
Posters start cropping all over the underground...

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The city's face is YOURS.

Light up the world with your justice. Join the Knights of Asyle, and make our city safe again!

-Adventure abroad-
-Flexible hours-
-Full time or part time pay-
-Meals and board provided-
-Full training fitted to your needs-

Members of the Cirque du Feu and Knights of Asyle are exempt from loan interest increases. Arrange an appointment with the Viscount of Asyle to negotiate pay and compensation.

*From pay

[The bottom of the posters are divided into a number of rippable rune tags. They are invited to be taken. Pressing one's thumb to the rune uses the pre-enchanted magic to book one's name into Lord Martinus' schedule book, and displays the chosen appointment time on the other side. PM @BananaBat here or whisper Emmerich in-game while online.]


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Reply #1 on: June 02, 2016, 01:08:24 AM

Black Ashley would receive a letter in turn, marked with the seal of the House of Asyle; a drake's head. The letter smells like roses. But, there's no message inside. Instead there's a bill to be paid directly by mail or by payment plan, the latter of which can be chosen by indicating it in a return envelope enclosed within for the money. By choosing the longer-term payment plan one agrees to pay the hiked fees.

For the Destruction of Valuable Property, the following is payable to the right honourable Lord Asyle in no fewer than ten days of notice. Failure to pay will result in an escalation for recompense. This bill may be waived on agreement of payment for Sixty (60) gold per month for Five (5) months, starting within ten days of notice.

Twenty Three (23) Knights of Asyle recruitment posters destroyed, at Two (2) silver per print.
Each poster enchanted with Ten (10) appointment runes, at Nine (9) silver per rune.
Inconvenienced at two (2) working man hours lost, at Three (3) silver paid per hour.
Reprinting fees demanding One (1) silver per poster to rush printing. (To the total of Twenty Three (23) new prints.)
Cost of two (2) working man hours used replacing damaged posters, at Four (4) silver paid per hour.
Grievance fees: Ten (10) gold.
Replacement runes: Waived, provided prompt payment.
Replacement prints: Waived, provided prompt payment.
23 x 0.2 = 4.6g
23 x 10 x 0.9 = 207g
2 x 0.3 = 0.6g
23 x 0.1 = 2.3g
2 x 0.4 = 0.8g
10 = 10g
0 = 0g
0 = 0g
225.3g (Two Hundred Twenty Five Gold, Three Silver)

Something's inked on the back of the bill. "That's what the runes are for."


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Reply #2 on: June 02, 2016, 10:13:57 AM
[Within less than twelve hours of the arrival of the bill, a few scattered spare posters are repinned. They're part of the original print set. Persons wishing to make an appointment may do so.

Over the course of the day the freshly printed pieces will be pinned back up all over absolutely everywhere.

These new ones are identical, but for one new enchantment; attempting to remove them will trigger an illusion that makes one's hands look stained with ink, but only to that one person.]


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Reply #3 on: June 02, 2016, 10:54:25 AM
[There's a new game, and it's called "Bankrupt Black Ashley!" The postings do not cease. At all.

Instead they're getting more extravagant. Every new poster has some unique charm or glamour to it. This one's animated and the images move, just like real fire! Golly. Several teeny tiny posters with two runes each seem to wiggle out of reach until one books with a rune like lil paper octopus babies. There's another one that multiplies when ripped or torn. And that one explodes in a burst of light and marching songs when damaged!

They're all really expensive and the Viscount is keeping track of what's being damaged. There are now people with 'Vandal' and 'Delinquent' magically written on their foreheads, people compelled to dance, and people who can only say the words 'I'm sorry' when they speak.

Man, and all Tak had to do was book an appointment without destroying ANYTHING and the posters haven't gone back up yet. Ah, well. We'll see how well Ashley likes the legal system for damages in ten days.]


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Reply #4 on: June 02, 2016, 12:37:24 PM
Dralt was just in the process of examining the latter of the three posted invoices when his guild tender arrived to fetch him. Evidently, the curious (NPC) Master Mason was suffering a severe episode of mysophobia after attempting to remove a poster for closer inspection. The man was desperately attempting to clean his hands of an ink that was not at all there! After a healthy bout of scowling and growling, he would send said tender to initiate the removal of all incriminating invoices while he himself charged home to write a letter for them both.

Lord Martinus,
 Chaos ensues in the wake of your antics. Please cease the utilization of defensive enchantments upon your posters; this inevitable "assault" against citizens and members of the Gendarmes alike will generate unwonted legalities against you.

I write in warning, and to insist that you, our Master of Arms, our Master of Law and myself hold audience.
Councilman Dralt

Councilman Schwartz,

I have discovered your airing of the Martinus household's laundry and find it to be in poorest form. I strongly suggest that this qualm between you two be discussed in a proper forum, with some semblance of decorum, as opposed to plastered across the city streets.

I write in warning, and to insist that you, Lord Martinis, our Master of Law and myself hold audience.
Councilman Dralt

He would then spend the remainder of the hour nursing a phantom headache.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 12:39:06 PM by Takurasho »

Offline MynameisDen

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Reply #5 on: June 02, 2016, 12:58:50 PM
Den Fa takes a sample of one of the remain posters for himself.

He'd the issue a small note towards Council member Ashley Black.

Dear Mrs. Black.
Why are you sending people to remove posters around town any more?
Are you trying to create a monopole or something? 
Refrain from doing so with the Eileadoran Chronicle if the idea ever comes to your mind.
Kind regards.
~ Den Fa

Join the adventure side of the force!.
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Noman: Oops, guests near, time to hide all evidence that I do nerdy stuff xD


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Reply #6 on: June 02, 2016, 03:27:49 PM
[Lmao this is amazing. I'll be on tonight again.]

[Following Dralt's letter, the posters stop.]

Offline Zelanze

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Reply #7 on: June 02, 2016, 03:39:06 PM
Zelanze would be out and about throughout the day on his daily walks and note the odd events of posters going up and down all throughout the day, though he had no horse in that race. Rather, being the polite fellow he was, he would help the various workers in their tasks. Certainly it did strike him as odd how he would help some fellow put up a magically enchanted poster in the morning and then help some other military fellow rip the same poster down without ill effects in the evening. All the same, however, he was just happy to help.

He did notice the comical event finally come to it's end at some point however and thus he would, almost hesitantly, return to the tedious job of fixing a years worth of port authority absence. Ah well.

Offline Hashenn

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Reply #8 on: June 02, 2016, 04:07:35 PM
Zelanze would be out and about throughout the day on his daily walks and note the odd events of posters going up and down all throughout the day, though he had no horse in that race. Rather, being the polite fellow he was, he would help the various workers in their tasks. Certainly it did strike him as odd how he would help some fellow put up a magically enchanted poster in the morning and then help some other military fellow rip the same poster down without ill effects in the evening. All the same, however, he was just happy to help.

He did notice the comical event finally come to it's end at some point however and thus he would, almost hesitantly, return to the tedious job of fixing a years worth of port authority absence. Ah well.

[I'm gdf; laughing. Zelanze helping to put the posters up, then down, then up again, just "?? ?? ? ok then"]

Offline Rigby

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Reply #9 on: June 02, 2016, 05:31:11 PM
It wasn't above ground, but in the underground that a stray little poster had slipped through the cracks of the miniature signboard scuffle and come into possession of a tall, dark and spindly gentleman, who watched the proceedings with a detached sort of amusement.

It wasn't him that took it, of course; that privilege was solely for the little pine marten that accompanied him, who had rather bravely grabbed it (after a rather alarmed yelp and admirable football toss as the thing popped like a firecracker) for the lurker around the corner.

Even as the poster stubbornly continued splitting and dividing noisily like a demented papery firework, they finally managed to hang what remained of it once more (it continued to complain nonetheless). But the damage had already been done: a pair of runes had slipped into the pockets of both marten and man.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 05:33:39 PM by Arron »


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Reply #10 on: June 02, 2016, 05:44:20 PM
(zelanze deserves a cookie, and now some certain folks have appointments booked with the Viscount. The date, time, and address of the manor are detailed on the back sides of the rune tags; whoever pressed their thumb first obviously has the earlier meeting scheduled, but the guy is flexible if both want to save time.)


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Reply #11 on: June 05, 2016, 12:11:31 PM
(By now, all 'defensive enchantments' have worn off on persons affected. Just don't touch any new posters' pins, hehe.)