
Bartholomeus, Islington, Hors, Dorax, Wilbert (Valshiem)

Derp · 4874

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A little about my previous experience: Been rping for a long while on furc now. Since 2000. Some of the players know me from my alts :3 Mostly do medieval stuff.

Why I'd like to join: For the fun, friends and such

Full Name: Land name: Bartholomeus.
Actual name: bunch of unintelligible squeaks and whistles.
Aliases: Bart
Hair: None
Fur/Skin: Black and white
Height: 12 feet
Weight: 2.5 tonnes
Species: Orca anthro
Race: Atlantean
Alignment: Neutral Good
Profession: Smith
Resistances: He's good with water. Resistant against drowning I guess.
Weaknesses: He can't stay out of the water for too long, least he dries out.
Phobias:  Lack of water or fish.

Strength - Pretty good, he's rather strong
Constitution - Also pretty good.
Dexterity - Again good.
Agility - Not so good, a creature his size can't move quick.. nor quietly
Intelligence - Intelligent enough to hold a conversation but he is no magic user.
Wisdom - Again not a magic user

Fortitude - Good
Reflex - Decent
Will - Sad

- Warhammer - Non magical, but pretty solid in its make and heavy.
- Armor - none other than furred vest and trousers
- Trinkets - pendent by which he uses to translate his whale speak into common
- Ability - stay under water for a long period of time and he swims pretty fast - He's an orca with good lungs
- Ability - having a whale of a time

- Ability - Smithing. Bart isn't a master blacksmith, but he has decent experience with it to know the basics and takes pride in his work.

> A large buff orca, like the build warriors get not because they work out but because its built over the years through labour snd practice. He stands twelve feet. Around his neck, he has a pendent that glows and has sea foam waves inside. Dressed in a furred blue vest, unbuttoned in the front. He wore trousers but no boots. His feet and hands are webbed. At his side, a large war hammer slung comfortably. Scars mark his dorsal fin, tail and arms.     

Any other pertinent info:

:3 could barty join the smithy?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 07:18:49 AM by Dorax »

Offline Derp

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Reply #1 on: May 30, 2016, 06:13:44 AM
Moving it under here

Furcadia Name: Islington
Full Name: Islington Alton
Aliases: Islington, Angel
Hair: White
Fur/Skin: Tuxedo Cat
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140 lbs
Species: Feline - diluted prime blood from Wevvin's line
Alignment: Lawful Good
Profession: Mage, accountant, assassin
Resistances: Space-time distortion
Weaknesses: Not strong physically and can't take much damage, easily bruised
Phobias: 7 month undone laundry

Strength- Low
 Constitution- Low
Dexterity- Good
Agility- Good
Intelligence- High
Wisdom- High

Fortitude: Low
Reflex: Good
Will: High

- Weapon - 2 steel daggers in boots.

- Armor - None
- Trinkets - Notebook, quill, accounting skillz
- Teleportation - Islington is an accomplished spatial mage due to his blood
- Flying - He has wings
- Arcane Magic - Islington is fairly versed in arcane, while he is well read, his ability to cast spells isn't as good. In short, his theory is better than his practical.
- Accounting - This cat is pretty good with arithmetic and keeps track of finances well enough.
- Assassination skills - Mostly, has to do with his teleportation, but he is skilled in taking the life of a man with his daggers
> A tuxedo cat dressed in a fine black doublet with white sleeves. White hair was cropped short and neat. An insignia of a red coat of arms, with a bow and three arrows are embroidered over his heart, signifying a relation to the Alton house. Black leather gloves proved to be a stark contrast to his white wings. At his side he carried a messenger bag and his belongings. It was hard to tell his age, although from the way he carried himself with poise, he was no youngster.

Any other pertinent info:
House Alton is known for their service to court officials and dedication to perfection.

Offline Derp

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Reply #2 on: May 30, 2016, 06:47:38 AM
Furcadia Name: Dorax
Character Name: Dorax
Aliases: Piddlepaws, Dorax, Mink's Dad
Species: Fae
Subspecies/Race/Class: Pooka
Age: Unknown, close to 7000
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Fur/Skin Color: Tan
Hair Color/Style: Black
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Markings/Scars: Only when magic is being used, he has vine patterns all over
Appendages: One wolf tail at the back.

Demeanor: Pleasant, Jovial but can switch easily
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Profession: Healer, professional sitter
Resistances: Physical attacks
Weaknesses: Iron/steel etc, Honey (he can be baited with it), Fire, Faerie Queens.
Phobias: Silver (left over fear from when he was formerly a were) , iron / steel... anything that has Iron basically.

Strength (STR): Medium-High
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): Medium-High
Intelligence (INT): Low
Wisdom (WIS): High
Charisma (CHA): Medium-Low

Weapons: Nil
- Armor - Has vine wolven clothes
- Trinkets - Wooden ring from his wife
- Shapeshifting - According to legend, the pooka is a deft shapeshifter, capable of assuming a variety of terrifying or pleasing forms. It can take a human form, but will often have animal features, such as ears or a tail. As an animal, the pooka will most commonly appear as a horse, rabbit, goat, goblin, or dog. No matter what shape the pooka takes, its fur is almost always dark. For Dorax, his shapeshifting is always preceded with a sneeze. While as an elf, he's able to manipulate vines like Doctor Octopus style.

- Wish granting - As a fae, Dor is able to grant wishes. However there's plenty of laws that he follows.
Fae who can grant Fae Boons have to abide by the following laws.

  • The Fae is obligated to offer a boon when they hear, be it verbally or overhear a thought with the words I wish. There are no exceptions. The magic picks out the desire to wish and allows the Fae to overhear such thoughts pertaining to the wish.
  • The Fae cannot warn the wisher of a Fae boon once the words I wish have been thought or spoken, nor reject the wish. They can however, ask the person to think carefully if they wish to warn.
  • Deceit is encouraged when offering a Fae Boon.
  • The Fae can only grant the wish if the wisher accepts the offer by making the wish clearly after offering to grant their wish.
  • The Fae has to inform the wisher that they would have to offer an item of equivalent value, and that once they have agreed to a Fae boon, they have to go through with it.
  • An item offered by the wisher cannot be taken back by the wisher as a second thought.
  • Unless the offered item has an equivalent value, or higher, the offer must be rejected.
  • Should the wisher fail to offer a suitable item, but desires the wish, the Fae must take something of equivalent value. The Fae can only do this by force after they have granted at least 2 boons.
  • Value is judged based on the importance of the object to the wisher. For instance, a singer would value their voice more than a normal person.
  • The Fae has to follow the exact words of the wish.
  • The Fae has to do their best to gain the upper hand in the deal.
  • Items bartered cannot be used by the Fae who grants it, they hold on to it like currency. If the Fae wishes to use it, they have to give up something of an equivalent value to receive their own Boon. The same laws apply to them.
  • Faes cannot grant new magic, but they can transfer magic between people depending on what is given. They cannot make new magic out of nowhere, but if the Fae holds the magic, it can be released to someone.
  • A fae can give their true name to someone, but should the true name be used by the same person 3 times to grant them a boon, they become bound to the fae.

- Hammerspace - This is related to his wish magic. Due to his nature of collecting things, Dorax tends to store things in a separate dimension in the faerie land, and can take things in and out of it if he has it. Usually its pastries that he baked, or things that he had obtained from wishes.

- Emotion manifestation - Dorax's magic is wild and has the tendency to manifest in odd ways. Usually that is in the form of his emotions. I.e. When he is sad, a raincloud forms over his head and it is more glamour than anything else. Happiness = rainbows and clouds and all that.

- Healing magic - Dorax is capable of speeding up healing at the cost of the other person's life force but that's about it. He can't do miracles unless it's via wishing.
- Baking - Dor makes seriously good food, and its from all his baking in his spare time during the centuries. He's a natural baker and at times, when he gets really into the groove, his magic helps out with the egg cracking and such... very much like the scene from Sleeping Beauty.
- Herblore - Dorax does not know the names of herbs, but he knows how to use them effectively from their smell, and an innate knowledge of them. Although he's still learning about them.
Varies depending on his form really...
A young elf with a mischevious glint in his eyes. His hair is tied back into a pony tail, kept tied with a vine. The rest of his clothes are seem to be decorated in the colours of spring, along with a few flowers here and there. A large pink flower blooms from his hair. Around his neck he wore a necklace carrying a ring. A pooka of old. [Wild Fae][Fae Boons Info]

Any other pertinent info:
Dorax belongs to neither court. While he doesn't have to cater to their whims, he lacks their protection as well. He is also highly illiterate and refuses to learn how to read or write... because he never saw the need in several centuries, and he isn't going to start any time soon.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 06:52:08 AM by Bartholomeus »

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Reply #3 on: June 01, 2016, 07:21:52 AM
Furcadia Name: Hors D'oeuvre
Full Name: Hors D'oeuvre
Aliases: Hors
Hair: Blonde
Fur/Skin: Black and white cat. Mostly white save for left ear, right eye, tail tip and toes
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 100 lbs
Species: Feline - diluted prime blood from Wevvin's line
Alignment: Lawful Good
Profession: librarian, cartographer
Resistances: Space-time distortion
Weaknesses: Not strong physically.
Phobias: blood and gore, innards, bones, skeletons, messes, undead things, messy paperwork... Can I just list things he's not afraid of? Fluffy things generally...

Strength- Low
 Constitution- Low
Dexterity- Good
Agility- Good
Intelligence- High
Wisdom- High

Fortitude: Low
Reflex: Good
Will: High

- Bracelet - given to him by vallahd, a bracelet that can turn into anything with a handle. At the moment he's only used it to make an umbrella and feather duster
- rowan staff - simple rowan staff nothing fancy

- Armor - None
- Trinkets - Journal with maps crafted where he has literally bookmarked teleport points
Glasses which absorb his passive magic presence masking it.
- Spatial - Hors is a natural spatial mage due to his blood. His ability to distort space and join to areas has been improving. More info on rpr. He literally sees spatial information all the time and is on hyper alert
- Flying - He has wings
- Arcane Magic - Hors is cannot do elemental spells that well, but he is able to layer and interlock magic spells to make a complex mechanism, like a timed spell to return a book to the library, which is a trigger spell tied to a time spell of two weeks, tied to a teleport location.

Spatial magic:
Hors can capture the spatial essence of any object or area within his magic, the number of preps dependent on the size. His magic clones an image of it that he can manipulate with his fingers.

Repair and healing:
Hors is capable of repairing things by removing the space between them. The same goes for healing wounds but his heals would feel a lot more painful than the wound itself. Think of it like alcohol on an open wound level.

Details are required but need not be complete. A certain level of uncertainty is required for his magic to work. He can never know all the details of an area for certain, as well as how it changes. As such his magic is able to work.

Space manipulation:
Hors is capable of manipulating space for space can be represented in momentum space. What his magic does converts the spatial data via something similar to a Fourier transform. From there, his magic allows him to manipulate the eigenvalues, allowing him to manipulate space. Currently this takes some of his energy.

What can be done:
- Teleportation within a town based on memory, with 1 person / object the size of 1 person.
- Teleporting objects one after another to a fixed point within sight.
- Teleporting objects into 8 different parts without focus.

Some focus needed:
- Teleporting objects larger than a person.
- Creation of fire and a light ball via arcane magic.
- Warp space in on itself such that it curves away from him in the form of a shield. Light is affected as well.
- book keeping- due to his OCD nature he's insanely good at it and methodical in his work.

> Young (URL: feline of twenty-four years, eyes full of wisdom and old fears. Clothed in robes that have seen much wears, there be hardly any tears. Eyes sharp and alert like a predator's, yet soft and gentle like a lamb's fur, book in his hands clutched near. His gold-rimmed glasses set on his nose, smiling gently wherever he goes. Upon his hand he wore a gold ring, adorned with gems of clear, rainbow and black as his wing. [Librarian of Etla] [Has non-magical being presence with glasses on]

Any other pertinent info:
Hors belongs to the Alton line (cousin of my alt Islington) although they're unaware of their relations.
Hors is majorly OCD.
He hates cylindrical shapes. Cannot stand messes, had to always has to eat cubed objects.
Tendency to get carried away with work.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2016, 08:57:28 AM by Bartholomeus »

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Reply #4 on: November 18, 2017, 07:19:51 AM
    Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? Yes

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    Basics / Biography Data
    Furcadia Name: Wilbert
    Character Name (if different):
    Alias(es): Wil
    Subspecies/Race: Human(?)
    Age: 40
    Apparent Age: 40ish
    Gender: Male
    Build: Lanky
    Fur/Skin Color:
    Hair Color/Style: Red, cropped short
    Eye Color: Milky white
    Handedness: Right
    Primary Class: Magic-Arcane/Mage
    Secondary Class (optional): Other: Necromancer
    Profession: Mortician
    Appearance (Furcadia Description): A fairly pleasant looking fellow, (URL: Wilbert always wears an unassuming smile. Dressed in a fairly dark tunic, one might assume that he was from the Egyptian lands, but his accent was odd to say the least, hailing from elsewhere, namely Litharge. His eyes had the oddest appearance, one could tell that he is no ordinary fellow for he possessed no pupils, his eyes a milky-white, but he could still see. In his hands he carried a leather bound book, with pages that were blank, containing information only for those of his school could see. Faint traces of magic could be felt. [Low-Key Pyro-Necromancer / Mortician]   

    Phobias (if any):
    Alignment: True Neutral (Undecided or Balanced)
    Description: This can mean either of two things, depending on whether the character is actively or passively neutral.Active neutrals (the Balanced type) are very rare. They are philosophically committed to maintaining the Balance, and will tend to join every fight on the losing side. Passive neutrals (the Undecided type) are somewhere in the middle on both the Good-Evil and Law-Chaos axes. The passive neutral alignment can also apply to creatures with no moral sense such as animals. Example: Zen masters (Balanced), animals (Undecided).
    Cribnote: I'm not getting involved / All things must be in balance.

    Strength (STR): Low
    Dexterity (DEX): Medium
    Constitution (CON): Medium-High
    Intelligence (INT): Medium-High
    Wisdom (WIS): Medium-High
    Charisma (CHA): Medium
    Overall Evaluation: (66) Strong

    (Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
    Strengths / Resistances: Raising the dead, toxins that dead bodies produce
    Weaknesses: mortal

    • Armor: Cloth
      Description: Yeah just clothes. No armour.
    Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
    • Item: Bound book
      Description: A large book with blank pages that only those from his school can read.
    Learned Abilities:
    • Ability: Necromancy
      Description: Wilbert is a trained necromancer.

      Simple reanimating with one foci - 5 skeletons
      Complex reanimation - 1. 2 if he's really pushing himself.
      He's able to craft wards to prevent the deceased from being reanimated and to converse with spirits.
    • Ability: Tending to the dead
      Description: Wilbert is entirely knowledgeable of different cultures and their death rites. He's also able to do cosmetic restoration to damaged bodies and utilise herbs to lessen the smell.
    • Ability: Pyromancy
      Description: Wilbert can cast fire but he'll need fuel materials such as wood. Mostly used to burn his clients.

    RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
    Other pertinent info:

    « Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 07:21:26 AM by Dorax »