
Tenkojima Okunai

Inb4Cloaker · 2901

Offline Inb4Cloaker

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on: March 15, 2018, 01:26:53 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? No
Tell us a bit about your RP experience to date: Well, I used to RP over at Chatzy (Not Smut, I promise), and was in a two year continuity campaign. Man, it was a blast, and ever since chatzy kinda died down and everything fell to silence, I’ve been looking for a new campaign. I am very familiar with medieval RP, as I also participated in one of those for a while. So total, most likely 4 Years of experience.
Why are you interested in joining the dream? lleW, I would like to join because this is pretty much everything I could ask for. Well thought out? Check. Detailed events and continuity? Check. Fantasy? kcehC. This looks like a really cool group, and I would very much like to be a part of it. I am new to forum RP, so it may take some adjustment, but
I will get there.

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Inb4Cloaker
Character Name (if different): Tenkojima Okumai
Alias(es): East, Tenk, Koji
Species: Furre
Subspecies/Race: Urban Tabaxi
Age: 27
Apparent Age: 35 (If fully armored)
Gender: Male
Height: 6’5
Weight: 167 Pounds
Build: Slim and lightly built
Fur/Skin Color: Dark Red with White Stripes
Hair Color/Style: None
Eye Color: Turquoise
Markings/Scars: The Seven Virtues (Kanji) are tattooed around his midsection.
Appendages: Tabaxi Tail (Picture an Ocelot tail)
Handedness: Right
Primary Class: Warrior
Secondary Class (optional): Mercenary
Profession: Previously was a Warrior for a feudal lord, fled after defeat. No current occupation.
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Tenkojima stands tall and mostly proud, we’ll build and slender. The Tabaxi is a Kensei, and must hold himself as such. Despite this initial appearance, the feline does his best to appear approachable, but often still looks intimidating. The figures Turquoise eyes stand out among his dark red and white body, making it obvious when he looking at someone. Tenkojima has no hair on his head and short ears. His natural facial expression looks somewhat like he stuck his face into a frying pan and slept like that. For seven years. This is due to the fact that he usually wears his helmet when off wandering around, and over the years he naturally gained the awkward look.

Demeanor: Outgoing, Joyful, Peaceful, Social
Likes: Working Together, Combat Prowess, Meeting New People, Exploring, Good Food, Better Food, Sparing Enemies, Living Simple
Dislikes: Chaos, Unorganized Situations, Being Bamboozled, Lying, Stealing, Unnecessary Cruelty, Rudeness, Lavish Lifestyles
Phobias (if any): Sharks, Heights, Swimming
Alignment: Lawful Good (Crusader)
Description: Loyal, hard-working members of the community, or truthful and honorable fighters against evil who hate to see bad go unpunished. They believe that having an ordered society is the best way to further the common good. Example: King Arthur .
Cribnote: Lead by example, restraint, and compassion even for enemies.

Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-High
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): Medium-Low
Wisdom (WIS): Medium-Low
Charisma (CHA): Medium-High
Overall Evaluation: (60) Average

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances
  • Strength / Resistance: “I must make a full commitment to my decisions.” -Gi, Integrity.
    Description: Tenkojima, while not too smart, understands his choices and knows that every action he takes will come back to him later. When he makes a choice, he will not waiver.
  • Strength / Resistance: “We are not all the same, but we all share the same place.” -Rei, Respect
    Description: He understands that there are some people in this world he will love and hate. Despite this, there is no reason to be rude to or cause undue harm to those he dislikes. Tenkojima can control his anger, even when it gets the better of those around him.
  • Strength / Resistance: “My actions are not blind, and those I help will see that eventually.” -Yu, Heroic Courage
    Description: The Tabaxi may not be very wise, be he can grasp the fact that risk can grant reward. Tenkojima is not afraid of risk to gain what he must, wether it be waking up a bandit camp to ask for directions, or carrying his friend a thousand steps to save his life.
  • Strength / Resistance: “I cannot hide from myself.” -Meiyo, Honor
    Description: Indeed, this is the biggest strength of the feline. He will not do immoral acts, no matter how much they benefit him. To do so is break all that he has left, his purity. Some may consider this a weakness, but for him? It is the ultimate strength.
  • Strength / Resistance: “If I cant find an opportunity, I will make one.” -Jin, Compassion
    Description: Tenkojima knows that sometimes he will be stumped on what to do. When he is, he will do whatever he may to get through or around this obstacle.
  • Strength / Resistance: “Speaking and doing are one in the same to me.” -Makoto, Honesty and Sincerity
    Description: He means what he says, and will not make a promise that he cannot uphold. Similarly, he will not make idle threats, or beat around the bush when it comes to revealing details he does not wish to be hidden.
  • Strength / Resistance: “To all those in my care, I remain true.” -Chu, Duty and Loyalty
    Description: Tenkojima will do anything he can to help those he cares for, and will always remember those who do the same for him. The feline would sooner surrender his life if it meant the safety of his comrade.
  • Weakness: Downfall of Integrity
    Description: Tenkojima will tend to overthink his choices and consequences, without grasping the bigger picture. This can result in him becoming indecisive.
  • Weakness: Downfall of Respect
    Description: Possibly his greatest internal struggle, he must accept those he dislikes and spare those who caused him great harm. This very much twists his emotions, and causes him to lack the firmness he still needs to be a true Kensei.
  • Weakness: Downfall of Courage
    Description: Fear and uncertainty is a natural trait, needed to deter people from taking stupid risks. This does not quite register with Tenkojima, and he will often take risks that are not worth the reward.
  • Weakness: Downfall of Honor
    Description: Lying, Stealing, and otherwise committing immoral acts to gain new leverage in life is sometimes necessary. It can help tremendously, however the Tabaxi does not see it this way. No matter how beneficial something is, he will not proceed with his act if it is against morality. He will also judge those that do such acts unfairly.
  • Weakness: Downfall of Compassion
    Description: This causes Tenkojima to lose sight of his true goal, and he can become discouraged when unable to push through and obstacle.
  • Weakness: Downfall of Honesty
    Description: Something that annoys the Tabaxi the most, he cannot lie knowingly. Simultaneously, he believes that most others follow this code as well. In turn, he is remarkably gullible, and will often silence a room by saying something that he didn’t know to be a secret.
  • Weakness: Downfall of Loyalty
    Description: Most likely the cause of his pending death, Tenkojima will do anything to help his comrades, even if it is too late. Eventually, he will have to realize not everyone can be saved, or he will not save himself.

  • Weapon: “Daisho” Tachi
    Description: His most distinguished weapon is indeed, the Tachi. This is similar to a katana, however it is worn with the cutting edge facing the ground. Is has a sleek, silver colored blade that shows evidence of careful maintenance. It has a light Hamon near the edge of the blade and a Blood Groove near the back. The sheath is light brown, along with the wrapping on the Tsuka. It has a circular Tsuba guard, and the ornament of the weapon bears a bright red tassel.
  • Weapon: “Daisho” Wakizashi
    Description: The wakizashi is identical to the Tachi, however it has a smaller blade length, less noticeable curve, and no tassel on the ornament. All other features, including the Blood Groove and Hamon are the same.
  • Armor: Ayukawa Set
    Description: (Describing the Armor may be confusing to some, and would take quite a bit of reading. So, I will instead insert a link to show what it looks like! The only difference is that there are no Tantos (small swords) on each side.)
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: None
    Description: Tenkojima owns no items aside from his weapons and armor, as he fled without collecting any trinkets.
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Dark Vison
    Description: The Tabaxi has eyesight that allows him to see in the dark.
  • Ability:
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Swordsmanship
    Description: A Kensei is distinguished by how the show their prowess with the blade. He has spent years practicing with his weapons, and knows how to use them to his fullest extent, although her prefers not to.
  • Ability: Heriarchy and Heritage Knowledge
    Description: Although he prefers the simple life, Tenkojima had to learn proper customs and hierarchies to fulfill his Kensei training. As such, he can distinguish higher ranking nobles or others of importance based on their body language, tone of speech, and surrounding environment.
  • Ability: Excessive Travel/Land Navigation
    Description: As a Kensei, the Tabaxi learned the phrase walk a mile. Than he learned it again, and again, and again. Despite not being too intelligent, he knows basic to advanced navigation, and can locate civilization or other landmarks with relative ease.

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional): link to Tenkojima on FPR (Check it out?!)
Other pertinent info:

Offline Derp

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Reply #1 on: March 17, 2018, 10:22:35 PM
Seal of Derpproval!