

Belial · 1951

Offline Belial

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on: January 27, 2018, 04:59:16 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? Yes

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Janos
Character Name (if different): Janos
Alias(es): Golden Mask, Masked One, Mr. Mask, Golden One
Species: Enhanced Living Construct
Subspecies/Race: N/A Appears as a construct with a mask in a humanoid form
Age: Possibly Centuries
Apparent Age: Mid 20's, mostly veiled beneath mask and clothes
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9 without mask, 6'2 with mask
Weight: 144 lbs
Build: Athletic, skinnier side with sinewy muscles and no apparent body-fat
Fur/Skin Color: White skin with a slight tanned tone
Hair Color/Style: Black, almost shoulder length wrapped up beneath mask
Eye Color: Lifeless black when not using powers, red when actively using abilities
Markings/Scars: A variety underneath his hair along scalp as if it were once cut open in a surgical manner, likely upon creation
Appendages: Third Eye
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Other: Monk
Secondary Class (optional): Other: Psychic
Profession: Guardian, Monk, Psychic, Wanderer, Advisor
Appearance (Furcadia Description):

Demeanor: Sedated, Mysterious, Logical, Passive, Dispassionate, Calm
Likes: Nature, animals, secluded areas, quiet nights
Dislikes: Large crowds, need for secrecy, those nosy about him
Phobias (if any): Losing his mask, losing control of his powers
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Judge)
Description: They are disciplined and believe that adhering to and enforcing laws and traditions is the most important thing. They will not generally go out of their way to help others but will intervene to stop crime.Example: Asimovian robots .
Cribnote: Follow the rules and don't get involved.

Strength (STR): Medium-High
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): undefined
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): High
Charisma (CHA): Low
Overall Evaluation: (66) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances
  • Strength / Resistance: Standard construct advantages
    Description: Fast healing, immunity to poison, mind-altering effects, necromancy, disease, paralysis, stunning, fatigue, exhaustion, drain effects and so on. Since he is a 'living' construct he does not need to eat, sleep, breathe or drink but can still benefit from potions and food without any negative effects. His 'sleep' is instead a four hour period of inactivity as if he were meditating, but he does not dream and is fully aware of his surroundings and only needed to repair damage and such.
  • Weakness: Standard construct disadvantages
    Description: Most healing magic is half as effective against him.
  • Weakness: Psychic Sensitivity
    Description: Without the mask he's prone to being able to rapidly read the minds of others around him and become flooded with psychic visions and the mental bombardment, no matter how experienced he may be, comes with a price. When the mask's third eye is closed he is in a stable state, opening focuses it and with the helmet off he's vulnerable and finds it painful to have it off in a crowded area.
  • Weakness: Code
    Description: He lives by a self-regulated, personal code he feels strongly compelled to follow even if it proves inconvenient to his logical self. This code includes, but is not limited to: Maintaining neutrality as often as possible, not using his powers on others unless given permission or lives are at risk and there is no alternative, striving his best to never kill another living being regardless of alignment unless lives are at risk and there is no alternative, he cannot tell a lie (if he is told a rumor which ends up being a lie and he repeats it, it is different if he believed it to be the truth at the time of hearing it), he cannot willing give up his life, as in he cannot sacrifice himself for another or try and find a manner in which to kill himself -- he must do his best to survive and observe much of life without embroiling himself deep into current events if possible.

  • Weapon: Ornate Staff
    Description: A long staff, presumably from the outside to aid in walking, in reality to defend himself. The staff is made from a strong, rarely bending material with a gold-colored eye socket with a deep ruby engraved in the eye itself. The staff acts as an enhanced weapon capable of harming supernaturals creatures who traditionally need greater weapons to injure them. The staff is capable of being used to channel magic and deflect magic, though it is not needed for Janos to do so.
  • Weapon: Assortment of knives
    Description: He owns a carving knife, letter opener, linoleum knife, whittling knife, a scalpel and other tool related knives. Often kept on a pouch at his hip underneath his robes.
  • Armor: Ornate Robes
    Description: He wears a long, flowing robe with a part up the middle to allow greater movement. The robe is adorned in black with gold trimming and long, flowing bands from his shoulders and a high collar. His robes are adorned with pockets on the inside and also padded enough to provide cushion against attacks from smaller weapons and their durability cannot be stated enough, as they seem unchanged by the elements.
  • Armor: Golden Mask
    Description: His golden mask adds nearly half a foot to his height and though expertly crafted, it's purpose is more than just to protect his head with a strong material. His mask is near unbreakable, necessarily so, as it suppresses and aids in his physic abilities. The third eye slot opens up when needing to focus his psychic abilities and closes when he needs a quieter mind. It is very likely if the mask were removed in a large crowd he'd be unable to keep his third eye closed for long and he'd inadvertently read the minds of countless others and all his powers working at once without it's filter ought to overwhelm him and leave him vulnerable and scarred with what he sees and hears.
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Bag of holding
    Description: Inside his bag of holding he carries tools ranging from the expected such compasses, bedrolls, ropes, water flask, sewing needle, tent, hammer, journal, blanket, maps, rations, and repairing apparatuses, chest, grappling hook, ink, quill, spellbook, shovel, spare clothes, clothes, caltrops, bolas, rags,  torches and other oddities. Any sharp materials are folded into a pouch or wrapped in special cloth as to not poke at the bag itself.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Construct nature
    Description: As mentioned before, he is immune to a variety of mind-altering magics, poisons, fatigue, disease, aging, necromancy and so on and does not need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe to exist, but he does require a certain amount of meditative sleep to repair damage. He is durable in the sense he is not bothered by long term damage and is capable of healing short of being outright atomized. He is strong, perhaps not overwhelmingly so, but factor in a lack of fatigue and his strength becomes more apparent in a drawn out fight. His speed is his greatest physical attribute and is evident in fast reflexes, acrobatic feats, graceful balancing acts and a mastery over moving his body in positions and angles thought difficult for others and seemingly independent of the expected pain or need to think of a reaction.
  • Ability: Psychic Powers
    Description: His psychic powers stem from a third eye atop his forehead and are near constantly active to some degree even with his specialized mask to aid in countering it. His psychic abilities include, but are not limited to: Allspeak, astral projection, aura reading, clairvoyance, divination, exceptional awareness, extra-sensory perception, hypnosis, levitation, lucid dreaming of himself and others, Ki-manipulation, mind-control, mind-reading, precognition, prophecy, psychokinesis, psychometry, pyrokinesis, remote viewing, retro-cognition, second sight, scrying, telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation and others.

    Due to his code he is restricted from using a great deal of these on others unless consent given or lives in the balance or if he believes there is no other alternative. His powers are hard even for him to control and are suppressed by his mask and the slot which either reveals or hides his third eye.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Survival methods
    Description: Though not needing much in the way of independent survival he is still aware of how to survive in nearly any environment. This includes basic shelter building, weaving, navigation and so on. He's also well versed in various martial arts ranging from the use of pole-arms and his body along with other simple weapons and improvised ones.
  • Ability: Worldly
    Description: He's learned enough to understand a variety of languages and the differences in cultures and species whether it be their weaponry or clothing, but his logical nature often clouds him from understanding intrinsic aspects such as complex religion and sociopolitical issues stemming from emotional triggers.   His allspeak aids in being able to comprehend any thoughts in the mind in any language, unless of course the language is an entirely made up bunch of garble known by none.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info:
While I realize a psychic character such as Janos has the potential to break many scenes and potentially have a solution for nearly every problem and is altogether stronger than perhaps the average character, I hope his drawbacks are seen. Not only does his mask play a key role in controlling himself, but his strict code which works more like a program in a machine, does effectively limit him from how he may impact a scene or overall storyline. He is bound to forever be an observing force until forced to interact with others. By roleplaying with this character, as in posting directly at him, you are consenting for the possibility of his psychic powers being used against or for you if push comes to shove. I will never have him spout out your characters past or force them to act upon a prophetical vision, but he very well might acknowledge blatant signs of hostility and be forced to act upon them. I still rely on a degree of consent with all scenes as to not make this character feel overwhelming, but he can almost always read anyone to some degree whether it be deeper, internal monologues or a general read as to the other's intentions and most base of feelings.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 05:39:09 PM by Belial »