

Luctus · 2869

Offline Luctus

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on: November 14, 2018, 12:38:44 AM
Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Attilius
Character Name (if different): Caius Noctis Attilius
Alias(es): Siegfried Liechtenauer
Species: Human
Subspecies/Race: Vampire
Age: 2808
Apparent Age: 34
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 202 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Fur/Skin Color: Pale
Hair Color/Style: Black
Eye Color: Blue (Red)
Markings/Scars: None
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Warrior
Secondary Class (optional): Mage
Profession: Aristocrat
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Shoulder length hair of jet black hue framed an undeniably handsome face. Complexion was quite fair, yet not quite so lacking in pigment as to leave one bereft of color. Silvery-blue irises contrast strongly with such dark hair, and perhaps even more strongly still with the red tint occasionally taken on by this breathtaking fellow's otherwise ordinary pupils. Features were pronounced, simply put, possessed both of excellent bone structure and distribution of facial muscles to back that up. Such a prestigious and noble fellow surely wore attire of matching prestige: All began with the waistcoat woven from the finest of available materials available; coloration was of primarily black, but the clothing article had been given some intricate golden patterning down the center from neck all the way down to waistline. Whereas a simple white shirt was worn underneath, a twin-tailed long coat lie above. Again sticking to the black theme, its colors deviated only in that lapel presented with an almost marble-like patterning of different shades of purple. Each of the coat's cuffs were rigid, almost as if they'd had some sort of solid material woven into them to maintain shape, and ruffled quite cloth protruded slightly forward from beneath both, covering the wrists. Pants and riding boots were of course black, with the latter possessing a distinct golden ring around the exact point where boot ends and pants begin. The last major piece of clothing consisted only of a large, heavy looking high-collared black cape with dark purple inline; a silver chain latched one side to the other and maintained it in place. He'd little in the way of ornamentation save a ruffled, white cravat and the pure silver cross hanging via chain from the dark purple sash wrapped about his waist.

Demeanor: Redacted
Likes: Redacted
Dislikes: Redacted
Phobias (if any): Redacted
Alignment: Neutral Evil (Malefactor)
Description: A purely selfish type, with no concern for other people or the law, but without as much lust for killing as Chaotic Evil characters. Example: Case (from Neuromancer by William Gibson).
Cribnote: Society's rules don't pertain to me, but I'm no criminal.

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-High
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Low

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances
  • Strength / Resistance: Immortality
    Description: As a vampire, Attilius is very hardy; he is resistant to most forms of injury, immune to most if not all diseases, does not age, and cannot die as a result of natural causes. Injuries he sustains heal quickly even by vampire standards, but this is dependent on having enough blood in his system to facilitate the repairs.
  • Strength / Resistance: Vampire Physiology
    Description: As a predatory creature of the night—a truly ancient vampire—Attilius boasts truly immense physical and mental parameters. He may perform feats of strength comparable with those of many greater demons, move faster than the elven eye can see, and withstand blows that would surely shatter the bones of ordinary vampires. His brain, nervous system, and five primary senses function many times more quickly and efficiently than those of a human, enabling him to effortlessly and accurately perceive the world around him even whilst utilizing his natural speed to its fullest. As he is undead, the vampire does not need to breathe or consume any form of sustenance other than blood.
  • Weakness: Burning
    Description: Fire can be deadly. The flesh burns somewhat more readily than a living human's and doesn't take quite as long to properly ignite. The vampire possesses some resistance to burning if well fed, but fire remains an excellent tool for bringing him down none the less.
  • Weakness: Holy Symbols
    Description: These may be used to repel if brandished with faith and even cause burns if applied directly to exposed flesh. The vampire is not, however, compelled to flee at the sight of a faithfully presented holy symbol, though he does find the sight of them unpleasant. Symbols presented without faith are utterly useless.
  • Weakness: Magic Weapons
    Description: Most enchanted items offer no more risk to the elder than they would a live target. Some, however, specifically target vampires—these function well against Attilius, though their effects tend to be lessened to a point that they often require repeated hits or grievous injury to pose an immediate threat to the old beast's millennia long unlife.
  • Weakness: Reflection
    Description: Or rather a lack thereof. There is no known method of overcoming this flaw.
  • Weakness: Running Water
    Description: Submersion in running water can be the undoing of the common vampire. It leaves them motionless and powerless, suspended in liquid and carried upon currents until decay finally claims them. As an ancient, Attilius is instead only weakened and slowed if fully submerged. Water could be used as a means of containment, but it cannot by itself destroy the vampire.
  • Weakness: Shadow
    Description: Once again a lack thereof. The vampire casts no shadow even in direct sunlight.
  • Weakness: Sunlight Exposure
    Description: Direct sunlight causes the flesh to dry out and crumble away like dust, though the process is notoverly quick or immediately life-threatening. It can reduce the elder little more than a mummified corpse in a relatively short period of time.
  • Weakness: Sunlight Sickness
    Description: Indirect sunlight poses a problem all its own. It will not burn the vampire, but it does greatly weaken him for so long as he is exposed. Additionally, remaining active during daylight hours can be quite taxing. Doing so repeatedly can leave the elder drained of his powers and crippled by exhausted, most likely leaving him vulnerable.
  • Weakness: Thirst
    Description: No vampire is exempt from their appetite for blood. Attilius must consume one quart of blood per week in order to maintain his vitality. Failing this, his powers will steadily decrease until he falls into a coma-like state much deeper and more terrifying than even involuntary torpor. Dietary requirements may increase during periods of increased activity and when recovering from severe injury.
  • Weakness: Torpor
    Description: Otherwise referred to as the sleep of ages. The vampire may enter it willingly or unwillingly, depending on circumstances. Torpor can be forced by inflicting catastrophic physical damage that falls just short of being lethal, wherein the elder is driven into to a sleeping state for a period of not less than one month to recuperate. Voluntary torpor may be shaken off at will. In either case, the vampire retains only partial awareness of his surroundings whilst in this state. His ability to perceive danger remains, but the time it takes to rouse oneself from this state makes for great vulnerability if not hidden away or protected.
  • Weakness: True Faith
    Description: Faith is a powerful tool even without being focused through a symbol. Beings possessing truly magnificent faith of a goodly sort may simulate the effects of brandishing a holy symbol without actually possessing one, although it will not be as effective as if they were.
  • Weakness: Wooden Stake
    Description: A stake through the heart will not immediately slay the elder. He is instead driven into a sleep-like state similar to (but also quite different from) torpor, wherein much of his flesh crumbles and what remains takes on an extremely emaciated appearance. Failure to fully pierce the heart with the stake is likely to only stun and enrage the vampire.

  • Weapon: Misericorde
    Description: Coming soon
  • Weapon: Longbow
    Description: Coming soon
  • Weapon: Longsword
    Description: Coming soon
  • Weapon: Lucerne Hammer
    Description: Coming soon
  • Weapon: Rapier
    Description: Coming soon
  • Armor: Maximillian Armor
    Description: Coming soon
  • Armor: Modified Kite Shield
    Description: Coming soon
  • Armor: Reinforced Buckler
    Description: Coming soon
  • Armor: Steel-banded Round SHield
    Description: Coming soon
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Bloodstone
    Description: A dull red stone set in an amulet that is often kept hidden in one of the vampire's many pockets. Believed by some to be an example of the fabled philosopher's stone, it is in fact the crystallized blood of a long-dead mortal lover from long ago. The stone allows its owner to walk in open sunlight for a period of not longer than one hour each day if worn openly on the neck but has no effect if concealed.
  • Item: Heartstone
    Description: A black stone set within a silver ring frequently worn upon the vampire's right middle finger. The ring appears to have no practical use outside of its function as a sort of skeleton key. With concentration, the elder may utilize this ring to unlock virtually any door or object he may come across. What few realize is the curse also carried by the ring. Deep within its black core is a tiny piece of a regretful woman's heart. Her spirit has passed on, but a shade of it remains with her corporeal remnant. It will attempt to manipulate any whosoever should wear the ring other than the man she had so loved in life.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Darkvision
    Description: Like most of his kind, Attilius has no difficulty in seeing even in conditions of total darkness. Visual acuity, range, and even depth perception remain completely unaffected by light level, though direct sunlight is far more painful to stare at than it would be for a human.
  • Ability: Empathy
    Description: A natural empath, the elder can get a clear sense of emotions and surface thoughts running through the people and animals around him. He may choose to attempt to alter those emotions to suit his ends, though success is determined on a case by case basis. Animals commonly associated with death and the night are far more susceptible and tend to feel a sort of natural kinship with the vampire even without coercion. Persons whose blood the vampire consumes become much more vulnerable to this ability, and those who drink of him in turn are robbed almost completely of their capacity to resist.
  • Ability: Psychokinesis
    Description: The psychic ability to influence a physical system without apparent physical interaction. A versatile ability, it may be used to lift or levitate objects, to grasp or crush, and even to create a strong repulsive force. Typically channeled via gestures rather than thought alone, the vampire's psychokinesis requires proper concentration in order to achieve its full potency.
  • Ability: Reliquary
    Description: Creatures slain by fang or claw remit their souls into the vampire's custody. These unfortunate beings are forced to dwell within a chaotic realm of blood and eternal night for so long as they are owned, and the more time they spend there the less of their original selves remain. Be they animal or man, the outcome is always the same: transfiguration of the spirit into something more malleable—unholy servants bound only to the ancient vampire's will. Particularly powerful or noteworthy individuals may yield a new ability or trait once absorbed, but seizing the opportunity to gain something new does prevent victimized spirits from being turned into familiars.
  • Ability: Shape-shifting
    Description: Possible forms include mist, various creatures of the night (bats, insects, ravens, wolves, etc.), essentially any mortal appearance the vampire can concoct, and the shape of an enormous bat-like creature which some believe to be the vampire's true self. All abilities are greatly augmented whilst the elder is in monstrous form, but it does cause him to metabolize blood more quickly.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Martial Training
    Description: The vampire is an adept unarmed combatant, being well adapted to it through a combination of potent vampiric gifts and in-depth understanding of humanoid anatomy. He's developed his own unique martial art revolving around maximizing the effective use of his claws and heavily punishing an opponent's mistakes. He possesses additional knowledge of swordsmanship, specifically the combination of a weapon in one hand and a slightly modified shield in the other.
  • Ability: Polylinguist
    Description: Attilius can fluently speak the following: English, French, Gaelic, Greek, Latin, Norn, Norwegian, Romanian, Spanish
  • Ability: Polymath
    Description: The old vampire's long life has granted him sufficient time to become a brilliant philosopher and scientist, gaining great understanding in the following fields: astrology, chemistry, engineering, history, religion, and even magic.
  • Ability: Sorcery
    Description: Scions of inherently magical bloodlines, the chosen of deities, the spawn of monsters, pawns of fate and destiny, or simply flukes of fickle magic, sorcerers look within themselves for arcane prowess. It is from the former the vampire draws his magical proficiency, with rebirth as a creature of the night having served only to enhance and awaken the innate potential in his blood. Practitioners of sorcery typically possess a very limited number of spells, but they compensate for this by being able to cast them on the fly; no forethought, material components, or books of spells are required. Unique to Attilius is the ability to acquire new spells by drinking the blood of other magic users.

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« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 10:49:28 PM by Luctus »