his control and manipulation of light is superficial and is essentially only making something glow.

The Dragon Katana, which is what you're reading about, is made out of shadow steel, and can act as a catalyst for Val's shadow abilities only, with the added benefit of Val being able to imbue the blade with a shadow fire or whatever he needs.

So far as I know, since I wasn't given much information myself, is that it's enchanted to do more damage against Giants. It's from Norse mythos so I'll go the safe route here and say it's enchanted to hit heavier against larger opponent equal to if the wielder and the axe was of equal size to it,

The Khopesh's light and shadow duality was more symbolic in that roleplay, a sort of break through point where Val and his friend, who is a celestial dragon himself, put into practice the concept of absolute balance into a weapon. Two forces that are conflicting by nature given an equal ground and existence inside an item via the adamantium that it's in and the fire enchantment that acts as a barrier between them, as neither the light energy or shadow energy can be summoned without the fire intervening and intertwining itself into that magic.

To clarify, the obsidian ring was teleported out of an obsidian chunk by Hors. It does not have the ability itself to teleport, it's only enchanted to allow Hors and Val know where they are at any given time. As for Shadow Step, I have been using preparation time in order to perform it in combat, but in casual roleplay I don't see a need.

His shadowhand's maximum weight carry is about 1.5X what Val can normally carry for living creatures, and 2X what he can for inanimate objects without needing to spend excess mana to force it to move. On average, with Val able to carry about 300 pounds, his shadow hand can carry 450 pound people, and 600 pounds of inanimate object. Note that whatever someone has on them, armor, weapons, luggage, tables/chairs, or whatever else they grab as they're floating does count as living carry weight, not inanimate. Mostly because it's harder to lift a person because they're always wiggling, and inanimate objects don't do that often.

The shadow exclusion zone size is exponential to how much mana he uses to make it. Say Vallahd has 2000 mana to work with, the first 20 would get about 2 feet wide, then 40 would get another foot, and so on. The normal size in diameter the zone will be put at is about 30 feet in all directions, which takes up half of Vallahd's mana pool, but cuts the cost of his spells by 1/3 and allows him to use his shadow form without burning up in day light.

The last one I'll answer separately.

Val is capable of Fire, very minorly Water, some Earth, and very few Air spells. He can perform general Arcane magics, and has an understanding of light magic, since it's his duality, but can perform very little of it. He has a strong understanding of runes, and has been studying, though rarely practicing, in the fields of Necromancy, Chronomancy, and attempted to develop his psychic ability: Of which he has none. He has items that allow him to manipulate Void and Demonic energies but he himself does not posses the ability.

Yes. The symbols on his hands act as both a minor catalyst and a transformer for his natural magic. The symbol itself is based around 9 spirits believed to have made the world: Fire, water, earth, air, light, dark, time, space, and energy. Though while each point has the meaning of that spirit, the possessor of the symbol is not guaranteed to be able to manipulate all of them, or even most of them. Those who are able to wield all have to give up their own innate spiritual affinity and become 100% mortal, basically refusing the half elemental in them and giving it back to the ruling spirit.

Thanks to Val being a half elemental, he has a decently large mana pool to work with. Though spells that aren't shadow take about 50% more for him to cast thanks to them not being attuned to him, and some spells like the advanced light spells, such as wall of light, are flat out impossible for him to cast despite his best efforts. Though thanks to him being a half elemental and having a natural understanding of energy based magic, if he wanted to he could over charge his spells. Though again, this causes a minor exponent in power consumption. The most he can get it is about 50% more damage at 200% the cost. For Area of effect spells, that price goes up to 300% more for about a 50% wider area and 25% more damaging spell. Normally his spells will stay at a base level of strength. As for how much he can expend, Val can expend a good amount of energy before needing to back off, but that number will usually be around when he only has 30% mana remaining. He is a half elemental, and any lower will make him ill. Anything below 10% will make him violently ill and incapable of doing any magic. And at 0%, he has approximately 24 hours to recover mana or get magic in him before he is dead.

The symbols are more or less spiritually bound to him, so damaging the physical versions wouldn't have too much impact. If the spiritual versions of the stars were damaged, however, that would heavily limit the magic he could do to which ever points were not damaged, and his natural magic.If the points are all damaged, which the points start from the center to the actual tip of the point, then he is limited only to his shadow magic and will have to use external magic conversions to make different kinds of magic.


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Reply #3 on: June 23, 2017, 03:36:02 AM
While I understand a difference between light/holy and dark/demonic,
Resistances: Negative magics such as shadow magic, abyssal, and demonic, and has a decent resistance towards physical damages
Weaknesses: Light Magic and swimming
It was the "negative magic" bit that got me wondering how he could make Celestial/holy weapons". If he has a resistance to demonic powers, it would be balanced by a weakness to holy powers.

Two forces that are conflicting by nature given an equal ground and existence inside an item via the adamantium that it's in and the fire enchantment that acts as a barrier between them, as neither the light energy or shadow energy can be summoned without the fire intervening and intertwining itself into that magic.
Is this strictly symbolic? Or when the blade strikes, does it do dark, light, and fire damage?

Val is capable of Fire, very minorly Water, some Earth, and very few Air spells. He can perform general Arcane magics, and has an understanding of light magic, since it's his duality, but can perform very little of it. He has a strong understanding of runes, and has been studying, though rarely practicing, in the fields of Necromancy, Chronomancy, and attempted to develop his psychic ability: Of which he has none. He has items that allow him to manipulate Void and Demonic energies but he himself does not posses the ability.
What are Arcane magics? (I always used arcane and magic as synonyms)
He can understand light magic, but because it's his opposite, he should not be able of using any of it at all.
Having a grasp of the core elements fire, water, earth and air is already pretty powerful. Being a Half Shadow Elemental that has still found a way to influence the other elements is already pretty impressive, but also grasping runes, Necromancy, Chronomancy, and pursuing psychic powers is entering excessive territory even if those scopes are "limited" or "weak". He's been able to offer extremely powerful enchantments on weapons/armor/items on top of all these magics.
What are these objects and to what degree do they give him control over void/demonic energies?

"The shadow exclusion zone size is exponential to how much mana he uses to make it. Say Vallahd has 2000 mana to work with, the first 20 would get about 2 feet wide, then 40 would get another foot, and so on. The normal size in diameter the zone will be put at is about 30 feet in all directions, which takes up half of Vallahd's mana pool, but cuts the cost of his spells by 1/3 and allows him to use his shadow form without burning up in day light.
Thanks to Val being a half elemental, he has a decently large mana pool to work with."
Being a literary setting, Etla doesn't operate on numbers like powers in D&D would. We do use preps and drawbacks, but stores of mana are not typically utilized.

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Reply #4 on: June 23, 2017, 09:44:15 PM
The resistance he gets from negative magics that aren't shadow can be very minor at best. I'm trying to avoid having Val be weak to holy because Holy implies a forced alignment, and if Val is weak to it, his alignment is perceived to be evil regardless of actual personality. If you want, we can simply have him be resistant to shadow magic and a minor resistance to physical.

The khopesh's strikes are either fire and dark or fire and light, but never both at the same time.

Arcane magic is raw manipulation of magic into usable forms, without mediums or catalysts. As for light magic, Val requires special items to manipulate light magic rather than simply being able to use the magic blatantly, much like most of the other magics he knows. The primary elements, fire, earth, water, and air, he has up to advanced knowledge of but can't progress beyond that, and the spell selection is limited. As for Chronomancy and Psychic powers, he only has surface understanding and research, with Necromancy being pretty muddied in practice, and well understood on paper.

His enchantment strengths come from a ley-line and using a number of high quality items, like an adamantine anvil and hammer linked to said ley-line. As for the gauntlets that give him control over void and demonic energies, they give him the ability to wield them without putting his soul at risk. They also convert energy to the desired magic type, but the amount needed to get anything is pretty much a 4 to 1 in magic to demonic magic. The enchanted weapons themselves do rely on the person's individual strength more than making an uber weapon, unless power stones are involved.

And alright, understood. I was just using mana for Val because he relies on magic to survive. Though again, Val is retired from fighting.


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Reply #5 on: July 03, 2017, 01:38:09 AM
I see what you mean! Light isn't equal to holy while dark is not the same as evil. But if he isn't light, good, dark or evil, how is he a celestial blacksmith (celestial meaning of or related to heaven, something extremely good)?

Before I ask any more questions, I wanted to make sure I understood all of your answers:

Val can used advanced fire, earth, water, and air, but the spell selection is limited.

He can use special items to manipulate light magic.

He uses a leyline rather than his own powers to fuel the creation of powerful enchantments.

He uses special gauntlets to use void and demonic energies without becoming evil/risking his soul.

The way I look at it, most magics don't have an alignment. The varieties can be tapped into by those who have a means to do so. However, to keep things in balance, there should always be a drawback. Using many varieties of magic should have a variety of drawbacks. Does Val experience any downsides to having such a wide variety of powers?

Though again, Val is retired from fighting.
You've been here for aaages, I trust you when you say you don't intend to use him for combat. But we as an admin team have to make sure that all apps fit Etla standard.

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Reply #6 on: July 05, 2017, 07:41:53 PM
The way I've always looked at it, Celestial beings, while often Angelic, are primarily beings of great power and energy. Vallahd himself can be technically classified as a celestial type being, though only because of him having a lot of magic power.

As far as the elements go, he has advanced fire, basic knowledge and textbook knowledge of the other three.

Yes, albeit it's more akin to a fancy multi color flashlight and image projector, can't do any radiating light or transient lights, though he has knowledge on advanced magics.

Correct, and he built his forge around it with the sole purpose of flowing that ley-line's energy through whatever he's working on to bring it to a celestial class weapon.

Also correct, which he's going to be making for those currently in his class.

The thing I've been going for Val's drawback is two things. The first being his dependence on energy and magic to stay alive. As stated before, if he runs low on magic, he's going to be violently ill, and if he runs out or over extends, he's going to die. Second is, while he can, and has, learned as much as he can about most magics, he is extremely limited in his vanilla practices. The 9 point stars allow for access to the other elements, but that is limited to the point of basic control unless he works hard at it or becomes creative, like with fire. So to access the other elemental based magics, he needs either special stones or items that artificially circumvent the barriers and boundaries of those magics. If he wants to get stronger naturally, he needs to give up his physical form and become weaker to light and his natural antithesis. Conversely, he can reject his elemental side and loose his magic and weakness to his natural antithesis.

As for the items themselves, those play in with Val's primary weakness, and they take double if not more to properly charge up the energy gems on them to power them, which add to the risk of using them. While he doesn't risk his soul, he does risk his own health if he over draws and gets below that 10% mark.

(Edit 7/12/2017) After rereading my messages and explanations, I feel it would be better if I set upon a more detailed but straight forward explanation of Vallahd's magic.

He is a half elemental with access to the primary four elements as well as light and shadow, though his specialty is shadow. His people have basic control over all elements except their antithesis for a communal reason, to assist in stabilizing and controlling massive spells or averting natural disasters such as land slides, monsoons, forest fires, and tornados. This control extends up to, and not exceeding, being able to push and 'bend' the element in question. No fancy conversions, no being able to summon other elementals or beings, and no being able to even make a proper attack. It's more akin to the Avatar world where the benders can just move them and that's it, and even then it strains on the half elemental if it isn't their element. Val managed to gain advanced control over fire magic by artificially incorporating shadow magic into it, making 'shadow' variants which are endothermic rather than exothermic, and circumventing the barrier enough to utilize it. He tried the same with the other 3 elements, but you can't put a shadow on air, stone already has shadows in it which he can't use unless he's transferring himself, and the best he could do with water is make black ice, which is as strong as iron, but sits at a negative temperature, so he has to actively control it to not freeze his hand off, and it collects more water into black ice the more it rains. So he just uses that as a convenient following umbrella in rain storms.

As far as arcane magics go, he can control raw magic and utilize runes and circles without much issue, so long as he knows the runes. Which is where he gets most of his magical prowess from, he obsessively studies. That's the primary reason why I keep adding that he has textbook knowledge on a good number of magics, even if he has basic ability.

Downsides to his magic, however, are that he is a half elemental. He relies on magic to live, which most of his items rely on heavy magic usage to properly do what they're made for, and while he does have a large reservoir of mana and can collect ambiently when meditating and focusing, if he dips below the 25% threshold he is in pain. Another downside is that since he is a half elemental, he has to obey the laws governing his element type, meaning his magic is stronger in the winter months after the fall equinox, he can't enter a realm of pure light, and if an elementallist knew how to capture a shadow elemental and restrain them, they can do the same to Vallahd. And of course, his natural limitations in other magics.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 02:05:25 AM by Vallahd »


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Reply #7 on: July 15, 2017, 04:27:31 PM
Thanks for your patience Val, approved.