
Commission: Grave Garden

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on: August 06, 2016, 01:17:29 PM
A letter was left for the Master Horticulturist in the early hours of the morn.
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Esteemed Lady @Ameera Nasrin ,
I write both to inquire upon the state of your establishment and to place a potential commission. How fares your conservatory? Has your stock suffered the eclipse's influence, and how fare you in the wake of this catastrophe?

It is my belief that the sanctity of flora will yet provide comfort to our city. I have spoken with our Master Cryptkeeper, she and I are in agreement; it is her desire to brighten the graveyard with colorful verdure and flowers. Have you in stock white roses, calla lilies, foxgloves, lupines, snapdragons, tulips, and a small batch of belladonna?
Master Dralt
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 02:42:01 AM by Takurasho »

Offline Ameera Nasrin

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Reply #1 on: August 07, 2016, 06:51:33 PM
With Lady Ameera mostly out of commission, having suffered from nearly drowning and then pneumonia, she's not been keeping up with her correspondence! Therefore Master Dralt's letters would be perused at the same time, via the assistance of an enchanted ring, and her belated reply would address both inquiries. The letter itself is written in clear to read script and quite feminine in nature, obviously not written by the blind doe herself.

Master @Takurasho Dralt,

I must apologize for not responding to you sooner! I have been unwell and am currently still recovering from pneumonia inflicted during the eclipse. I have already received medical care and am expected to make a full recovery (with hope) in the next few weeks. I trust that you are well now and that you did not suffer many ill effects. I have included with this letter two small vials of oils for you, made from the very flowers I grow, in hopes that they shall help with your recovery.

The Conservatory thankfully did not take too much structural damage and any necessary repairs have already been seen to. My stock however has indeed taken a great deal of damage from the week long eclipse. I was not able to care for the flora during the chaos and an additional week without care while I was on bed rest has taken its toll. With the help of my fiance, @Arator Drubunir, we have pulled up much of the dead flora to clear the beds for new growth. I have re-purposed what has been removed for future use - be it medicinal or common.

If you have any additional personal use for such products please do let me know. I plan to offer my supplies to the Master Healer @Amena in this time of need, and have left a basket of my wares (one of each flower from the affected batches) for her at the Infirmary along with a note that she may contact me should she require more.

As for your request for the graveyard, I would be happy to see to it. I have most of what you request, as some flowers are hardier and weather times of stress far better than others. I regret that a small few of what you asked for has been cleared away with the rest of the damage. These flowers in particular will take a little more time to procure. I have seedlings that can be planted either at the site you wish, or grown elsewhere and transplanted to the graveyard when they are ready, but I have no current bulbs or blooms viable for planting at this moment.

How I shall proceed, of course, depends on which route you and the Master Cryptkeeper would prefer. I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience. Please do enjoy the oils.

Lady Ameera Nasrin Sherazi

PS: In light of these past events and fearing that another frigid winter may be in our future, I have decided it would be wise to seek some magical aid for the Conservatory. Preferably some protection for its glass structure, and some manner of ensuring that the climate within is not affected by that without. I have mentioned this in passing to Lady Sedai ( @Rapt ) and would be most appreciative if you know of any others that you could suggest for such a task.

The letter would be delivered by a simply dressed maid, a female squirrel in her late 30's - early 40's. With the letter are two small vials, one of a rosy hue - Rose Oil - and another a pale amber yellow - Lavender Oil. Both are labeled in the doe's own atrociously bad handwriting and wrapped in soft cloth so that they would not break in transport. The cloth bound by a simple, thin purple ribbon tied in a small bow. A short note, also in Ame's awful script, is attached to them that reads,

To promote stress relief and relaxation.

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Reply #2 on: August 08, 2016, 07:28:01 PM
The squirrel maid would be both thanked and dismissed with assurances that a courier would carry his response later on. Likely to be discovered come dawn, it was deposited in the heart of night.
Lady @Ameera Nasrin ,
I am greatly dismayed to hear of your condition. I've not received a bill from the infirmary, but know that your status as a Master Merchant warrants you medical coverage, or in this case, compensation. The Guild would gladly refund your infirmary expenditure, and I encourage you to tab future bills unto our organization.
The support of your fiancé in so trying times is surely a relief; I am glad his help is at your disposal, but if you two require further aid- or a substitute should you again find yourself indisposed- I would gladly run an ad in the paper and on our publicized job board for an apprentice or assistant, should you so desire one or the other.
Your decision to donate unto the infirmary is fully endorsed. I can think of no better place to profit from it, though I would consider sending an inquiry to the Master of Law. Perhaps the Gendarme medics might make use of it as well. What are the contents of the batch? I will write on your behalf, lest you prefer to.
Seeds will surely suffice. I do not doubt that the Master Cryptkeeper may find tending to budding life alongside the recently passed to be therapeutic. I will write to assure her that the order has been placed, and while I am uncertain as to when she intends to retrieve it, I will issue payment before she comes to collect.

Your concern is appreciated, your practical bestowal of oils readily accepted. The application of such substances is regarded as traditional healing in my mother's homeland, and I look upon the practice with respectful sentiment. I will make good use of them.
Master Dralt
PS: Arcane reinforcements are a wise consideration indeed. Lady Sedai has earned her title with innumerable displays of mastery, she has earned my trust and recommendations, though I understand her methods of charge are quite unorthodox. The Guild takes financial responsibility for transactions betwixt the Masters lest they insist on doing so themselves. I will inquire upon the cost with her, as we are scheduled to speak soon, and if she is unable or unwilling I would suggest turning to our Master Warder, Miss Rivers.

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Reply #3 on: August 10, 2016, 05:33:43 PM
Lady Ameera's response was delivered again by that squirrel maid, the letter deposited in the evening hours. As before the letter is clearly written in another's hand, but Ame's signature is done in her own atrocious handwriting.

Master @Takurasho Dralt,

I am happy to hear that you practice such healing and will enjoy such gifts! I paid the bill myself as I was entirely too exhausted at the time to remember I had assistance through the Guild. I believe the visit cost me one gold. Thankfully with the help of Lady Ania's medicine, as well as additional medicinal relief from Mr. Crosis ( @CrosisDarkarma ) and Master Ashley ( @JayBird ) I should be well again soon, thank you for your concern.

As for the need of additional aid, an ad in the paper would be greatly appreciated. I had originally hoped to find an apprentice or assistant through word of mouth, but with so much damage inflicted during the eclipse it would be wiser to follow the more practical route. And as my fiance works for the Gendarme I know I cannot rely on just his aid alone.

I shall try and get in touch with Master @Squall as soon as I am able. I had not known they had their own medics so thank you indeed for making the suggestion! Does the Fighter's Guild have their own medics as well? Or the Bloodsworn? Would they have need of such ingredients as well, do you think? While I would ordinarily prefer to make some sort of business agreement for such supplies, in these trying times I would rather donate to them what they may need and be of proper aid to the city.

While I am sure that my Conservatory has more medicinal flora in it, I am still learning which of them have such properties. Those that I know of by name and am able to identify by smell, touch and taste I have had listed for you below. I assure you that am still working to identify much of what has been pulled, and I trust I shall be able to get through the lot of it soon enough. From the damaged flora:

    Blue Lobelia
    Angelica Herb

The hardier flowers that I have growing, while still in need of proper care to be fully revived, are as follows:

    Butterfly Weed

I hope you find this list useful. As for the order for the Master Cryptkeeper, I shall try to meet with her personally in the next few days. I can pay a visit to Master Squall personally in regards to the medicinal flora, and Master Ashley as well should the Fighter's Guild have need of it. I confess however that while I know of the Bloodsworn, I have no knowledge of anyone in it (except for an overheard conversation at the Conservatory's Grand Opening!) If you believe them to be in need of anything I have listed, I would greatly appreciate you writing to them on my behalf.

I shall keep you apprised of the outcome of my future meetings with the other Master's and again thank you for your concern as well as your assistance.

Lady Ameera Nasrin Sherazi

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Reply #4 on: August 14, 2016, 06:49:14 PM
The maid would be met by the master this turn, who would bid she take tea and wait awhile that he might send her on her way with an expedient response.
Lady @Ameera Nasrin
You may consider the ad aired. I will see to its publication promptly, and should an interested individual approach the guild as opposed to the conservatory, I will notify you expediently.
It is my understanding that- given their precarious line of work- the Gendarmes host either the individual capability for field treatment or their own established branch of healers. I cannot say the same for the Fighter's Guild, but then, their mechanisms are a mystery to me. I have declined their Guildmistress' requests of association betwixt our guilds, but I would not impede upon your decision, and would neither decline nor encourage that you to provide them a donation. While I suspect that the Bloodsworn are tended to by medical means within the castle, I will inquire with Commander Render, and query as to whether or no they've need of such magnanimity. The list is useful indeed. I will include it in my letters.

Your initiative is a godsend, as is your collaboration within our guild and our city. I look forward to the resulting report.
High Regards,
Master Dralt
PS: One Viratin Amutil approached me with the desire to procure the Master Alchemist position. I have tasked him to prove his potential with a masterwork. If he approaches you in search of ingredient, know that he is on a quest I have blessed, and do send word if he is lacking in respects. If he is inducted, your businesses may benefit from one another. If he were to commit any unsavory gesture, I would hear of it.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2016, 01:19:43 AM by Takurasho »

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Reply #5 on: September 19, 2016, 06:21:24 PM
With the Conservatory finally flourishing again, flowers were available once more. And quite a few types in abundance! Now that things are back in order the Master Horticulturist was able to send out orders as requested, finally!

A hand-pulled cart would arrive at the Master Crypt Keeper's residence in the late afternoon hours. Inside were several hand-thrown, plain but well made, planting pots. Two rather large pots contained Iceberg Roses, several medium ones held Calla Lilies of various colors, more still with colorful Foxgloves, a smaller supply of Snapdragons and lastly an array of multicolored Tulips.

Despite the amount of items that had arrived, it was in actuality a modest supply of each flower, else the poor Cryptkeeper's house get overrun in flora! A brief letter accompanied the delivery and contained information on how best to care for them. The contents are as follows:

Master @Riley Keller,

Here is the order of flowers that you and Master Dralt have requested of me. Thankfully the flora that you have requested all prefer full (and sometimes partial) sun, depending upon the heat. Keep them moderately watered and they should keep well until time for planting. I trust you shall find a suitable spot indoors to accommodate the growth of your new plants until Spring returns. If not I should be able to provide more when the time comes.

I will gladly note that Snapdragons and Calla Lilies can grow quite well in the cooler autumn temperatures, but whether or not you would like to risk the frost of Winter is up to you. Should that be your desire than please do let me know and I can plant them where necessary in the Graveyard. I have provided you with extra seeds should you have need of them, which you will find delivered with this letter.

Your final bill is: 1 Platinum Coin.

As Master Dralt ( @Takurasho ) has offered to cover the expenses, a copy of this letter is being forward to him as well. I do hope you enjoy your new flora, and as Master Dralt stated I hope you find it rather therapeutic in your work. By the by, how fair your Lupines and Belladonna?

Best regards,

Lady Ameera Nasrin Sherazi

With the letter were several small, marked pouches of seeds as promised.

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Reply #6 on: September 19, 2016, 07:43:13 PM
With the commission completed and a bill forwarded, the Guildmaster would be swift to send his harpy courier to the conservatory with a single well-earned platinum. Attached was an uncharacteristically concise note:

For services rendered. High Regards,