

Alhsom · 3623

Offline Alhsom

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on: February 08, 2016, 10:42:14 PM
A little about my previous experience: I've been RPing in some form or fashion for close two twenty years now. I've been here and there on Furc since the 90s. I enjoy RP in general and being part of a story, it's more fun to write these collaboratively, so RP is kinda just where I like to go.

Why I'd like to join: A friend recommended this place, I figured I'd give it a shot. Haven't been disappointed yet, plenty of RP happens and I'd like to stick around for a bit longer.

Furcadia Name: Alhsom
Character Name: Alhsom
Aliases: Al, Ginger, Flirt, The Teasing Tigon
Species: Tigon (Tiger father, Lioness mother, plus a little extra explained at the bottom)
Subspecies/Race/Class: Complicated (He's a bit here and there between a warrior and a priest (paladin), a ranger and a bard at times)
Age: 17/18 (Uncertain in character)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Fur/Skin Color: White
Hair Color/Style: Bright orange, big mane.
Eye Color: Bright orange.
Markings/Scars: Also bright orange.
Appendages: They're all there. His ears, his tail... Ten fingers, ten toes, ten inches. (Sense of humor and all)

Demeanor: Flirtatious, outgoing, idealistic.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Profession: City Guard, currently. Mercenary/Vagabond, previously. Bard, part-time.
Resistances: Holy Magic, Ice Magic (Cold mostly), Most Diseases
Weaknesses: Fire Magic, Unholy Magic, Beautiful Women
Phobias: Black Powder, Commitment

Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Medium

He's still training, time will determine the ups and downs.

- Longsword - It's not that special, just a regular old longsword that has seen a lot of use over the years.
- Bow and Arrows - It's a pretty strong recurve bow with a set of regular arrows. Good for hunting, good for shooting.
- Daggers - Just a few regular old daggers of various lengths throughout
- Leather/plate/chainmail - Al wears a mishmash of leather, chain and plate armor, often with the plate attached atop the leather itself. It is old and has seen some wear and tear, but is currently sturdy.
- Trinkets - None of any note, just a few various bits of jewelry.
- Ice Manipulation - Al's family line is naturally disposed to the manipulation of ice magic.
- Wind Manipulation - Ice comes from wind and water, so he can naturally tap into both as well as ice.
- Water Manipulation - See the previous comment.
- Dragon Familiarity - Al is naturally comfortable around dragons, feeling a sort of kinship with them, and is able to understand Draconic and Feral Draconic.

- Holy Magic - Al was trained to be able to use a wide variety of holy spells; offensive, defensive, healing and otherwise.
- Nature Magic - A large chunk of Al's training, before and after he started traveling, included the sort of training a ranger would have. He has some very limited forms of nature based magics.
- Music - Al is also a novice, mostly self trained bard. No real combat applications, it's just for fun.
- Swordplay - He received a good amount of training in how to handle a sword, but he hasn't had a lot of chances to put it to practical use.
- Archery - Living mostly on the road and on his own helped to hone his archery. He's a pretty good shot, not amazing, but he's good enough.

The tigon stands at 5' 8" and sports a build that would befit a young, traveling adventurer. He is wearing a simple attire of leather armor combined with chainmail, plate greaves and gauntlets. Resting over his attire is a simple, worn traveling cloak of an indeterminate color that was probably blue once. On his left hip rests a longsword, an older weapon that has seen some use, attached to the same belt is his guard badge. Slung across his upper torso is a bow and a quiver full of arrows. His bright orange hair is a messy mane that falls down around his face to frame his features. Matching to his mane are his orange markings and eyes that stand in stark contrast to his white fur.


Any other pertinent info: Al's bloodline includes dragon's blood that has varied effects throughout the individual's life cycle.
His training was interrupted by the destruction of the Temple he was living at, this was a few years ago for the character and so he's been living on his own since then and learning as he goes with the rest.

Offline MynameisDen

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Reply #1 on: February 08, 2016, 10:57:56 PM
The dude is cool. RP with him. Welcome to Eileadora.

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Reply #2 on: February 08, 2016, 11:11:45 PM
I've always enjoyed Al's rp ever since I met him. Great character and an awesome player.