
"Alium" The unknown.

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on: June 27, 2017, 10:00:03 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? Yes

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Alium
Character Name (if different): Does not have one
Alias(es): Whatever people give her
Species: Unknown
Subspecies/Race: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Apparent Age: Childhood
Gender: Female
Height: 4'3", 16ft from nose to the end of her tail
Weight: 425
Build: Slim
Fur/Skin Color: Her skin is an inky black.
Hair Color/Style: She has a long mane of feathery hair that varies in color. Along her back and tail is a length of similar feather fur that varies in the same way as her hair. The line down along her back and tail is rather short, only a couple inches long or so. It is also far more feather like than her hair.
Eye Color: Varies in  color the same way as her hair and mane.
Markings/Scars: Her underside is a dark charcoal grey.
Appendages: Exceptionally long and strong tail that's able to hold her body up in the air without any trouble.
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Child
Secondary Class (optional): Psionicist
Profession: Student of the world.
Appearance (Furcadia Description): A creature of unknown origin, Alium could be divided into two parts. The first is a rather humanoid - if not childlike - body. Slim arms, soft features, and a pidgin-toed stance hammering home her youth. The creature's toes were nearly as long as her fingers, and showed advanced dexterity. Devoid of any clothing, there was really nothing to see. She was 'barbie' like.  However, the small body was only part of the creature, an exceptionally long and thick tail just shy of four times as long as she was tall. Black and charcoal flesh was smooth and seemingly without pores or blemishes. The creature's thick downy feather like eye lashes and tail mail were made of strands that were far thicker than normal. While the feathery strands were usually black in color, portions within would rapidly alter color and glow depending on her current mood. This color change was also found in irises which defaulted to black. Any who happen to get her to open her mouth would be confronted with a triple row of razor sharp teeth, and a jaw that can unhinge surprisingly far.

Demeanor: Curious, Childish, and Naive
Likes: New things, new ideas, and invading people's personal space.
Dislikes: Painful things, being ignored or admonished, sharp things.
Phobias (if any): None yet
Alignment: True Neutral (Undecided or Balanced)
Description: This can mean either of two things, depending on whether the character is actively or passively neutral.Active neutrals (the Balanced type) are very rare. They are philosophically committed to maintaining the Balance, and will tend to join every fight on the losing side. Passive neutrals (the Undecided type) are somewhere in the middle on both the Good-Evil and Law-Chaos axes. The passive neutral alignment can also apply to creatures with no moral sense such as animals. Example: Zen masters (Balanced), animals (Undecided).
Cribnote: I'm not getting involved / All things must be in balance.

Strength (STR): 4(16 tail)
Dexterity (DEX): 12
Constitution (CON): 14
Intelligence (INT): 12
Wisdom (WIS): 6
Charisma (CHA): 10
Overall Evaluation: (64) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances
  • Strength / Resistance: Iron Gut
    Description: Alium has so far found nothing she cannot eat, meaning she'll digest steel, stone, poison mushrooms, all with no negative side effects. This does not mean she can bite through such objects, or that sharp things cannot cause tears.
  • Strength / Resistance: Her Tail
    Description: The creature's tail is 16ft of solid muscle, meaning she can use it to move, attack, and defend herself with strength out classing what one might expect. This is where her strength score comes from.
  • Strength / Resistance: Psionic
    Description: Alium has minor psionic abilities. These are discussed in the ability section.
  • Strength / Resistance: Ageless
    Description: Alium is ageless, meaning that she will never grow older, or suffer from old age. She will only die from non-natural causes.
  • Weakness: Blank
    Description: Alium is blank. She has no knowledge of who she is, what she is, where she came from, or anything. She does not even know anything about the world around her. All are seen as trust worthy until given reason to believe otherwise. Who she is will grow based entirely on the people she runs into, how she is treated, and what she is taught.

    She has absolutely no idea of social custom and will likely step on many toes before learning any.
  • Weakness: Emotional Bio-luminescence
    Description: Alium's eyes, lashes, hair, tail mane, and a thin line between the two colors of her skin all change color and glow. These changes vary with her emotions and the intensity of those emotions. She can not stop this from happening, or control it in any way.

    Red - Anger
    Blue - Sadness
    Amber/Yellow - Fear
    Green - Hunger
    Purple - Curiosity

    There are more, and as more are figured out, they will be added to the list.
  • Weakness: Physically weak
    Description: Outside of her tail, Alium's strength is what one would expect for someone of her body's size - similar to that of a child's.
  • Weakness: Speech Incapable
    Description: Even though she can learn to understand other languages, she will never be able to speak herself - due to biological inability.

  • Weapon:
  • Weapon:
  • Armor:
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item:
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Psionics
    Description: These are currently limited to the beneath applications - however she has a knack for it, and if a teacher is found, she would progress quickly.

    1: Lighten/return: Alium is able to decrease the denseness of her body, allowing her to weigh less than she should. She is also able to return her body to its normal weight.

    2: Telekinesis: Alium is capable of moving objects weighing less than 15 pounds with her mind. They are able to be moved at no more than running speed - leaving them largely harmless unless they hit someone in the head. This is commonly used to hold up books or other items of interest as she examines them.

    3: Psionic Healing: By maintaining physical contact, Alium is able to increase the speed at which someone heals. Each minute spent in skin to skin contact with the injured party will cause the injury to heal as if a day had passed. At the moment, small cuts and bruises are all she can do without passing out from exhaustion. However, if she spends an hour touching someone she can mend broken bones, and close large lacerations. This level of healing will leave her in a hibernation like state for 24-72 hours based on the severity of the wound. Her body will naturally heal faster in a similar way, although while in such a suspended state, she is vulnerable.

    4: Rebirth: An ability she has no control over at all, and has no knowledge of. It is the ability to go into state of suspension when she takes severe, or life threatening damage. Curling up into a ball, her latent psionic energy will go into over drive to heal her body. This state is not invulnerable though, and if attacked in such a state she can be killed. If allowed to regenerate in such a state though - over a period of a month or so - Alium will return to life. However, the more serious the injury, the more of her previous knowledge will be lost. This is why she currently has absolutely no knowledge of the world around her, or herself.
  • Ability: Quick Study
    Description: While starting from a blank slate, Alium will be able to quickly pick up the basics of any idea with ease. However, while this will allow her a basic understanding, nuance takes time and study.

    Example: She will pick up the general meaning of what people say quickly, but will take longer to understand non-verbal cues, tonal cues, and anything but basic statements.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability:
  • Ability:

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info: Sending 'Alium' to the application forum because I imagine there will be some discussion needed to hammer out the finer points of her as a character. Please feel free to post, or whisper Sophia for questions. Also, as such, I will not be using 'Alium' for rp until she's been weighed in on by the admin.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 08:10:20 PM by ChivalrousWalrus »


  • Guest
Reply #1 on: July 07, 2017, 09:38:38 PM
May I please have some feedback on issues with the character?


  • Guest
Reply #2 on: July 09, 2017, 02:31:40 AM
@ChivalrousWalrus There are no current qualms with your character's current abilities or stats, this sheet is approved.