
Ayumu's list of alts!

Ayumu · 5725

Offline Ayumu

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    • Tykari
on: February 24, 2016, 07:00:17 AM
(This character is retired and for cameo appearances only)

Furcadia Name: Tykari Capris
Character Name: Tykari
Aliases: Ty, Tyty, Arashi
Species: Trys'tet
Subspecies/Race/Class: Neutral Aligned
Age: Appears 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5'
Fur/Skin Color: Grey fur, onyx black skin/scales beneath fur
Hair Color/Style: Cherry Blossom Pink, loose down to her rump
Eye Color: Silver with blue rings about the irises
Markings/Scars: Many
Appendages: 2 arms, 2 legs and a tail, 2 wings

Demeanor: Guarded, yet somewhat open
Alignment: Neutral
Profession: Magus at Sairon
Resistances: Healing magic, earth magic, lightning magic
Weaknesses: Plenty (listed in RPR)
Phobias: None

Strength (STR): Very Low
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Medium

- Bite - While the bite itself isn't deadly, her fangs carry an interesting venom that she seldom uses
- Tail spikes - Retractable tail spikes, hard as diamond and tipped with the same venom as in her fangs
- Psi Blade Foci - A pair of hilts at her hip that she can channel psionic energy into to create blades
- Scales - (natural) Hard, black scales beneath her fur provide a small amount of protection
- Leather Armour - Mundane, normal leather armour
- Trinkets - None
- Trys'tet Traits - See website below for details
- Empathics - See website for full details
- Photokinesis - Used to form her psionic blades among small, harmless tricks, though Shadowlyngs may find them harmful.

- Cooking
- Baking
- Medical care

Pink petals were held back by a vine that kept them in a tight, long ponytail that almost resembled a blossom and cascading petals, a stark contrast to the charcoal moss that resembled her fur. Silver eyes had rings of blue encircling them, though they did not see the world, blind to the physical. Large ears poked out of petals, a combination of wolfish and feline-like appearance to them, as was her muzzle, sturdy, yet slender. Figure is that of a hardened warrior, a burn scar across her right cheek and another over her left eye, then a blade scar vertically intersecting her right eye, displaying more of her hardened appearance. Clothing generally consisted of leather vest dyed with red and black, a pair of steel vambraces on her wrists and a combat skirt. Her footpaws were left bare, to aid in her mobility and keep in contact with the earth fully. At her belt, she had a pair of small rods about the size of a pair of wakazashi hilts, one made of iron the other of silver.

Any other pertinent info: RPR Check this out for full and complete details
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 02:51:19 PM by Ayumu »

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”
― Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey


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Reply #1 on: August 14, 2016, 12:39:34 AM
Profession: Personal guard to Eris Concordia


Offline Ayumu

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Reply #2 on: November 28, 2017, 04:41:22 PM
Furcadia Name: Ayumu Capris
Character Name: Ayumu
Aliases: Ayu, Mumu
Species: Trys'tet
Subspecies/Race/Class: Blood Clan
Age: Appears 19
Gender: Male
Height: 7'
Fur/Skin Color: Charcoal black fur
Hair Color/Style: Crimson petals with a streak of white along the left side
Eye Color: Solid yellow
Markings/Scars: Hidden under shirt
Appendages: 2 arms, 2 legs and a tail

Demeanor: Warm and welcoming
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Profession: Psionic Berzerker
Resistances: Mind influencing effects
Weaknesses: Lots (listed in RPR
Phobias: None

Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-Low
Constitution (CON): Low
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): High
Charisma (CHA): High

- Bite - Don't let him bite. It is as harmful as a bite can get from a carnivore
- None
- Trys'tet Traits - Positive Traits


Primary: Grants a high resistance to mind-control effects of all kinds. This grants them a 75% resistance to all mind influencing effects and increases psionic capabilities by two steps


Secondary: Like the primary, one is able to pick up on micro-expressions and body language, but the details of such is less clear. One will be left with a gut feeling about how the other feels or is lying but may not be perfect.


Trys’tet as a species are very hardy. While they do not possess instant regeneration, they do have the capability to expend their stored energy to re-attach limbs and recover from most injuries. Utilizing their energy pool, a Trys’tet can regenerate a wound level of a wound per point of expended energy. Reattaching limbs requires two points to re-graft to their body.

Ayumu must spend 2 essence points per wound level instead of one to regenerate damage done to him.


Trys’tet automatically gain the ability to speak with flora. They can communicate and understand them with relative ease. They can the bonus language of Plantspeech racially.


Trys’tet are capable shapeshifting into three forms. They are able to take on their anthro form, plant form and two other forms of their choosing. Once chosen, these forms are locked and cannot be changed without significant effort. To change these forms, a Trys’tet must return to their tree and meld with it, realigning their body to the new chosen form.
Ayumu is completely form-locked. He does not have the ability to shapeshift in any way.

Trys’tet Soul Plant

All Trys’tet have a plant their soul is tethered to. This tether cannot be broken except in the event of the Soul Plant’s destruction. Should a Trys’tet be felled by any means, their soul is returned to their plant where they are regrown in a month. This is a harrowing experience and the wound that slays the Trys’tet leaves a mark on their soul in the form of a scar that remains on their body. Destroying this plant makes the Trys’tet vulnerable. Should the plant be destroyed and then the Trys’tet killed after, the Trys’tet is permanently slain with no recovery without aid of outside influence.


Trys’tet are psionic creatures. Many are in possession of psionic abilities, whether that manifests as empathy, telepathy or a kinesis of some kind, they all have some kind of psionic prowess.

Negative Traits


While a Trys'tet can survive on regular food, it is only a temporary substitute. Trys'tet need regular access to water, sun, and soil. Food turns to soil in the Trys'tet digestive system, but it is taxing on their body and takes a lot of energy to do so. Eating normal food only will starve a Trys'tet in a matter of weeks. If they do not have access to all 3 things, they will begin to wilt. They will show signs like their hair will turn brown and dry out. Their abilities will become weaker as time goes on. Without water, they burn more easily and take more damage from it. However, plants are very durable. Completely devoid of nutrients, water, and light, it will still take 6 months for the Trys'tet to die, though they will go into a coma after 4 or 5 months depending on how durable they are. No matter how long they are without food, it will only take them a few days to a week to become revitalized should they get what they need.

Fire Weakness

All of them are severely weak to fire, though there are occasional exceptions to this as there have been some that are resistant to it or outright immune due to plant type or special abilities. Wounds inflicted by fire leave scars providing the Trys’tet is weak to fire. All wounds inflicted by fire are treated as one wound level higher and cannot be regenerated by energy expenditure.

Ability Score Detriment: Constitution

While Trys’tet are in possession of supernatural ability traits, they also have a key flaw. With this flaw, one of their ability scores suffers a penalty. This is chosen by the player and can be any of their attributes that are not enhanced. The detrimental ability score cannot go higher than that of the average furre/human. More often, this ability score is significantly lower than average and tends to be a negative on them.

With his Constitution being his deficient stat, he is fragile. Any wound he takes it treated as two steps higher than it actually is for purposes of healing and regeneration, requiring more time and effort to heal. This wound effect does not apply to his Vector Barrier ability listed below in his psionic abilities.

Magic Void

Trys’tet are incapable of using magic. They do not have the capacity for magic, as they cannot tap into the ley-lines or magical forces.

Essence Hunger: Meat and Blood

While unique to each House, all Trys'tet must also feed on a type of essence. They can keep up to 6 units of essence in their body at one time and lose 1 unit every week. If they only have 2 left, their hunger is overwhelming and they lose the use of their abilities. If they only have 1 unit left, they frenzy until they satisfy their craving. At 0 units they go into a coma until they are fed by another the essence in which they need. See the different clans for specifics. After being in a coma for 2 weeks the Trys’tet dies and is reborn from their tree (see Soul Plant) but are permanently affected by a Trys’tet Zeijyakusei.


Ayumu is an adept psion. He is still learning but he knows enough to not be a danger to himself or those around him and to utilize some of his abilities in combat. He still has a lot to learn and this list of abilities is subject to change as he gets stronger. All his abilities take into account his unnaturally high Wisdom, which enhances his psionic capabilities. (The two-step increase is already factored into the below abilities.) His abilities all require him to maintain them. This means that he must keep his focus on those abilities while in combat and the longer he has to maintain them, the more taxing it get (Multiplicative instead of additive). After 6 rounds of combat, he must make a roll to maintain them. At round 7 10% chance to lose focus, 8 is 20%, 9 is 40%, and round 10 is automatic loss of focus as it becomes too difficult for him to maintain.

- Telepathy - Ayumu's telepathic skills are honed to an adept level, giving him basic control over it so he can shut it out or scan surface thoughts. Getting into deeper thoughts is difficult for him at this time. Those that are asleep and dreaming, he is capable of slipping into their dreams and project himself into said dreams to see what it happening. (not usable in combat)
- Telekinesis

Enhanced Strength

Ayumu is capable of enhancing his strength above his natural amount, granting him greater damage potentials. This ability can be used to the effect of a minor strength increase to a major strength increase. The amount of the increase determines how taxing it is on him to maintain. He can enhance his strength by a maximum of 4 steps (going from say lifting and carrying only 58 lbs unencumbered to 100 lbs unencumbered.) If he is also enhancing his speed, he can only enhance his strength up to a maximum of 4 - enhanced speed. Each point of increase requires 1 combat turn to increase.

Enhanced Speed

Ayumu is also capable of enhancing his speed above his natural speed. This allows him the ability to dodge blows more effectively and potentially land blows more effectively. Like enhanced strength, the amount he increases it determines how taxing it is. He can increase his speed to a maximum of 4 steps. If he is also enhancing strength, this can only be enhanced to a maximum of 4 - enhanced strength. Each point of increase requires 1 combat turn to increase.

Vector Barrier

Ayumu can produce barriers about himself to deflect blows and negate damage to himself from an attack that would otherwise wound. This takes up to 4 rounds to create and can deflect 6 light blows, 4 moderate blows or 2 heavy blows until exhausted. These hits can be taken in any combination, (examples would be 2 moderate blows and 3 light, or 1 heavy, 1 moderate and 1 light blow).

Psi Crystal Tattoo

Ayumu's tattoos are special. They were scribed in psionic crystal ink allowing him to use them as a focus. Utilizing the ink as a focus allows him to enhance his psionic abilities by half again in power (Strength and Speed enhancement max of 6 total between the two and Vector Barrier will absorb 9 light, 6 moderate or 3 heavy blows.)

- Cooking
- Baking
- Court ettiquette

The young male, aged eighteen or nineteen, was very wolf-like in appearance. Crimson petals made up the tidy mess that was his "hair", though the left side had a streak of white petals, contrasting the red. Eyes were a bit strange, being a solid yellow, making it difficult to identify what he is looking at. His fur was a charcoal black, fine and short, though his ears had fluffy tufts of fur in them. The male had a charming smile on his face, and a look in those solid eyes that he had a wisdom and likely intelligence beyond his years. Along his right arm was a series of tribal tattoos in a violet ink, pleasantly contrasting the black fur. The tattoos clearly ran extensively up his arm and along the right side of his torso, but the extent of them was hidden by the plain brown shirt he wore. Pants were a loose-fitting beige that were tied off just above his feet of his digitigrade legs. He was well built, clearly a warrior of some kind, but had no weapon visible on his person.

Any other pertinent info: RPR Check this out for full and complete details
« Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 06:40:25 PM by Ayumu »

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”
― Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey

Offline Ayumu

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Reply #3 on: December 07, 2017, 03:36:08 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? Yes

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Mitsuki K'valen
Character Name (if different):
Alias(es): Raven's Feather
Species: Trys'tet
Subspecies/Race: Appears as a kitsune mimi
Age: 18
Apparent Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 98
Build: Athletic
Fur/Skin Color: Slight tan
Hair Color/Style: Snowy White, springy curls to her upper back
Eye Color: Golden and glow softly
Markings/Scars: Tribal Wings in silver and glow on her back (Image in RPR)
Appendages: Hidden wings
Handedness: Left
Primary Class: Psionicist
Secondary Class (optional):
Profession: Tinker (psionic items that mimic magitech)
Appearance (Furcadia Description): She wasn't a particularly tall woman. Standing at a whopping four feet, ten inches, the diminutive woman had a pretty athletic build. Hair was a snowy white, with a pair of fox ears sticking out of it, always twitching and moving about, her eyes were a brilliant golden colour that even gave off a soft, luminescent glow. She certainly resembled a human, aside from the fox ears and the snowy fox tail that swished about behind her. She was dressed in a simple short yukata with light blue cotton, trimmed with white and the trim embroidered with blue lilies.

Demeanor: Bubbly and cheerful
Likes: Sweet things, sour foods, the smell and taste of blood, sunlight, moonlight bathing, her family, tinkering with mechanical objects, building her psionically charged mechanical objects (usually small toys and knickknacks), fish (edible)
Dislikes: Being bored, seeing her mother cry, people who try to impress her, bitter foods, most meats, being hurt physically or otherwise.
Phobias (if any): Fire
Alignment: True Neutral (Undecided or Balanced)
Description: This can mean either of two things, depending on whether the character is actively or passively neutral.Active neutrals (the Balanced type) are very rare. They are philosophically committed to maintaining the Balance, and will tend to join every fight on the losing side. Passive neutrals (the Undecided type) are somewhere in the middle on both the Good-Evil and Law-Chaos axes. The passive neutral alignment can also apply to creatures with no moral sense such as animals. Example: Zen masters (Balanced), animals (Undecided).
Cribnote: I'm not getting involved / All things must be in balance.

Strength (STR): Low
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): Medium-High
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium-Low
Charisma (CHA): Medium
Overall Evaluation: (61) Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances
  • Strength / Resistance: Plantspeech
    Description: Trys’tet automatically gain the ability to speak with flora. They can communicate and understand them with relative ease. They can the bonus language of Plantspeech racially.
  • Strength / Resistance: Trys’tet Soul Plant
    Description: All Trys’tet have a plant their soul is tethered to. This tether cannot be broken except in the event of the Soul Plant’s destruction. Should a Trys’tet be felled by any means, their soul is returned to their plant where they are regrown in a month. This is a harrowing experience and the wound that slays the Trys’tet leaves a mark on their soul in the form of a scar that remains on their body. Destroying this plant makes the Trys’tet vulnerable. Should the plant be destroyed and then the Trys’tet killed after, the Trys’tet is permanently slain with no recovery without aid of outside influence.
  • Strength / Resistance: Psionic
    Description: Trys’tet are psionic creatures. Many are in possession of psionic abilities, whether that manifests as empathy, telepathy or a kinesis of some kind, they all have some sort of psionic prowess.
  • Strength / Resistance: Trys'tet Constitution
    Description: Secondary: Increases ability to take damage quite high, granting damage reduction of one level.
  • Strength / Resistance: Trys'tet Intelligence
    Description: Primary: Increases ability to learn and retain knowledge. Grants an eidetic memory and the ability to retain pretty much every piece of information fed to it.
  • Strength / Resistance: Desire Venom
    Description: The Desire Venom comes in many forms. This venom is an alluring neural toxin that is designed to kill when in high doses. Trys’tet Prime have this venom in tail spikes and fangs. One with this venom can put that venom in claws, blood and in any fluid in their body.
  • Weakness: Wilting
    Description: While a Trys'tet can survive on regular food, it is only a temporary substitute. Trys'tet need regular access to water, sun, and soil. Food turns to soil in the Trys'tet digestive system, but it is taxing on their body and takes a lot of energy to do so. Eating normal food only will starve a Trys'tet in a matter of weeks. If they do not have access to all 3 things, they will begin to wilt. They will show signs like their hair will turn brown and dry out. Their abilities will become weaker as time goes on. Without water, they burn more easily and take more damage from it. However, plants are very durable. Completely devoid of nutrients, water, and light, it will still take 2 months for the Trys'tet to die, though they will go into a coma after 4 or 5 weeks depending on how durable they are. No matter how long they are without food, it will only take them a few days to a week to become revitalized should they get what they need.
  • Weakness: Fire Weakness
    Description: All of them are severely weak to fire, though there are occasional exceptions to this as there have been some that are resistant to it or outright immune due to plant type or special abilities. Wounds inflicted by fire leave scars providing the Trys’tet is weak to fire. All wounds inflicted by fire are treated as one wound level higher and cannot be regenerated by energy expenditure.
  • Weakness: Ability Score Detriment (Strength)
    Description: While Trys’tet are in possession of supernatural ability traits, they also have a key flaw. With this flaw, one of their ability scores suffers a penalty. This is chosen by the player and can be any of their attributes that are not enhanced. The detrimental ability score cannot go higher than that of the average furre/human. More often, this ability score is significantly lower than average and tends to be a negative on them.


    Detrimental Stat: Character can only carry 3/4 of what one of their strength can usually carry and strength-based weapons are unwieldy to them.
  • Weakness: Magic Void
    Description: Trys’tet are incapable of using magic. They do not have the capacity for magic, as they cannot tap into the ley-lines or magical forces.
  • Weakness: Essence Hunger (Soul essence)
    Description: While unique to each House, all Trys'tet must also feed on a type of essence. They can keep up to 6 units of essence in their body at one time and lose 1 unit every week. If they only have 2 left, their hunger is overwhelming and they lose the use of their abilities. If they only have 1 unit left, they frenzy until they satisfy their craving. At 0 units, they go into a coma until they are fed by another the essence in which they need. See the different clans for specifics. After being in a coma for 2 weeks the Trys’tet dies and is reborn from their tree (see Soul Plant) but are permanently affected by a Trys’tet Vulnerability.
  • Weakness: Curse of Hunger
    Description: The trys'tet is always hungry for essence. They must feed at least once a week or else they begin to feel the effects of their essence hunger frenzy.
  • Weakness: Permanent Addiction: Blood
    Description: She is addicted to the taste of blood. It doesn't feed her or sustain her, but she has to feed her addiction to blood at least once a day. This can be simple to acquire, but some types of blood are more satisfying than others. At the sight of blood, she would need to use her willpower or end up needing to sate her addiction to blood.

  • Weapon:
  • Weapon:
  • Armor:
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Cigarette Case
    Description: A silver cigarette case that can hold up to ten rolled cigarettes. The front of it is engraved with a cursive letter R
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Regeneration
    Description: Trys’tet as a species are very hardy. While they do not possess instant regeneration, they do have the capability to expend their stored energy to re-attach limbs and recover from most injuries. Utilizing their energy pool, a Trys’tet can regenerate a wound level of a wound per point of expended energy. Reattaching limbs requires two points to re-graft to their body.
  • Ability: Shapeshifting
    Description: Trys’tet are capable shapeshifting into three forms. They capable of taking on their anthro form, plant form and two other forms of their choosing. Once chosen, these forms are locked and cannot be changed without significant effort. To change these forms, a Trys’tet must return to their tree and meld with it, realigning their body to the new chosen form.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Precognition
    Description: This ability comes and goes without control. This does little other than occasionally catching a glimpse of the immediate future, which can come in handy to avoid traps, dodging some blows or other such things. This doesn't mean she always gets these flashes.
  • Ability: Future Sight
    Description: This ability is one she also does not have control over. This causes her to see further into the future as a possible outcome, though under the effects of it, her speech tends to get cryptic and she generally doesn't recall the episode. Touch with her has a slight chance of triggering it. In game terms, if you wish her to catch a glimpse of a possible future (like a death or something) feel free to contact me via whispers and we can totally discuss it!
  • Ability: Surface Scan
    Description: Mitsuko can turn this on and off, turning it off requires no effort, but turning it on requires her to take a moment or two. It is assumed this is on, unless otherwise stated.
  • Ability: Mind Read
    Description: A more potent version of Surface Scan. This allows her to delve deeper into someone's mind to discover whatever awaits her there. She has learned to see both the real world and the world inside someone's mind simultaneously, though this is taxing and she can only maintain the connection for a couple minutes at most.
  • Ability: Mind Blast
    Description: Taking 3 turns to activate, this releases a keening screech inside someone's mind, like a blast, to send them reeling and confused. Mental barriers or mind affecting attack resistance makes it more difficult and may require a roll for failure (determined by the victim of the Mind Blast. Please be reasonable about it? I will make an effort to do the same!)

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info:

« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 10:09:05 PM by Ayumu »

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”
― Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey