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on: March 28, 2017, 09:26:04 PM
A little about my previous experience:
I've been roleplaying one-shot sessions once in a while for a long time but it was in the last year I engaged deeply in Rp'ing in Furcadia as I found a dream that gives some focus to fighting (my favorite rp'ing theme). Still, I'm not new into rp'ing at all. I used to roleplay in two furry themed pro-wrestling rp'ing groups on IRC for almost a decade and while I'm used to setup freeform fighting, I've learned to not only fight in a 'competitive' way but also, scripting the fight with the 'opponent' in private window to not only make the fight enjoyable for me and them but also for the people who might be watching it (thanks to the pro-wrestling business theme :P).

During the last year, I've engaged in a rp'ing dream but using a diced rule set for fights and I became quite comfortable with it (despite the drawbacks of a diced fight rule like the risk of a 'crumbstomp fight' happen).

Why I'd like to join:
I've been in the TGT for almost one year and I wanted to continue my character's story in another place and setting (since she had won her freedom there).

Furcadia Name: Nayara
Character Name: Nayara Gariard
Aliases: The Bronze Feline (Gladiatrix Title), The Brave Wanderer (upon learning what her full name really means), Naya.
Species: Human
Subspecies/Race/Class: Neko
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 6'2"
Fur/Skin Color: Dark skinned.
Hair Color/Style: Long ebony hair. Sometimes braided in viking fashion
Eye Color: Amber with feline oval pupils.
Markings/Scars: Several. Biting scars on her shoulder, slashing scar on her left cheek, two horizontal large scars on her thigh and some slashes on her biceps to name a few. On her torso, you can find some claw marks, a spear and even a rapier mark.
Appendages: Cat tail

Demeanor: Quiet and stoic to a certain level. While she's a friendly woman, she's have a somewhat short temper.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Profession: Former gladiatrix slave now warrior (possibly a wanderer).
Resistances: None.
Weaknesses: None.
Phobias: Ghosts and ancient magic ('normal' magic like healing and elemental magic don't disturbs her), she have a mild phobia regarding men.

Statistics: (1/10)

Strength (STR): 7
Dexterity (DEX): 6
Constitution (CON): 8
Intelligence (INT): 5
Wisdom (WIS): 5
Charisma (CHA): 5

- Damascus Viking Sword: One of her most cherished items she have. Earned through a sponsor during her slave times, this is the weapon she uses the most on her battle inside or outside the arena.
- Silver Viking Sword: Upon hearing abut the magical nature of this city and knowing the presence of creatures such as vampires, the neko bought a silver sword, similar in design to her Damascus Sword.
- Iron Dagger: For quick and fast fights, the neko might resort to use her dagger if the situation asks for it.

- Leather Armor: Before Nayara believed Armors are just a hindrance and something that would make the wearer lose some sense of danger thanks to the fake feeling of security an armor gives. Now, the neko had to put this mentality aside as she isn't really gifted with speed specially now when she isn't going to have a magic healing medical staff at her side as it used to be on her times as a gladiatrix.
- Night Vision: As long there's a tiny source of light in a dark room, Nayara can see clearly her surroundings.

- Pankration: Aside sword fighting, the neko learned how to use her own body as a weapon to slam and break her opponent's joints during her time as a gladiatrix. She also can engage in boxing and wrestling as well and to a lesser degree, Nayara can perform some moves and holds people uses to see in Pro-Wrestling TV Shows.
- Survival: She have a somewhat good knowledge about surviving in the wild. Altough she excels more in forest biomes.

Appearance (Furcadia Description):
Slave. Gladiatrix. Warrior. This towering neko is owner of a rare strength and vigor among those of her race. A woman who endured the suffering of being a slave and now, as someone who earned her freedom by showing her valor in bloody arena fights, seeks to hunt and kill the one responsible of her misfortunes. And the Bronze Feline is far from afraid in wander and brave through the thorns to achieve such goal.

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Reply #1 on: March 28, 2017, 10:13:18 PM
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