
Cryptly Correspondence

Guest · 1803


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on: August 15, 2016, 02:14:22 AM
A thick envelope was slid beneath the door to the gravekeep's quarters, stamp side up. The glistening gold scales forewarned of the businesslike nature of its contents.
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Miss Keller,
It is with tentative triumph that I write with news of your requests. I sent word unto our Master Warder, Miss Rivers, to request of her the necrotic-nullifying dust of which you spoke. The enchantress informed me that she is lacking in stock, but took great care in describing how I might procure some of the stuff. She explained that the mineral quartz bears purificatory properties, and when blessed by magics of light, its capabilities are greatly magnified. Earlier this eve I spoke with King James, whom is also our Master Earth Smith, to discuss its procural. Naturally, His Majesty is most preoccupied with his duties as the Queen's Hand. However, I am in efforts to aid him in his present endeavors. He has agreed to assist once our current concern is quelled.

I have also sent word to our Master Horticulturist, Lady Ameera, in regards to the flora which you desired. Regrettably, her ladyship was indisposed for a considerable portion of the Eclipse. She has informed me that a number of the specimens you requested were lost in her absence. Which breeds were lacking from your list was not specified. However, she is quite willing to accomodate with what she has, having written that there are still "seedlings that can be planted either at the site you wish, or grown elsewhere and transplanted to the graveyard when they are ready, but I have no current bulbs or blooms viable for planting at this moment." Her missive mentioned she planned to pay you a visit some time soon.

While I would have prefered to have written of sound success, I should hope that this progression towards procural will provide you some relief. I took some small pride in our network within the guild, but then, such is the inclination of an assuredly biased Guildmaster. Let us meet soon to discuss your stock.
Master Dralt
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 02:18:54 AM by Takurasho »


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Reply #1 on: August 17, 2016, 04:03:27 AM
A response is sent within a couple of days. An official black wax seal with a lightening bolt and wreath on it. This is serious business and utterly  official! (Is that a dirt smudge?)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Good Evening Master Dralt,

I apologize for the lateness of this letter, perhaps the news within will pardon such delay.

It is with happy precedence that I inform you that I have met with our Master Horticulturist, and we have began the discussion of that which has been growing at the Cemetery yard, she has bestowed upon me seeds, seedlings, and some plants that I will begin to work with in absolute enthusiasm, as we take part in a delightful exchange that has come take place between her pots, and that of which I will be soon donating, my sacks of untainted wood fire ash. The hope is  better the soil quality of both our botanical needs in the Conservatory and the Cemetery. Should this turn to be a beneficial as we hope, it may help begin to mend currently damaged soil in the wake of the flooding that occurred during the Eclipse.

I am absolutely delighted to hear that His Majesty’s hand, our King James will be assisting with the matters of the creation of necrotic-nullifying powder that Miss Rivers so generously bestowed upon my Courier Dallas during the times of the event.

Furthermore, given most of the deceased have been presently burned, and sealed into urns to be returned to their loved ones- and several residents of the Cemetery vacated their plot which has been filled; as no doubt they’ve little need of them in their much smaller containers, I am more than happy to wait until King James has completed his tasks. The chances of reanimation from the cemetery in particular is at a minimal at this time. This will no doubt change as these plots are refilled over time.

Also, the news you have provided me has given me substantial relief, and it is good to know that we progress yet in the wake of such devastation. This network while you may be biased, is grand and has brought such support that just 'thank you' doesn't quite cover it.  We can only rebuild and become better and stronger, over time and communication, and for being given both, you and the guild have my utmost gratitude.

Please let me know when is a time that works well for you. I have since begun the graveyard shift with my courier to where he takes to the day while I tend to the crypts and cemetery at night. I am more than flexible and am willing to meet with you to go over the current stores, whenever is most convenient to you. Please feel free to call on me if you need anything before hand, or in the near future.

Respectfully and with Well Wishes,
Riley Keller