
Lukas Drescher (alt)

Lady Idani · 2940

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on: April 20, 2018, 11:31:32 PM
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Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Lukas Drescher
Species: Human
Subspecies/Race: German
Age: 37
Apparent Age:
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 140 lbs
Build: Gangly
Fur/Skin Color: White
Hair Color/Style: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Markings/Scars: Many scars all over his body, namely seen upon his hands, arms, and a few on his face.
Appendages: Two arms, Two legs, Two brains... wait.
Handedness: Right
Primary Class: Scholar
Secondary Class: Doctor
Profession: Scribe, Potion-maker, Healer
Appearance (Furcadia Description): A twitchy individual, Lukas is a man who seems to not be able to sit still for more than a few minutes at a time. Whether he is flinching, shaking slightly, jiggling his leg when he sits, or drumming his fingers on a tabletop, he can't seem to keep his frenetic energy to himself. He is on the tall end of the spectrum at just shy of six feet in height and very thin, almost emaciated. He has wiry muscle on him, but not an ounce of fat, mostly because he forgets to eat quite often. His hands are decidedly delicate, long fingers and very good manual dexterity, the hands of a healer, a scribe, an artist.

Lukas's hair is long and naturally thick, and he often pulls it back into a hasty ponytail for convenience. His eyes, soft blue-grey in color, are unnerving to say the least; the pupils are frequently contracted, as though he were in a complete panic, and he seems prone to making uncomfortable, prolonged eye contact with everyone he meets. Whether he realizes it or not remains to be seen. He has various faint scars that almost get lost in his natural pallor, scattered about his arms and torso as well as a few vaguely seen around his eyes. His expression is often a sneering grin or a knowing smirk.

For all his strangeness, Lukas is a very fine dresser, taking great care to purchase finely dyed leathers and soft-woven fabrics for his clothing, favoring dark violet, soft brown, and gentle cream. Polished buckles on boots and coats almost always have rich engravings.

Demeanor: Intelligent, snide, manic, paranoid, morbid.
Likes: Reading, painting, being too inebriated to function properly.
Dislikes: Silence, children, sleep.
Phobias (if any): Ṯ̴̖͉̹̼͍H̷͘͏͓̣̬͍̹É̗̖̹̣͈͍̟͎ ͓̩̲͇̭͞Ḑ̸̦̝͈͕̼̘̩̬͚͠A̷̮̭̟̫͔̼̠͢R͈̯̳͘͞͝ͅK̤̞̠͎̣̻̣
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Dominator)
Description: They respect the law, but have no concern for others, and tend to exploit the law to rise to power. Often they will engage in merciless, organised, planned killing. Example: Adolf Hitler.
Cribnote: It's all part of the evil plan.

Strength (STR): Low
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): Low
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Medium-Low
Overall Evaluation: (57) Average

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances
  • Strength / Resistance: Handy
    Description: Because of his great variety of subjects on which he is knowledgeable, Lukas has picked up several hobbies over the years and is a little bit of a jack-of-all-trades if you need simple repairs done or tasks managed of that sort.
  • Strength / Resistance: Dexterity
    Description: For all he lacks in strength, he certainly makes up for in reflexes and fine manipulation.
  • Weakness: Mania
    Description: Although he is sharply intelligent and skilled, Lukas is plagued by an almost inexplicable madness. Occasionally and seemingly without rhyme or reason, he can fall into a catatonic state, burst into hysterical laughter, or begin screaming in real, genuine terror at some invisible horror.
  • Weakness: Drug Addiction
    Description: Lukas is a frequent consumer of opium, cocaine, and unwise amounts of alcohol. His health suffers as a result, but somehow he keeps himself going.
  • Weakness: Physically Weak
    Description: This dude seriously couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.

  • Weapon: Flintlock Pistol
    Description: A finely-crafted weapon of dark wood and polished steel, worn in a pistol holster under his vest.
  • Armor: Leather Longcoat
    Description: Not particularly special by any means aside from its quality, but still, a leather jacket does mitigate some damage.
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: Caligraphy Materials
    Description: Inside a fine wooden case lies a set of even finer pens of all shapes and sizes with an impressive collection of nibs for all occasions. Several colors and types of ink in tightly sealed bottles can be found on his person as well as wax seals and stamps of several varieties.
  • Item: Leatherbound Journal
    Description: A weathered-looking journal with sturdy clasps and a lock, it is built to be able to add and remove paper as it is used.
  • Item: Candles and Firestarter
    Description: A bundle of simple beeswax candles tied with a sturdy cord along with a small metal contraption made to spark with ease.
  • Item: First Aid Kit
    Description: A needle and several lengths of stitching gut, a roll of bandage, a vial of antiseptic and other such accoutrements. The basics for triage.
  • Item: Entertainment Paraphernalia
    Description: A snuff box, several vials of opium powder, and a syringe.

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Eidetic Memory
    Description: Lukas can remember the details of events and objects far longer than normal folk. He can recall a story he heard when he was a child, the face of a man he had sat next to at the opera, or the exact phylogeny of a rare and exotic plant. His knowledge, however, is not given up freely. In fact, it can cost an arm and a leg - a fact which he likes to quote with a straight face.
  • Ability: Intelligence
    Description: With the above comes a wealth of knowledge both technical and theoretical.
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Healing
    Description: Possessing no natural magic, Lukas has learned to craft potions and other alchemical agents to assist him in the treatment of wounds and illnesses. He has also studied formal medicine, and shows great promise in the areas of surgery and emergency triage.
  • Ability: Scribing
    Description: Lukas has fine handwriting and excellent speed when recording, and can routinely produce copies of books or scrolls of the highest quality.
  • Ability: Artist
    Description: Trained from a young age, he is capable of painting with oils and working with charcoal. He excels most at anatomical drawings and landscape painting.

Other pertinent info: Music!

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