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Messages - Eliel

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Character Sheets / Re: Application for Abigail Wilde
« on: October 12, 2015, 08:46:40 PM »
Yes. That is the one. That's what the Queen is =P

Character Sheets / Re: Application for Abigail Wilde
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:16:40 PM »
Curious if you're referring to Furcadia's Vampyre or Mephisto's?

Q&A / Re: First Post (aka How to Pronounce Things)
« on: October 12, 2015, 12:05:40 PM »
Where the portal is? Or where we're located ICly?

The dream is in Imaginarium near the corner.  You can also 'join Etla Isle, the bot will auto-summon.

As for IC location. It can be found southwest of Kasuria, but exists in another realm/dimension. The waters around it serve as a rift, allowing people to travel back and forth between realms and times.

Continuity Knowledgebase / Re: Local Species
« on: October 04, 2015, 10:53:44 PM »

Hair longer on rear view or is this good?

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Continuity Knowledgebase / Re: Local Species
« on: October 04, 2015, 09:32:02 PM »
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Man-elfs.. comment!

Continuity Knowledgebase / Legal Code
« on: September 27, 2015, 01:19:49 PM »
Overview of the Legal System in Eileadora/Etla Isle

Legal Hierarchy
The following is the hierarchy of legal figures:
  • The Queen
  • Council Members and Bloodsworn
  • Captain of City Guard
  • City Guard

City Guard
The city guards are responsible for the protection of those within city limits, as well as just outside of the city. They are also responsible for apprehending and confining criminal offenders until a trial can be arranged.

All citizens are required to obey orders given to them by city guards. The Captain of the city guard is responsible for making sure the city guards do not abuse their power.

Any citizen may approach a guard with a request for assistance. The guards are stationed all around the city, so it is likely that, despite understaffing, one is not far away. However, those in the underground waterways or more distant quarters of town may be out of earshot at times.

Royal Guard (Bloodsworn)
Queen Elora's private royal guard, the Bloodsworn, are responsible for the protection of the Queen herself, and it is only to the Queen that they answer. They operate out of the castle, although they may at times go into the streets to look for possible threats and to seek information that may be of importance for security matters. They are not responsible for apprehending criminals or assisting/interfering with the duties of city guards, but may choose to do so if extra help is needed. City guards must obey royal guard orders, however, as they are seen as coming from the Queen.

Imprisonment / Posting Bail
The royal prison, in the lower levels of the castle, is where accused criminals are brought to await trial. Unlike in modern society, where prison time is handed out as a sentence, jails in this time only exist to make sure the accused is available for trial.

Therefore, jail stays will vary, depending on how long it takes for a trial to be arranged. Usually, judgment is brought within a few days, however.

For those who can afford it, bail may be posted by another party, who thereby ensures that the accused will appear for trial. In the case of severe crimes, even bail may still require house arrest with a guard present.

The protection of citizens and maintenance of order is the duty of city guards. However, those able and willing to protect others will find that, so long as they are acting in the defense of others, they have little chance of facing legal troubles if they must use violence. This is especially true of paid private guards, who must often use force to protect their masters' persons and possessions.

In addition, those registered with the Fighter's Guild have limited license to make citizen's arrests and greater latitude as regards interfering in fights.

Categories of Offense:
An offense may be categorized as either a misdemeanor, a felony, or a capital offense.
  • A misdemeanor is a minor crime, such as petty theft, non-physical harassment, nonviolent disturbance of the peace, minor defacement of property, etc.
  • A felony is a more serious crime, such as grand theft, physical assault, violent disturbances, manslaughter, negligent homicide, arson, etc.
  • A capital crime is one worthy of execution; murder or treason are in this category.

An offense may also be either civil or criminal.
  • A civil offense is a crime committed against the property of another citizen (anyone except the Queen, members of the city/royal guard,  or Council members). Punishment is in the form of a fine and possible mandatory servitude, depending on the severity of the crime. No corporal punishment is meted out for civil offenses.
  • A criminal offense is a crime committed against any person. Offenses which would be civil (as described above) are criminal offenses if they are committed against the Queen, a Council member, or one of the city or royal guard. This is because they represent the Queendom, and so offenses against them are offenses against the Queen herself. Criminal offenses nearly always include corporal (or capital) punishment, and they may also include a fine or mandatory servitude.
**Note** The third of the same type of civil offense committed by the same person is automatically treated as a criminal offense, as is any subsequent offense of the same type. E.g., after two petty thefts, all future offenses are treated as criminal offenses. The third criminal misdemeanor shall be treated as a felony. The third criminal felony shall be treated as a capital crime.

List of Misdemeanors
The following offenses are considered misdemeanors:
  • Petty theft - Theft of coin or goods valued at less than 1 gold.
    • Civil punishment: Required return of the stolen goods (or its value), plus the value of said goods. For example, if you steal a book worth 4 silver, you must either return the book plus 4 silver or 8 silver.
    • Criminal punishment: Application of above civil punishment, plus 10 lashes across the back. Offenders are also branded with a hot iron in the shape of a T for theft.
  • Non-Physical Harassment - Sustained, repeated threatening behavior (verbal or non-verbal) against any person or persons which does not involve actual physical violence. Such behavior may include stalking, repeated verbal abuse, repeated interruption of work duties.
    • Civil punishment (for threats against property only): Fine of 10 gold.
    • Criminal punishment: Fine of 20 gold for first offense, each subsequent offense has fine doubled. Repeat offenses will incur corporal punishment to be determined at sentencing.
  • Public Nuisance - non-violent disturbance of the peace. May include, but is not limited to: excessive public drunkenness, disruptive noise or behavior, acting in a suspicious manner liable to cause public concern, and reckless behavior of a nature likely to cause injury to self or others.
    • Criminal punishment: As this is an act against the city itself, there is only a criminal punishment of no less than 10 lashes across the back. Repeat offenses may incur more severe punishments, to be determined at sentencing.
    Note: "Acting in a suspicious manner liable to cause public concern" is defined as any prolonged action or set of actions that may arouse a reasonable concern that the perpetrator has committed or is about to commit a crime. The city guard shall have latitude to determine if a reasonable concern exists.
  • Minor destruction of property - May include, but is not limited to: minor effacement of structures or other property to a degree such that the damage is reparable or property replaceable at a cost of less than 10 gold, and littering.
    • Civil punishment (private property): Fine of double the cost of damages. Repeat offenses may incur corporal punishment, to be determined at sentencing.
    • Criminal punishment (when the property is royal or public in nature - castle/cathedral grounds, city streets, crystal lamps, etc.): Fine of 10 gold for first offense, doubled for each subsequent offense. Mandatory five lashes across the hands. Repeat offenses may incur more severe corporal punishment, to be determined at sentencing.
  • Refusal to identify - Any city or royal guard may require that an individual provide his or her full name and occupation. Refusal to provide this information upon request shall be considered a misdemeanor. However, no citizen shall be required to identify himself or herself repeatedly if identification has already been given to the requesting officer on that day, if no change in appearance has occurred throughout the day which may hinder the guard's ability to recognize the person.
    • Criminal punishment - This is always a criminal offense, with a punishment is a fine of 1 gold, but no corporal punishment is usually given except upon repeated offenses.

List of Felonies
The following offenses shall be considered felonies:

  • Grand theft - Theft of coin or goods valued at more than 1 gold.
    • Civil punishment: Required return of the stolen goods (or its value), plus the value of said goods. For example, if you steal something worth 4 gold, you must either return it plus 4 gold or 8 gold.
    • Criminal punishment: Application of above civil punishment, plus 20 lashes across the back. Offenders are also branded with a hot iron in the shape of a T for theft.
    Note: If the offender has committed two prior misdemeanors, a petty theft offense is to be punished according to this standard. 
  • Physical Assault - Any action which involves physical harm, not committed in self-defense, against a person or persons, the result of which is injury but not death.
    • Criminal punishment: This is always a criminal offense, because physical violence against a person has happened. Punishment of 20 lashes across the back plus 5 across the hands. Repeat offenders may incur more severe punishment, to be determined at sentencing.

    Note: If the offender has committed two prior misdemeanors, a non-physical harassment offense is to be punished according to this standard. 
  • Sexual Assault - The act of forced, non-consensual sexual contact with any person or persons.
    • Criminal punishment: This is always a criminal offense, because physical violence against a person has happened. Punishment of 20 lashes across the back plus 10 across the hands. Repeat offenders may incur more severe punishment, to be determined at sentencing.
    Note: An individual must be at least sixteen years of age to consent to sexual contact. This punishment may be added in addition to one for physical assault if applicable.
  • Public Threat - violent disturbance of the peace. May include, but is not limited to: excessive public drunkenness if violence is involved, and reckless behavior of a nature which causes injury to self or others.
    • Criminal punishment: As this is an act against the city itself, as well as possibly involving physical harm, there is only a criminal punishment of no less than 20 lashes across the back. Repeat offenses may incur more severe punishments, to be determined at sentencing.
    Note: If the offender has committed two prior misdemeanors, a public nuisance offense is to be punished according to this standard.   
  • Severe destruction of property - May include, but is not limited to effacement of structures or other property to a degree such that the damage is not reparable or property damage exceeds 10 gold.
    • Civil punishment (private property): Fine of double the cost of damages. Repeat offenses may incur corporal punishment, to be determined at sentencing.
    • Criminal punishment (when the property is royal or public in nature - castle/cathedral grounds, city streets, crystal lamps, etc.): Fine of 20 gold for first offense, doubled for each subsequent offense. Mandatory ten lashes across the hands. Repeat offenses may incur more severe corporal punishment, to be determined at sentencing.
    Note: If the offender has committed two prior misdemeanors, a minor destruction of property offense is to be punished according to this standard, with the assumption that, whatever the real damages, the cost to repair/replace is at least 10 gold. The amount paid in excess of the typical misdemeanor fine is given to the royal treasury.   
  • Refusal to pay taxes - the refusal to remit tax monies, in a timely manner, as required by law.  This is always a criminal offense.
    • Criminal punishment - 20 lashes across the back and indentured servitude to the Queen until such time as double the amount required is paid.
  • Manslaughter/Negligent Homicide - Any action, not committed in self-defense, which leads to the unintended death of another. This is always a criminal offense.
    • Criminal punishment - 30 lashes across the back and house arrest for a period of no less than thirty days. If the offender does not have a permanent residence, the house arrest will be carried out in the royal prison.

List of Capital Crimes
The following offenses are considered capital crimes. They are all criminal in nature, and punishable by death:
  • Murder - The intentional killing of another.
  • Treason - Any act with the direct intention of harming - either physically, financially, or politically - the Queen or a member of the Council.

Mitigating Factors
The following factors may be contested to lessen punishment for a crime:
  • Self-defense - an act committed in self-defense is unlikely to carry a punishment, unless severe recklessness is involved.
  • Defense of others - an act committed in the defense of another may result in a lowered punishment, especially in the case of protecting another from physical violence.
  • Acting in accordance with royal orders - All orders given by the Queen are legal by definition. Therefore, any action taken in furtherance of these orders will have this fact taken into consideration. It does not protect from flagrant abuse of authority, and all final determination will be made at trial.

The following factors will work against a plaintiff at trial, or at least will not work as mitigating factors:
  • Concurrent commission of a crime - those in the act of committing a crime cannot expect the protection of the law, should they be injured in the process. E.g., if you are robbing someone, you will probably not succeed in pressing a case of physical assault if it happened as a consequence of your actions.
  • Ignorance of the law: No excuse.

Q&A / Re: First Post
« on: August 28, 2015, 10:09:33 AM »
I definitely obliterated the last name but was pretty close on the first.

While we're at it..

I've always pronounced Eileadora as Eye-lee-door-ah

Character Sheets / Hyleori [Herbalist/Alchemist]
« on: August 23, 2015, 02:22:03 PM »
Basic Info:
Full Name: Hyleori (translates to 'Watchers of the Woods')
Aliases: None
Species: Tree Nymph
Subspecies/Race: Meliai (Nymph of the Mountain Ash)
Age: 132 years
Apparent Age: mid 20s
Gender: Female (as all tree nymphs are)
Height: 5'
Weight: 106 lbs
Build: Curvy/Hourglass
Complexion: Fair with green undertones
Markings: Patches of darker skin with a bark-like texture.
Hair Color/Style: Cinnamon with red highlights. Long - down to her butt, some braids and dreads with beads and bits of nature woven in.
Eye Color: Pale green with flecks of yellow
Appendages: Branch-like horns wrap back around her head and sometimes sprout leaves.
Handedness: Right

Primary Class: Merchant
Secondary Class: N/A
Profession: Master Herbalist / Bee Keeper
Appearance: Short in stature, this tree nymph stands about 5'. She is quite curvaceous for her size and typically wears form-fitting fabrics to accentuate this. Skin is pale with a greenish hue, scattered with darker patches that look a bit like bark; a thin, natural armor. Flowing waves and bouncy curls hang down to her butt. Thick braids keep her hair from tangling in the branch-like horns that curl back along her head.

Demeanor: Shy and polite. She attempts to be cheerful and optimistic whenever possible
Mannerisms: Shy around new people/creatures. Mistrusting of dark/evil/unnatural beings. Kind-hearted and mostly just wants to help others live harmoniously.
Likes: Nature, sunrises and sunsets, rain
Dislikes: Lightning, fire (especially forest fires), evil beings
Phobias: Harm/Disaster coming to her family or her hearth tree, being struck by lightning
Alignment: True Neutral

Strength - Low
Dexterity - Med-High
Constitution - Low
Intelligence - Med
Wisdom - High
Charisma - High

Resistances: Most magicks (depending on their nature and strength), Charm,
Weaknesses: If separated from her grove for too long she will die (within 24 hours). If her tree is killed, she will likely die soon as well. Also weak to cold iron as she is a fey creature.

- Long Bow - nothing special about it but she rarely even carries it.

- Natural Armor - Hy has a thin layer of bark-like skin which she can strengthen to protect herself. Just like hacking into a tree, though, it isn't terribly strong.

- Hy carries very few items and doesn't like to adorn herself with jewelry. She does have a coupe of keepsake boxes in her shop where she stores anything precious to her.

- Tree Form - Can take the form of a tree or shrub. Can only be discovered by a detect magic spell. [Instant cast]
- Escape - Can disappear into any nearby tree, unless she is startled. [Instant cast]
- Charm - Short term (1-2 hours) mind control, typically making the person more trusting of her. Is dependent upon the individual's mental resistance. [1 count spell]
- Suggestion - Influence another's course of action. Lasts 1-2 hours or until the action is completed. Is dependent upon the individual's mental resistance. [1 count]

- Entangle - Grasses, weeds, bushes, vines and even trees wrap, twist, and entwine about creatures in the area. Lasts 2 rounds or until broken. [2 count]
- Deep Slumber - Put individual(s) into a trance-like sleep. Can affect everyone in an area. Lasts 1 round. Is dependent upon the individual's mental resistance. [2 count]

Other Pertinent Info:
Scent: She smells like a tree, mossy and earthy with the lingering smells of the spiced, herbal incense she burns in her shop
Aura: Pink and Green - Pink Aura people are by nature loving and giving. They love to be loved too. Because of this they gather around them close friends and family at every opportunity. The Pink Aura individual is a natural healer, highly sensitive to the needs of others and has strong psychic abilities. Green Aura people are highly creative and very hard working. They strive for perfection in everything they do. They have a very determined and down to earth nature and will not allow fanciful dreams and unrealistic ideas to color their world.
Energy: Hy has a very strong energetic field. Those sensitive to magics and energy will often feel her proximity before seeing her, though her energy is always loving and kind, and well.. earthy. Those of a negative, unnatural or evil alignment will always be felt when they enter her field, though she's become quite skilled at blocking them out.

Character Sheets / Prisishis [Brothel Manager]
« on: August 23, 2015, 02:20:02 PM »
Basic Info:
Full Name: Prisishis
Aliases: Priss, Precious
Hair: Blonde, typically in two large braids that curl about her resembling the hood of a cobra.
Fur/Skin: Tanned skin, speckled with patches of white & gold scales (spine, hips, sides of breasts, back of neck and jawline, shoulder and elbows)
Eyes: Left: violet, Right: teal. Reptilian pupils.
Height: rests between 6-7 feet off the ground. Just over 26 feet long.
Weight: ~2300 lbs
Species: Lamia - Burmese Python (albino)

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Profession: General Manager of Ishtar's Apple
Weaknesses: Severe temperatures (Pris is ectothermic and cannot regulate her body temperature)

Strength - High
Constitution - Med
Dexterity - High
Agility - Med
Intelligence - Low
Wisdom - Low

Fortitude - Med-High
Reflex - Med-High
Will - Low

- Dark/Low-Light Vision - Though her vision is not terribly sharp, she can see with little to no light.
- Scent/Taste - Pris has a forked tongue. Snake tongues can smell and taste the air, making it easier to track prey.
- Infrared Sensitivity - Small pits along her nose and upper lip allow her to  "see" the radiated heat of warm-blooded animals/people
- Vibration Sensitivity - The part of the body in direct contact with the ground is very sensitive to vibration; thus, a snake can sense other animals approaching by detecting faint vibrations in the air and on the ground.

- Wisdom Drain - Via touch she can drain a target's wisdom to make them more susceptible to charm or suggestion.
- Charm - makes others regard her as a trusted friend. Is dependent upon the individual's willpower unless wisdom drain was previously used (lasts until the person sleeps)
- Suggestion - influence the actions of another, within reason. Is dependent upon the individual's willpower unless wisdom drain was previously used (lasts for roughly an hour)

- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info

Snake! Thick blonde hair is braided in a manner resembling the hood of a cobra. Heterochromatic eyes peer out through the bits of fringe left to frame her face. The lamia rests at a comfortable height of about 6 to 7 feet, the remaining 20 feet of white and gold tail behind her (or coiled around someone). Similar white and gold scales fleck her torso of sun-kissed skin and it's evident she prefers jewels over actual clothing. Several necklaces somewhat cover her bare chest and a stack of rings line the length of a rather long neck. Four arms are decorated with wraps, bracelets and rings and two pointed, elf-like ears hold many more rings and chains.

Any other pertinent info:

Character Sheets / Aantara [Summoned Familiar]
« on: August 23, 2015, 01:59:02 PM »
Aantara is LE's summoned familiar. The jaguar was a magical gift from her parents, given to her for protection.  The animal is mostly feral but understands a great deal and because of their link, can communicate information back to LE.  The feline has it's own personality and mannerisms and has become one of the guardians of the realm.

[Aantara is normally NPCed by LE if I have the two together. If I'm playing Aantara, LE is away.]

Basic Info:
Full Name: Aantara
Aliases: Tara
Fur/Markings: All black. In certain light her jaguar markings shine a blueish/purple tint
Eyes: Gold. They seem to glow in low light environments.
Height: Nearly 9' in length, about 3.5' off the ground (on all fours)
Weight: 310lbs
Species: Magical Familiar
Race: Jaguar

Alignment: True Neutral
Profession: Guardian of Eileadora
Resistances: Being a summoned familiar, she can exist on two planes. If her physical form is destroyed she can return to the other plane, and be summoned again once her energy replenishes. Thus she cannot be permanently killed.
Weaknesses: Depending on the form she takes, she is resistant and weak to different things. Weakest form is anthro, strongest is panther.

Strength - High
Constitution - Med
Dexterity - High
Agility - Med
Intelligence - Low
Wisdom -  Low

Fortitude - Med
Reflex - Med
Will - Low

- Natural - Claws and teeth (strong jaws)

- Armor - None
- Trinkets - None

 - Feline - General agility, low light vision, heightened hearing, strong sense of smell
 - Leap - Panthers can leap up to 20 ft
 - Hunting/Tracking

- Shapeshift - Can take on her full form of panther, a smaller form of housecat, and (though VERY rare) an anthro form.  Shifting takes a good deal of energy though and she soon will have to dematerialize to rest/recharge.
- Speech - In anthro form she can speak common, though she only does so with people she and/or LE trust.
- Telepathy - Most often only between familiar and master but she has used it on/with others, providing they are able to hear/understand.
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Character Sheets / Re: James Crovax Darkarma
« on: August 19, 2015, 11:12:23 AM »
Well the stats thing was more from MalfCo.  And was an attempt at keeping people from trying to be all 1337OPDEWM.  As there are a lot of characters in EIlea now that have been around forever and pretty much ARE 1337OPDEWM, including LE, it gets more difficult to realistically 'ballance' their stats and just ends up looking nice on paper but not being realistic to the playstyle of the character at all.  Honestly, I never really saw any merit in having stats in a text-based RP game where you can pretty much type out anything you want.

Character Sheets / Re: James Crovax Darkarma
« on: August 18, 2015, 08:10:46 PM »
It's a char sheet not an application =P

Continuity Knowledgebase / Who's Who
« on: August 02, 2015, 03:51:41 PM »
Furc Name:IC Position:OOC Position:
(If Applicable)
Royal Family & High Council:
Elora Elaniae (Lady Enchantres)QueenRah
James DarkarmaKingAdmin
AlhsomMaster of DefenseAdmin
AbaddonMaster of LawsAdmin
IdaniMaster of Diplomacy
DraumMaster of Coin
DelysiaMaster of City Services
VuoriMaster of Agriculture

Bloodsworn Guards:
Render IcebladeHigh CommanderLore Master

Nobility & Officials:
Old Eileadoran Nobility:
New Eileadoran Nobility:

Eileadoran Research Division:
Sedai (Rapt) LoreMaster
Vallahd Sacretor

Eileadoran Defense Force:
Amena BrittaSheriff

OuraniaMaster HealerHelper
Antonius (ALCHEMIST)Surgeon

BartholomeusAtlantian Blacksmith
Vallahd SacretorCelestial Blacksmith
DergoDwarven/Grecian Blacksmith
James DarkarmaEarthen BlacksmithAdmin
Sedai (Rapt)EnchantressLoreMaster
Freya RiversRune & Magic Craft
Ameera NasrinHorticulturist
Bean WiggenautCoffee Barista
Riley KellerCrypt Keeper
Marsuvees NalstRestaurateur

Guild & Organization Leaders:
EpitomeFighters - Twin Drakes
RiressilMages - Sairon
Key SorelBards

Continuity Knowledgebase / Re: Local Species
« on: August 01, 2015, 01:03:02 PM »
He's a giant. He can lift more than you. DYEL?

Continuity Knowledgebase / Re: Home and Shop Availability
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:57:44 PM »
When claiming a structure: 

Most main buildings are enabled for an area description. Currently most 'housing' areas are not set up for descriptions as they should be private. The only exception of this is the first floor of a noble's home or town home (as their bedrooms are typically upstairs).

This description is typically only enabled for the ground floor, with a few exceptions, but you can mention the upper levels if you wish.

Area descriptions should set the mood for the room. Anything a person would notice by sight, sound, smell, or possibly touch/feel/sense.  This description can be activated from anywhere in the room (it is not limited to the entry) with the !look command or by clicking the giant eye.

When picking out your area and having it decorated, it would be helpful if you have any ideas towards this description.

If you'd like to write it yourself, or have a friend write it, that is fine. If you'd like to have me or a staff member write it, that is also fine but as it will be your space, you should have some say in the atmosphere.

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