

Guest · 7683


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on: September 12, 2015, 03:39:51 PM
"Safe Anchorage" (n): An anchorage considered safe from enemy attack, to which merchant ships may be ordered to proceed when the shipping movement policy is implemented.
See also: refuge area.

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Safe Anchorage Orphanage is funded by the local Merchant Guild. Initially intended to harbor only the orphans of merchant members, the present Guildmaster, Master Dralt, has reestablished it as a public orphanage. A portion of mercantile taxation is utilized for sustainment. Monetary or amenity donations are always welcomed.
Due to high mortality, many children are left destitute. Eileadora's orphanage presents an opportunity to better our young minds, thus augmenting our community with experienced and healthy young persons.

Our current matron is Delysia.
The matron is tasked to oversee the health and happiness of the children, keep accountability of them, and ensure that they are properly educated. It is their duty to come to know each child personally so that they can take optimal care of their individual needs, and when an adopter arrives, they can identify who best meets the adopter's (and adoptee's) expectations.

Those eligible: all persons sixteen years of age or younger whose parents or guardians are incapable of providing proper care; specifically, if the child's current living condition is detrimental to their health. Parents or guardians may relinquish custody of their child to the orphanage without repercussion or pay.

Persons no older than sixteen years of age may be enrolled into the orphanage. If first enrolled at the age of sixteen, the young person may remain at the orphanage for two years. Those entering when younger than sixteen years of age, if not taken unto a foster home or apprenticeship, are to be given temporary housing at the age of seventeen (or the age of adulthood according to their species) for one year. This presents an opportunity to establish and accumulate income.

Orphans are expected to begin basic work at the age of ten. They may labor at local farms, be tasked to general public service, and either apprentice or informally assist a merchant. Those who become official apprentices will be housed instead by their master, who will become responsible for the apprentice's care.
Orphanage enrollment is not obligatory; there will be no mandatory attendance unless said orphan has been signed to the orphanage by a parent or guardian, or the local law deems a child unfit to remain vagrant.

Applications for adoption or acquiring an apprentice are to be submitted to the Merchant Guild for approval. There's a 5 silver application fee.

All orphans are available for adoption unless the following conditions apply to them:
  • Behavioral complications render them unfit
  • The orphan is unwell and the Guild is tending to their injury or illness
All persons local or foreign may adopt a child unless the following conditions apply to them:
  • The adopter has no income
  • The adopter's criminal record deems them unfit
  • The adopter's home is considered unsafe for children

Attendees will receive:
  • medical care
  • a guaranteed occupation
  • work experience and general ethics
  • one year of housing if not adopted by adulthood
  • all essential amenities (sustenance, clothing, shelter)
  • the opportunity to be legally adopted into a new family
  • basic education (reading, writing, and common mathematics)
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 08:55:29 PM by Rose »


  • Guest
Reply #1 on: December 26, 2015, 02:05:56 PM
[The roster has been updated. Please welcome our first OC matrons, Alixana and Ailea!]
« Last Edit: December 26, 2015, 03:08:29 PM by Takurasho »


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Reply #2 on: January 12, 2016, 12:15:54 PM
An anonymous donation of five hundred gold is made to the orphanage, under the stipulation that it be directed solely towards provisions for the orphans as opposed to the salaries of the orphanage workers, to be dispensed at a rate of no less than one gold per day.


  • Guest
Reply #3 on: January 13, 2016, 03:53:25 PM
A single gold coin could afford a child four hearty portions per day. With there being four (NPC) children present, the Merchant Guild granted Safe Anchorage two gold for food each day, resulting in large breakfasts and lunches with decent dinners. In light of the tremendous donation, such meals were secured for the next two-hundred and fifty days, meaning that five-hundred gold worth of taxpayer's money could be portioned out elsewhere.

The ripple effect passed through each organization supported by the Guild accordingly:
each member of the Gendarmery and Merchant Guild were provided a minor addition to their alcohol allowance
(buying the entire guard and work forces a round each night over many months)
the post office has been permitted to purchase premium papers for printing The Eileadora Chronicle
a portion of the excess would be systematically divided unto the Guild's emergency funds


  • Guest
Reply #4 on: February 22, 2016, 07:04:45 PM
(Freya Evelyn has been added to the orphanage roster.)


  • Guest
Reply #5 on: April 07, 2016, 12:12:53 PM
(Added Lux Alahna)


  • Guest
Reply #6 on: July 07, 2016, 12:28:08 AM
( @Alixana & @Faith , are you two still playing active matrons?)


  • Guest
Reply #7 on: July 31, 2016, 08:27:07 PM
[The roster has been updated. Please welcome Delysia, the newest matron!]


  • Guest
Reply #8 on: February 07, 2017, 01:17:35 AM
(Bumping this to draw attention to the new changes in the board, plus the need for PC orphans. Great work @Rose )