
Ghede [P]

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on: August 01, 2015, 08:02:57 AM
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The Ghede are creatures brought back from the dead through complex necromantic rituals. They are unique in that they borrow attributes from several already established undead creatures (most notably zombies, vampires, and prometheans/flesh golems [frankenstein]).

All Ghede must feed from humanoid flesh; such is their curse. They are technically dead, but their bodies are kept alive through necromantic magical energies. They have no requirement to breathe, though sleep and “feeding” is necessary in order to replenish the energy that keeps them alive. They cannot eat regular food or drink. They are all weak to holy magic and cannot be healed by normal means.

Ghede can be recognized by their pinkish-red eyes and their “otherworldly” aura. This aura can be sensed especially well by those in tune with the supernatural, as well as feral animals (who will either avoid or outright attack a Ghede).

Types of Ghede:

Type Three: Type Threes are the lowest of the ghede. Unintelligent, disposable creatures whose sole purpose is destruction, they are generally used as shock troops in a necromancer’s repertoire. Non-magical ferals are always raised as type threes, and many low-intelligence humanoids find themselves as type threes as well.

They cannot use the dark energies that course through their bodies, and they cannot heal wounds by any means. They must eat their food while it’s still alive and their hunger is such that they are never truly satiated; they will kill and feed until put down.

Type Two: Type Twos are more reliable than type threes. They still retain a fragment of their sanity and are able to go longer periods without feeding. However, like type threes, their food must be eaten while the victim is still alive. They have enough understanding of their energies to inherently heal themselves and to blend in with society, but they are often reckless and find themselves disposed of as quickly as type threes. They are the “average” ghede.

Type One: Type Ones are the elite ghede. They have complete control over their minds and bodies, and they need not feed from living humanoids; corpses work just as well, though the corpse must be preserved and not be rotting. They’re not only able to use their necromantic magic to heal, but they can also harness the magic to create spells (up to the equivalent of two preps). Since they’re directing tapping into their own life force, each spell cast weakens the ghede and can potentially prove fatal.

Type S: Type S ghede are the rarest, most powerful of the ghede. Like Type Ones, they can feed on corpses, and it’s suggested that they can even temporarily survive on feral flesh (though not for long). They can create magical spells (up to four preps), and some can even adopt a powerful “fiend” form, fully harnessing the power of the necromantic magic that keeps them alive.


Undead: Being undead means that the Ghede does not need to breathe, and that they are somewhat immune to poisons and diseases. They can still carry and transmit these things, and they may even suffer the negative mental and physical effects, but they cannot be killed as a result of them.

Immortal: Ghede cannot die from old age.

Retainment: Type One and Type S Ghede retain all abilities possessed in life. However, magical aptitude is limited to necromantic spells of their Ghede level. A Ghede can no longer tap into the magical energies of the world, and every other “school” is denied to them. This is an intentional safeguard by the necromancers who created the Ghede.

Natural Healing: A Ghede’s energies naturally heal it over time, though wounds take twice as long to heal as they would in a normal mortal’s case.


Faith: Like vampires, Ghede are terrified of true religious faith. This is something they can overcome through sheer force of will; treading on hallowed ground, for instance, is entirely possible, but the Ghede will feel as though his life force is being drained from him.

They are also incredibly weak to holy magic, and the usual effects of a healing spell will do the opposite to a Ghede.

Curse of Flesh: To retain their sense of “life,” a Ghede must frequently feed upon humanoid bodies. They cannot eat regular food or drink, and their body will immediately purge such things in the case of consumption.

Otherworldly: Ghede can be recognized by their pinkish-red eyes and their “otherworldly” aura. This aura can be sensed especially well by those in tune with the supernatural, as well as feral animals (who will either avoid or outright attack a Ghede).

Incurable: Ghede can never become truly mortal again, nor can they reproduce naturally.

Spoiler: "Known Ghede" (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Mechanical Aspect (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 05:38:23 PM by Z »


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Reply #1 on: August 01, 2015, 08:04:46 AM

This has been in the works for a while but it is still a rough draft. Will inevitably need to update as time goes on.

I'm open to opinions/thoughts on it.

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Reply #2 on: August 01, 2015, 09:49:43 AM
Sounds like you spend your life away playin' the slots....

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