

Volgun · 3948

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on: June 08, 2017, 12:30:19 AM
(Edited to condense information from discussion below)

Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? No
Tell us a bit about your RP experience to date: Extensive. I've been roleplaying in furcadia since 2002, amid other games and even tabletop-style rpgs.
Why are you interested in joining the dream? A number of other characters I've played with moved here, and my character is designed around the dragonlands continuity (with some liberties taken to account for the presence of increasingly creative archetypes)

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Volgun
Character Name (if different):
Species: Furre
Subspecies/Race: Black Housecat
Age: 28
Apparent Age: Late Twenties
Gender: Male
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Build: slim
Fur/Skin Color: Black Fur
Hair Color/Style: Dark red, medium length and wavy with the back kept long.
Eye Color: Golden
Markings/Scars: Many across his face and body, all of them in a ritualistic occult pattern
Appendages: 2 arms, 2 legs and a tail.
Handedness: Right
Primary Class: Magic-Arcane/Mage
Secondary Class (optional): Other: Warlock (Claims to be a "Ritualist")
Profession: Mage-for-hire
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Most who practice magic would fare well in their craft, even thrive. This one seemed to suffer from his art; A feline of meager height and frail build. To say he was slim would be generous. While much of his face was concealed by unkempt blood-red locks, his brow, cheeks and chin were clearly marked with tattoos and ritual scars and brands. These continued down his neck and beneath the loose and sleeveless ensemble he wore, cobbled together from an old tattered robe and black linen trousers secured with a silken sash, ending in heavy leather boots. Around his neck dangled an assortment of talismans and charms of bone, silver and gold. His fingers, ears and wrists were similarly adorned with rings and bangles, and his arms sported more of his ritual scarrings.

Demeanor: Effete and haughty, an intellectual snob, but capable of odd acts of kindness and generosity.
Likes: Books, "low" magic, luxury and indulgence, red wine
Dislikes: Fighter-types, anyone smarter than him
Phobias (if any):
Alignment: Neutral Evil (Malefactor)
Description: A purely selfish type, with no concern for other people or the law, but without as much lust for killing as Chaotic Evil characters. Example: Case (from Neuromancer by William Gibson).
Cribnote: Society's rules don't pertain to me, but I'm no criminal.

Strength (STR): Low
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-Low
Constitution (CON): Medium-Low
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium-High
Charisma (CHA): Medium
Overall Evaluation: (56) Average

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances: Strong and creative magical talent; High intellect and willpower; Exceptionally large inner-reserve for magic power.
Weaknesses: Physically puny and frail; Stunted Magic: unable to draw power from surrounding environment; Magic reserves are directly linked to physical condition.

  • Weapon: Ritual blade
    Description: An unassuming knife with a handle carved from bone of mysterious origin. The blade is sharp and the metal relatively pristine.
  • Weapon: Staff
    Description: Rarely seen and serving more as a walking stick, this tall staff is fashioned with leather binds and carved with arcane and ocult marks. The top has a hole bored to allow for charms and talismans to be looped through. It bears no enchantments of its own, but it works as a magical focus in any mage's hands.
  • Armor: Enchanted Robe
    Description: A torn and tattered robe fashioned from simple wool and flax linens. The sleeves were torn away and the hem is often soiled and unravelled. The robe possesses a simple enchantment, allowing it to carry and conceal small items without need for actual pockets.
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Talisman collection
    Description: A loose collection of rings, amulets and charms of varying quality and material all worn together. (Enchantments are subtle as most simply function as spell components)
  • Item: Large tome
    Description: A large tome bound in leather and iron, with a chain attached to the spine and a lock binding it closed. The chain is of sufficient length to allow the book to be slung over the shoulder.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Deep Power-well
    Description: Years of misuse of magic has given Volgun a much larger internal well of power, enabling him to cast from his inner reserves without needing to draw and channel from the surrounding aether.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Magic
    Description: Through years of a brutal study regimen from a young age, and further in years more of travel and apprenticeship, Volgun has acquired a potent grasp of magic and spellcraft. He carries a decent understanding of elemental and arcane knowledge as well as a talent for divination, but his specialty is rituals: crafting spells and shaping magic using various material components within a space.

    His true power, however, lies in the use of Malefic arts: Magic stemming from darker forces and extraplanar beings. He has a strong grasp of Infernal magic, a form of extraplanar elemental pyromancy; Chaos magic, a caustic and protean power stolen from the demon race; and Abyssal magic, an enigmatic art derived from an endless oceanic nightmare.

    Most mysterious is his use of rare eldritch magic: spells not studied, but granted...
  • Ability: Accounting
    Description: His academic and magical acumen belies a mind keen on systematic reasoning. Volgun is comfortable with a business ledger and quill.
  • Ability: Theology/Demonology
    Description: His travels across Kasuria and beyond introduced him to many ancient religions and the stories and accounts of their deities. He's also fond of books about mythologies and old tales.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info:

Spell list

Infernal Magic Effects:
-Devil's Hands
-Hellfire gout
-Flame Wall
-Swirling flame

Chaos Magic effects:
-Demon's claw
-Chaos bolt
-Raw Splash

Abyssal Magic effects:
-Horror's grip
-Bolt of Agony
-Drowning Doom

Elemental Magic:

Arcane Magic:
-Spell eater
-Wall of Silence

Divination Magic:

Eldritch Spells:
-Shackles of Peristane

« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 04:38:09 PM by Volgun »


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Reply #1 on: June 21, 2017, 05:40:15 PM
Hello @Volgun !

This app looks pretty good, the only thing I'm curious about is the Magic ability.

Ability: Magic
Description: Through years of a brutal study regimen from a young age, and further in years more of travel and apprenticeship, Volgun has acquired a potent grasp of magic and spellcraft. While more than capable with most schools of magic, his specialty is rituals: crafting spells and shaping magic using various material components within a space.
Though possessing many years of formal training, he has eschewed traditional "academy" magic for his own methods, formed from years of research into ancient and nearly-forgotten rites and arts.

This makes it sound as though he has a general grasp of all magics- summoning, elements, blessing, holy, etc. Could you elaborate a little more on his capabilities?

Offline Volgun

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Reply #2 on: June 26, 2017, 11:30:43 PM
It's a little hard to explain, so I'll try to itemize it out as best I can:

Elemental: Not his strong suit. Never casted an earth or water spell. He understands the magic, but he's unpracticed after years of focus in other schools. He knows a ward spell using wind and he can cast a bolt of elemental flame.

Blessing: Not as most would consider it. He's no priest of the divines or primes, but he's unusually familiar with a variety of gods and religions. I've never seen him use a spell that would be considered a "blessing".

Holy: None at all. About as cold as one can get. The most he's done is read about it.

Summoning: While he's not usually one to draw creatures in from other planes, most of his magic could be described as summoned, so this is a school he's strong in. It has actually supplanted many of the spells other mages would use from other schools. Instead of an elemental fireball, he'd conjure a ball of fire from one of the hell dimensions. Instead of a lightning bolt, he channels raw abyssal magic into a bolt. He's even demonstrated knowledge of dimensional crossing spells.

Divination: His other strong school. He actually worked as a Fortune teller and Scryer in the past.

His "ritual" specialty is basically materially crafted magic. He uses chalk circles, candles, crystals and other material components to shape magic into a wide variety of effects. It strongly resembles eldritch sorcery or witchcraft, so his other strong school is what most would call Low/Occult wizardry.

(In other words, "Ritualist" is the nice word he uses to describe his specialization. A more accurate word for what he is would be "Warlock")
« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 11:42:49 PM by Volgun »


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Reply #3 on: July 02, 2017, 11:34:38 PM
That was a very specific answer! I appreciate the details, but I wasn't wondering about those magics precisely, those were examples, I would liek to know what all magics he's adept at. From what you're saying,

Elemental: Not his strong suit. He knows a ward spell using wind and he can cast a bolt of elemental flame.

Holy: None at all.

Summoning: While he's not usually one to draw creatures in from other planes, most of his magic could be described as summoned, so this is a school he's strong in. It has actually supplanted many of the spells other mages would use from other schools. Instead of an elemental fireball, he'd conjure a ball of fire from one of the hell dimensions. Instead of a lightning bolt, he channels raw abyssal magic into a bolt. He's even demonstrated knowledge of dimensional crossing spells.

Divination: His other strong school. He actually worked as a Fortune teller and Scryer in the past.

His "ritual" specialty is basically materially crafted magic. He uses chalk circles, candles, crystals and other material components to shape magic into a wide variety of effects.

it sounds as though Volgun is an exceptional summoner. However, his method of being able to "summon a fireball instead of casting one" does give the impression that he could summon any kind of magic. Typically, when something is summoned, it is then actively controlled by its summoner. If he summons fire but doesn't have elemental powers, he shouldn't be capable of controlling the flame.

Offline Volgun

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Reply #4 on: July 06, 2017, 01:02:09 PM
I'll do my best to elaborate. Volgun's limitations are admittedly difficult to define, and over the years he's grown a bit stronger with his magic. These examples are all based on stuff he's actually done in the past:

While it sounds like he's a very powerful summoner, his summoning repertoire is actually a bit limited. He can only call on magic from planes he has access to, which at this moment is three: Infernal, Chaotic and Abyssal. However, through research and ritual (the result of which is all those marks on his body), he can manipulate these energies into a variety of effects. Some of the energies require specific spells to be effective, while others can be commanded more fluidly.

To summarize:

Infernal magic is hellfire and molten rock. It's the most martial form of magic he can call upon, though it's also taxing as the flames can easily burn him as much as anything else. Once he's mustered a degree of magic he can shape it and throw it like a ball or project it in a great gout of flame. He can call on greater amounts of magic to conjure a wall of fire, or surround himself in a swirling torrent. Infernal energy doesn't so much respond to elemental training but rather is a distinct discipline created by the inhabitants of the plane it comes from. (Think Firebending from "Avatar") A more distinct spell that can be cast is to conjure and reshape molten rock formations summoned from the infernal plane itself, though this is rare because of the extreme risk involved.

Chaos Magic is his favorite for its versatility. It's not elemental, but rather based on change, mutation and entropy. In its raw form it strikes like a powerful form of acid, creating an effect akin to a searing chemical burn. However, with practice and attunement it can actually be applied very widely. To a degree it allows a mage to overwrite some aspect of causality, creating effect without cause*. An example of this would be a levitation spell. It's also the school of Volgun's favorite offensive spell Enervatus, a weakening spell that causes sudden intense (but temporary) atrophy and lethargy in a victim's body. A downside is that this magic's potential is that any truly meaningful effect requires distinct spellcasting i.e. you don't simply wield chaos magic, you must process it. It's also very costly with larger effects, and is notorious for its volatility and instability as a spell increases in scale. As such, most defined spells tend to be conservative and efficient, focusing on precision rather than raw power.

*(A thing to keep in mind is that the direct and immediate effect of the spell is only what vanishes after the magic runs out. Any further consequence of that effect remains after the spell ends. E.g. the magic creates a bolt of fluctuating energy, the bolt creates a wound. When the magic ends, the bolt disappears but the wound remains. Furthermore, this magic only works on a physical/material level. It can't affect anything intangible or conceptual e.g. time, memories, etc.)

Abyssal magic is... weird. Very few if any spells from this plane could be considered lethal, but it's the weirdest and most esoteric form of magic he uses. The most common and useful form of this magic would be to conjure a miniature portal that allows a small piece of a massive slithering creature to reach through, effectively summoning a tentacle or mass of tentacles. The closest thing to an elemental effect is a spell that produces a painful but non-lethal bolt of energy that resembles lightning. One interesting spell Volgun created for it, however, is one he calls Drowning Doom: he temporarily binds a person to the Abyssal plane. The effect is that the individual suffers the sensation of drowning, but never actually does. (Naturally, this doesn't work on anyone who can breathe underwater)

Divination is a school of magic he's very handy with. He's trained in the art of Tarot and Cleromancy (casting bones, etc.), and can use spells to Scry and attempt to peer into the past and future. This magic heavily ties into his ritualistic training, though these days he mostly just uses it to tell fortunes for coin. His strongest spell in this school is an elaborate and intense ritual that openly reveals the threads of fate acting upon a person, able to reveal secrets about themselves even they may not know.

Volgun's elemental training is not completely forgotten, but for his own reasons he prefers to use his more malefic arts when he can. His most common spells from the elemental schools are Ignis, which conjures a small flame or ignites a substance (usually used to light his pipe), a swirling Wind-ward that creates a tightly-formed shield of violent wind that can deflect rain and debris, and a basic firebolt spell, notably used to light a campfire from a distance on one occasion. Overall, he uses elemental magic for more utilitarian and mundane purposes, considering that it often has a smaller scale than his summoning magic. (Hellfire never shows up in a small tongue)

More interesting are some of his arcane spells. He's capable of casting a repelling shield that pushes back on anything physically approaching him past a given speed. As a form of magic defense he can create a magic-absorbing* shield. His favorite arcane spell, however, is the wall of silence, a spell that creates a nearly-invisible magical membrane through which sound cannot travel. The wall isn't solid, can't be moved, and only lasts for up to a few hours, but it's useful for providing peace and quiet in an area or keeping a conversation private between a few people.

*(He doesn't gain the magic it absorbs, but rather the shield just eats most spells thrown at it, then safely dissipates the magic back into the aether. However, it can be overloaded, which causes it to explode violently instead)

Lastly is his "Eldritch" spells, which encompass magic that doesn't fall into elemental, arcane or summoning, but it typically has a darker bent. To date, the only one he really has is called Shackles of Peristante, a spell that creates a magical cuff on a person's body, which the caster can use to forcibly move or restrain someone. Interestingly, a person can attempt to fight this, but they will be contending with Volgun's willpower, which is considerable.

Intriguingly (and something I should have noted earlier), Volgun's biggest limitation on his spells stems from the fact that unlike other mages who can draw their magic from the residual magic in the area, his spells are powered entirely from within. Years of dabbling in the darker arts has corrupted his connection to the aether, forcing him to rely on his internal well. As a result, his casting is a bit quicker than others, but once he's spent he must retreat and recharge himself. In fact, his ritualism training is partly because of this flaw; because ritual magic still uses energy from the surrounding environment, he often uses it as a method to recharge his internal stores. (He's basically an Atronach-sign from the Elder Scrolls: he cannot passively recharge)

Side note: this disability of his is EXTREMELY apparent to anyone who senses auras.

This is about as detailed as I can really get regarding the particulars of his most prominent uses of magic before I start getting too long-winded. Please let me know if you have any further questions.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 01:04:37 PM by Volgun »

Offline Volgun

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Reply #5 on: July 06, 2017, 05:32:23 PM
TL;DR version:

Infernal Magic Effects:
-Devil's Hands
-Hellfire gout
-Flame Wall
-Swirling flame

Chaos Magic effects:
-Demon's claw
-Chaos bolt
-Raw Splash

Abyssal Magic effects:
-Horror's grip
-Bolt of Agony
-Drowning Doom

Elemental Magic:

Arcane Magic:
-Spell eater
-Wall of Silence

Divination Magic:

Eldritch Spells:
-Shackles of Peristane


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Reply #6 on: July 09, 2017, 02:12:04 AM
So Volgun's areas of expertise, specifically, are
Infernal - Controls hellfire and molten rock, but isn't fire elementalism
Chaos - works sort of like acid, but also lets him float
Abyssal - AKA dark magic
Elemental - one wind ability and two minor fire abilities
Arcane - raw magical energy itself(?), can use a pure magical force as a shield or suck mana from others
Divination - ritualistic insight into past or future
Eldritch - ?

Infernal magic is hellfire and molten rock. It's the most martial form of magic he can call upon, though it's also taxing as the flames can easily burn him as much as anything else. Once he's mustered a degree of magic he can shape it and throw it like a ball or project it in a great gout of flame. He can call on greater amounts of magic to conjure a wall of fire, or surround himself in a swirling torrent. Infernal energy doesn't so much respond to elemental training but rather is a distinct discipline created by the inhabitants of the plane it comes from. (Think Firebending from "Avatar"
I haven't watched Avatar in about ten years. My understanding of it was they were all elementalists and the Firebenders could control fire specifically. Even elaborated, this sounds specifically like fire elemental magic. Flame walls, fireballs, this would fall under fire. You did specifically state that he uses hellfire, which to my understanding is like a demonic flame that burns the soul and cannot be extinguished with water. Molten rock, however, would fall under the class of earth elementalism.

All this in mind, is he using fire elementalism + earth, or demonic/unholy powers?

*(A thing to keep in mind is that the direct and immediate effect of the spell is only what vanishes after the magic runs out. Any further consequence of that effect remains after the spell ends. E.g. the magic creates a bolt of fluctuating energy, the bolt creates a wound. When the magic ends, the bolt disappears but the wound remains. Furthermore, this magic only works on a physical/material level. It can't affect anything intangible or conceptual e.g. time, memories, etc.)
This is a basic concept that applies with almost all magics, IE, if a mage hits someone with a fireball the flame (unless it catches the individual, effects, or area on fire) it dissipates, leaving a burn but no fireball.

Lastly is his "Eldritch" spells, which encompass magic that doesn't fall into elemental, arcane or summoning, but it typically has a darker bent. To date, the only one he really has is called Shackles of Peristante, a spell that creates a magical cuff on a person's body, which the caster can use to forcibly move or restrain someone. Interestingly, a person can attempt to fight this, but they will be contending with Volgun's willpower, which is considerable.
The shackles are made of magic and influencing directly by Willpower. This sounds like it would fall under Arcane, what is it that makes them darker in nature?

biggest limitation... unlike other mages who can draw their magic from the residual magic in the area, his spells are powered entirely from within... corrupted his connection to the aether, forcing him to rely on his internal well... casting is a bit quicker than others, but once he's spent he must retreat and recharge himself..... because ritual magic still uses energy from the surrounding environment, he often uses it as a method to recharge his internal stores.
Now Elder Scrolls I'm much more familiar with. If I remember it all right, those born under the Atronach sign have stunted magicka so they can't passively regenerate, but they can convert a portion of spells cast at them back into magicka on top of possessing more magicka than the average bloke. Is this accurate? What does his "well" of magicka/mana look like, does it have a set scope? How is this determined in RP, which calls for literary application instead of numerical?

I'm still not sure on your approach about Chaos magic. On one hand you say it's like an acid, on the other it's "effect without a cause" (as in making a burn without fire, or making him float without force?).

The Divination magic is fine, but keep in mind this requires OOC consent to mitigate metagaming, IE, you would have to ask a chararcter's player for permission before knowing obscure things about that character's past. Whether or not the character consents is up to plot.

Offline Volgun

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Reply #7 on: July 09, 2017, 04:43:55 AM
Flame walls, fireballs, this would fall under fire. You did specifically state that he uses hellfire, which to my understanding is like a demonic flame that burns the soul and cannot be extinguished with water. Molten rock, however, would fall under the class of earth elementalism.

You make a good point; the similarities are too close to ignore, so its more likely that Vol's expertise with infernal magic speaks to a general expertise with fire. It's ultimately just the same spells with different flavor text anyway.

(As for the molten rock, that's inconsequential as its not in any spell Volgun actually possesses. It belonged to another character I wrote in an RP from a long time ago, but I mistakenly implied Vol had this ability as well. My bad  :P)

I'm still not sure on your approach about Chaos magic. On one hand you say it's like an acid, on the other it's "effect without a cause" (as in making a burn without fire, or making him float without force?).

The acid part is about how unrefined it really only expresses it's "entropy" quality, where it corrodes and breaks down what it touches into rust, dust etc. With practice, the "change" part of the magic comes into effect and it functions more like the school of alteration from the Elder Scrolls.

As for Abyssal magic, when I first wrote it was "lovecraftian" spells themed around a dark oceanic dimension, while mechanically it's all about snaring and trapping.

This is a basic concept that applies with almost all magics, IE, if a mage hits someone with a fireball the flame (unless it catches the individual, effects, or area on fire) it dissipates, leaving a burn but no fireball.

I got long-winded here. I read back on Chaos magic and it admittedly sounded OP as hell, so I felt some limitations really needed to be stressed. It's meant to be versatile, but not literal god-powers.

The shackles are made of magic and influencing directly by Willpower. This sounds like it would fall under Arcane, what is it that makes them darker in nature?

These spells are based on a form of theurgy, the uncommon overlap between arcane and divine magic. This kind of spell is related to communion and service to a deity, but its not a direct power OF that deity like your standard divine spell or "miracle". It's present mostly as a hint about Volgun's past, and it's great for when an RP would be enhanced by a test of might/wills.

What does his "well" of magicka/mana look like, does it have a set scope? How is this determined in RP, which calls for literary application instead of numerical?

Since I've never played Volgun in a strict setting I've never been tasked with giving any systematic approach to his power well. The scope is also difficult to define since he's been working to increase his reserves near-constantly. In practice there are two rules his condition follows:

1. He cannot recharge without items, rituals or outside help.

2. The more magic he burns, the worse his physical condition deteriorates.

Rule 2 is a holdover from his earliest days where his spells actually hurt him, but these days it's more accurate to say his abusive magic practices have caused his magic reserves to directly correlate with his health. A spell like "Enervate" doesn't cause much to happen, but repeated casting or a much more powerful spell like "Swirling Flame" will cause a headache. A few more spells later and he now has a nosebleed and his vision blurs. If he persists too long past this point he likely passes out or even goes comatose. It's been implied that if he were ever drained completely he'd die rather horrifically. Healing spells and certain items can mitigate the physical deterioration, but after a while the damage returns until his reserves are replenished once more.

(As far as the Atronach-sign comparison goes, he does have an abnormally large power well, but no natural absorption)

The Divination magic is fine, but keep in mind this requires OOC consent to mitigate metagaming, IE, you would have to ask a chararcter's player for permission before knowing obscure things about that character's past. Whether or not the character consents is up to plot.

Naturally. Before I made Volgun I toyed with the concept of an oracle or seer character who basically handed out plot coupons, dispensing cryptic hints about stuff for other players; That got folded into Volgun. Functionally, I really only use it to help another player continue or start a plot per their own consent, and I only hint at information about another character if they give or have given permission. Otherwise, I contrive a reason it doesn't work.

(On a side note: a fun thing I used to do was use a tarot card app and give actual readings in-character  ;))
« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 12:24:41 PM by Volgun »


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Reply #8 on: July 15, 2017, 04:27:07 PM
Excuse the wait! This app has been approved.