
Balzen [Alt]

Bealocwealm · 2339

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on: December 21, 2016, 01:57:19 PM
Furcadia Name: Balzen
Character Name: Balzen
Aliases: Monster, Greyrock, Big Fucker, What The Fuck Did That Statue Move
Species: Golem
Subspecies/Race/Class: Gargoyle
Age: ?????
Gender: Male
Height: 4' quad stance, 8' bipedal stance
Fur/Skin Color: Grey. Stone.
Hair Color/Style: No hair, only grey stone.
Eye Color: Grey. Stone.
Markings/Scars: Occasional chips, cracks or moss.
Appendages: A pair of wings and a lion's tail.

Demeanor: Strange and oddly childlike much of the time. Slow, generally friendly, often inanimate.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Profession: Being A Big Fucking Statue, Mostly
Resistances: Balzen is not a biological creature and is thus impervious to poison, strangling, drowning and disease among others. He is made of frickin' stone so has some resistance to physical (and some magical) attacks. He rarely feels pain.
Weaknesses: Electricity. Electricity very bad for Balzen. He also cannot violate his 'programming', and when he is damaged enough to feel pain, he doesn't deal with it well.
Phobias: Sensory deprivation

Strength (STR): Very High
Dexterity (DEX): Low
Constitution (CON): Very High
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): Very Low
Charisma (CHA): Low

Balzen is made of stone. He typically uses his limbs as weapons, with the exception of his more delicate tail.
Balzen is made of stone. He is armour.
- SMASH - Balzen is very good at tasks which require physical strength, such as violence, as well as moving, pulling, or lifting heavy loads.
- PROTECT - Balzen has an incredibly strong protective instinct over creatures smaller than him, especially children. He will protect children and infants at all costs.
- MIMIC - Balzen can mimic animals and musical instruments easily, and people with a lot of practice and some difficulty.
- EAT - Balzen can eat practically anything and incorporate that matter into his stone body where the stone has cracks or damage. It doesn't happen instantly, usually takes a few days to weeks, and can't heal his internal non-stone framework.
- CHILDCARE - Balzen knows how to take care of babies and toddlers, and is actually pretty good at it!
- LITERACY - Balzen can, astonishingly, read and write. Mostly in Latin.
- SPEAK - Balzen can mangle the Common tongue with incredible efficiency. He can also speak Latin and Gargoyle with much better ability.


An animated stone gargoyle, Balzen is around the size of a feral tiger. He bears powerful, thick arms ending in massive, clumsy clawed hands. His arms are long, allowing movement on all fours, though he usually moves bipedally; either way his legs are digitigrade, with large feet somewhere between talons and paws in shape. A pair of batlike, solid wings sprout just above his shoulder blades, however incapable of granting him lift. His spine is bumpy and protrusive in sculpt, running down to a tail which tapers quickly to a leonine shape. The gargoyle's head is angular in places as if to imply bone structure, with a great curved beak. His ears are pointed in three places apiece. Between them sprout two horns, curved backwards.

Any other pertinent info: Balzen's account of his backstory and what actually happened are different. He's not lying, he just doesn't know and doesn't believe the truth.

Also, he has a mild energy-draining effect on growing creatures. This effect is VERY SUBTLE and SUBJECT TO PEOPLE'S WHIMS how much it affects them if at al l- - but it may mean that if a young character who is still growing spends a lot of time around him, they will be calmer and sleep more or deeper when they sleep. The younger the character, in general, the stronger the effect, but the effect is never strong enough to do harm -- just to make them sleepy.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 12:43:03 AM by Bealocwealm »

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Reply #1 on: December 21, 2016, 02:35:19 PM
Needs to be put in the castle next to Render.

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