
Sarnor Blackscale

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on: February 22, 2017, 09:33:44 PM
A little about my previous experience: Hello! I used to Roleplay frequently in highschool on furcadia (my old character, a wolf named Maelthra, expired unfortunately), and in college I occasionally roleplayed on Neopets (My near blind camouflage krawk Srelam). In highscool I also occasionally played Dungeons and Dragons and Dragon strike (a D&D rip off). So a few years on and off experience.

Why I'd like to join: I know Gob in real life (I live with him!). He always tells me how awesome the people and characters are on this forum and how much fun he has roleplaying with everyone. From what I've heard it seems like a great place to have fun and get back into roleplaying. :)

Furcadia Name: Sarnor Blackscale
Character Name: Sarnor Blackscale
Aliases: Sarie (only to those she likes)
Species: Dragon
Age: 133 (young adult dragon)
Gender: Female
Height: 16ft
Fur/Skin Color: White
Hair Color/Style: purple
Eye Color: yellow
Markings/Scars: Black scales (like a dalmatian)
Appendages: Leathery dragon wings, tail

Demeanor: Extremely vain and narcissistic, Sarnor is a dragon who always puts her appearance first. She can be rather snooty and look down upon others (also quite literally as she's 16 feet tall), but she is benevolent on the inside (she won't usually show it unless she really cares about someone). She tends to be somewhat selfish, aloof, and does what she feels like, usually without thinking of future consequences. She isn't afraid to stand up to others, ESPECIALLY if they insult her or if she feels that she is not given the proper respect, but would rather just turn her nose up and saunter away. Push her buttons enough however and she'll give you a fight. The one person she loves is her rider Jack Hartz. She loves to aggravate him and taunt him a little, but she does it in good jest. 

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Profession: Dragon mount for dragon knight/ professional dragon (#Rawr!)

She is resistant (not impervious) to magic (like magical bolts, fire, ice, etc) from her dragon blood.
She can still be hurt by magic and still be effected, but depending on how powerful her enemy is. For example, a novice mage/spellcaster/anyone who uses magic/ really wouldn't be able to effect her very well, but an expert, someone more powerful than her, she would take more serious damage and wouldn't be able to break free of the spell as well. (ex: A novice who cast a fireball that hit her would probably bounce off, whereas an expert attack would burn her/knock her off her feet/stun her, but not kill her).

foot soldiers/vagabonds/bandits (she can fly while they're stuck on the ground!) depending on their skills and how many their are. (ex, 20 poorly trained fighters with poor composure who rush into every battle, compared to 4 expertly trained fighters controlled and calculating)

Lava (every dragon loves a good sauna) She can swim in lava, it revitalizes her scales.

Her dragon blood makes her very resistant to disease and resistant to poisons (She can still get scale rot if shes not careful!) She can still get sick, but it's extremely rare and she does not get sick/diseased for long. As far as poisons, a mild poison won't bother her, but a deadly poison (like made from heather, deadly nightshade or monkshood) will incapacitate her and cause her great pain.

Arrows/ballista can cause tears in her wings. Arrows will bounce off her scales, but ballista/catapults can break fragile bones and tear wounds if she is hit.

 mortal wounds (from weapons and such) being impaled/slashed/hacked/decapitated/losing blood is detrimental for ones health.

shock (mental) (doesn't handle surprise very well) if she is too surprised her brain kind of shuts down, and she doesn't know how to react to things. (ex. one time her rider took a potion and grew to a size larger than herself, and she just kinda shut down and fell backwards and didn't know how to react). If she is too surprised during battle she tends to crash into the ground or stagger, and then regain her composure. (ex. While flying a magician attacks her and not expecting it, she crashes into the ground. After crashing and realizing shes under attack, she is able to get up and attack)

Phobias: She literally CANNOT STAND letting her scales become dull, she has to stay lustrous, a living gem. She will literally stop fighting and clean herself if she gets too grimy (like covered in blood/dirt/mud), as long as stopping to clean herself won't get her killed. If she can't stop during battle to clean herself, she will after the battle, no matter how tired she is. Her philosophy is that her enemies should be filled with awe at her beauty before she destroys them. If her enemies do mar her scales, her rage is said to be terrible, fierce, and without mercy. She rages from fear of the possibility that her scales could be damaged for forever (or until she sheds her scales, which is not common).

Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): High
Constitution (CON): Medium
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): Low
Charisma (CHA): Medium

- Weapon - Claws/teeth/tail/horns - normal dragon attacks. Shes not afraid to throw her weight around and attempt to gouge/impale/strike at enemies. Her bite is ten times stronger than a crocodiles bite (and a crocodile has the strongest bite of any living animal!)
- Weapon - sonic voice/breath- Sarnor is able to use an ear-splitting sound attack to temporarily stun her enemies. The sound is of course blockable with fingers or stuffing cloth in ones ears. She can only use this for about a minute or so continuously before she has to breathe again. She needs a few minutes (5-10) to get her breath back and recharge for another sonic attack.
- Weapon - boiling blood- Her blood is a boiling temperature, so if someone stabs her, they better get out of the way or they're gonna have to learn how to deal with second degree burns (non-life threatening but painful)

- Armor - Thick dragon hide- her gem like scales are thick but not impenetrable, give her a few good whacks with a sword and eventually you'll cut through. Arrows will bounce off her scales but will damage her wings.

- Trinkets - small gold shield with rubies- The only thing Sarnor wears is a gold shield like trinket with rubies embedded in it. A strong gold chain around her neck keeps the trinket in place. She acquired it from years of training at an academy, training in singular and dragon mount combat. The trinket is sort of her diploma.
- Ability - Flying- Sarnor is an excellent flier. She can fly in any weather; snow, hurricane, tornado, rain, whatever. She is also a very quick flier, having extremely strong flying muscles. (not as quick as toothless, but she's still a blur in the sky)

- Ability - animal speech- using her native dragon tongue, Sarnor is able to convey message to feral animals. She can usually get her intentions through to most animals, but she can communicate best with birds and reptiles. She has a difficult time speaking with insects and fish, and can communicate somewhat well with mammals.

- Ability - Breath holding- having an extremely large lung capacity, she can usually hold her breath for an hour and a half, and slow her heart rate to compensate. Depending on the activity (laying in a river vs fighting in a battle) will determine how long she can continuously hold her breath. 

- Ability - Speech- Sarnor, being a dragon, was born with the language of growls and snarls and yelps. Wanting to be able to interact with her world more, she sought out to learn common language. It took her a long time to get used to moving her jaws and tongue in such a way that didn't produce guttural sounds. Her speech still isn't always perfect, but she is able to get her intentions across.

- Ability - Reading- Being illiterate can make traveling very difficult; what happens if you can't read a map or sign? What if someone tries to trick you, and lies about whats on a scroll or in a book? Sarnor made sure that she can read for herself (common language only)

- Ability - Dragon Knight Training- Sarnor was sent to a prestigious dragon knight academy, learning to be a dragon mount from a young age. She was introduced to her partner Jack Hartz through the academy, and they've been together ever since as a duo fighting team. From the academy, Sarnor learned how to fight with a partner and not squish them with her hulking dragon frame, as well as strengthening her combat style.
Sunlight dances and shimmers as a lithe and beautiful dragon stalks by. Her onyx wings, dappled with glittering scales, stretch wide open as her supple body stretches in a cat like manor. Yawning contently, her jaw stretches open, flashing large ivory teeth and a purple mouth and tongue. A vain and proud creature, she believes is the most glorious creature in the universe. As she continues her leisurely walk her mahogany horns and serrated claws glint in the warm sun. A slight breeze tussles her violet mane gently. As she strolls along, the ruby encased in a gold shield clinks softly against her scales, held by a gold chain around her muscular neck. It was acquired from years of training in both singular and mount combat training, graduating as a competent fighter. The dragons yellow eyes blaze as she takes to the sky, roaring her challenge to the world. She thinks of her rider Jack Hartz, her fight partner and loved companion, as she tears through the cloudless blue sky.

Any other pertinent info: She has telepathy only with Jack Hartz; she can sense his thoughts and emotions. This ability was taught to them at the academy so they can act as one fluid being if necessary.

 Will post drawing of her soon!! :)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 06:20:51 PM by Sarnor »

Offline Gob

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Reply #1 on: February 22, 2017, 09:34:22 PM
For the record, in case it's needed, I consent to the mention of Jack and the described relationship in the application

Expardon me?


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Reply #2 on: February 27, 2017, 03:25:50 AM
Welcome @Sarnor ! Your snooty dragon sounds like a great deal of snarky fun 8)
Resistances: She is resistant (not impervious) to magic (like magical bolts, fire, ice, etc)
Could you write a few examples to better depict the extent of her resistances?

Other than that, I have no qualms or questions. Stats look balanced and the cleanliness quirk is a great touch.


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Reply #3 on: February 27, 2017, 12:02:33 PM
Sure, no problem! I'll write a few little RP blurbs:

Sarnor Blackscale roared furiously as she charged the enemy magician. Wings half extended, she seemed to soar over the ground as her paws kicked up clumps of dirt and grass, running like a cheetah. As she grew close, fangs bared to chomp the enemy in half, her enemy grinned. Arms forward, a blast of fire and electricity fired, one from each hand. Sarnor stumbled as the electricity and fire stunned her, and she crashed heavily to the ground. She wasn't expecting him to fire something so powerful. The magicians grin faltered and turned to pure terror as Sarnor shook the attack off, scales marred by the lightning and fire. What would destroy a mortal simply stunned her momentarily. If she was fighting a full attack force full of knights she would have been in trouble, but a lonely magician that could only stun her.... Well, it was close to dinner time. Swiftly she rose to her paws and lunged at the fleeing magician, rage at her marred scales pouring through her. Teeth bared, she caught him around the middle and crunched down hard, feeling his bones splinter and break. Dinner war served, and so was revenge.


Sarnor Blackscale flew high above her target, silently gliding in the clouds. Thankfully the clouds hid her beautiful gem like body, because being this close to the sun was making her glow like a disco ball. The kings knights were marching below her, and it was her mission to take them out. From what she gathered, soaring high above, it was a unit of 15 men, all heavily armored and equipped with large broadswords. She flew until she was positioned behind them and prepared to dive. As she folded her wings, dropping silently like a large bomb, one of the platoon stopped and shouted. Suddenly she felt frozen; her limbs would not obey her, and she knew that the one that turned toward her was a magician. Sarnor plummeted, the ground rushing up to smash and break her. In complete shock, she fought against the spell that suppressed her, and just managed to open her wings in time for them to parachute her to the ground. The ground trembled as she slammed into it, still frozen from the magicians spell, bruised but unbroken. Snarling and snapping her jaws in frustration, she fought against the spell as the knights charged towards her, closing in, swords brandished and ready to hack her beautiful body into pieces. Her enemies bore down on her as she fought against the spell, her limbs slowly coming back to her, but not fast enough. Taking in a deep breath, She unleashed a loud, unearthly blast of sound. Her enemies faltered and grabbed their ears, their screams drowned out by her own sonic screech. As the magician writhed from the piercing noise, Sarnor felt the spell lift. Finally freed completely, she leapt to large paws and charged forward towards her enemies. The unearthly scream still pouring from her open maw, she slashed knights into pieces and stomped them into the ground, their armor crunching and squealing under her claws. They fell to her furious attack, unable to fight back as they continued to block their ears. Finally, only the magician remained. Sarnors scream faltered, and she took a ragged breath, facing the magician. Purple tongue lolling as she panted heavily, Sanor snarled at the last of the living humans. The magician, glowering at her, yelling furiously back, shouting his fear and anger at being the last one standing. Giving a hoarse roar, she charged forward, dust puffing in clouds as her feet stuck the hard dry ground. The magician stood his ground, and she could tell he was preparing another attack. Bracing herself, she felt the magician attempt to freeze her again, but she was ready this time. As she felt her limbs seize, she jumped up and snapped open her wings, gliding on the still air. Pulling on her reserve strength, she fought the spell and felt her limbs unfreeze just in time to continue running. The magician didn't stand a chance as she drew close enough to rend him into two with her maroon serrated claws. Roaring in victory, she sat down heavily, panting with fatigue. Before she could rest and regain her strength, she had business to attend to, and she began running her purple tongue along her dirty glittering scales.

She can fight against spells and is resistant to them but not impervious. She will still be effected by spells, but she has the ability to fight against them and is not trapped by them for a long length of time because of her resistance. The main thing that causes her to be effected so much by spells is being in shock. If she is severely fatigued, this will also hinder her from resisting magical attacks. She is not usually expecting magical attacks and sometimes will be in shock when attacked, preventing her from breaking free or resisting the attacks. But when she is prepared she can usually fight attacks off after a moment or two.

Let me know what you think!! :)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 02:12:05 PM by Sarnor »


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Reply #4 on: March 06, 2017, 01:27:43 AM
Hello again Sarnor! I appreciate you taking the time to write out a few posts to show how your character would fare in combat scenarios. However, I'm afraid some of your examples contradicted the information you provided.

Arms forward, a blast of fire and electricity fired, one from each hand. Sarnor stumbled as the electricity and fire stunned her, and she crashed heavily to the ground. She wasn't expecting him to fire something so powerful. The magicians grin faltered and turned to pure terror as Sarnor shook the attack off, scales marred by the lightning and fire. What would destroy a mortal simply stunned her momentarily.

Phobias: She literally CANNOT STAND letting her scales become dull, she has to stay lustrous, a living gem. She will literally stop fighting and clean herself if she gets too grimy (like covered in blood/dirt/mud).

Weaknesses: ..., being dirty (she hates getting grime on her scales)

Not only did the powerful combination of fire and lightning spells only cause her momentary pause (rather than damage or debilitation), but the mars across her scales did not phase her other than to increase her anger. She sustained a strong attack and proceeded to bite the opponent in half.

The kings knights were marching below her, and it was her mission to take them out. From what she gathered, soaring high above, it was a unit of 15 men, all heavily armored and equipped with large broadswords.

Snarling and snapping her jaws in frustration, she fought against the spell as the knights charged towards her, closing in, swords brandished and ready to hack her beautiful body into pieces. Her enemies bore down on her as she fought against the spell, her limbs slowly coming back to her, but not fast enough. Taking in a deep breath, She unleashed a loud, unearthly blast of sound. Her enemies faltered and grabbed their ears, their screams drowned out by her own sonic screech. As the magician writhed from the piercing noise, Sarnor felt the spell lift. Finally freed completely, she leapt to large paws and charged forward towards her enemies. The unearthly scream still pouring from her open maw, she slashed knights into pieces and stomped them into the ground, their armor crunching and squealing under her claws. They fell to her furious attack, unable to fight back as they continued to block their ears.

Weaknesses: Arrows/ballista, mortal wounds (from weapons and such)

Although faced with fifteen king's men, who (given their status) we can assume to be highly trained, armored, and armed, alongside a sorcerer capable of grounding her, Sarnor overrode the mage's spell and the melee prowess of the knights with a scream and trampled them all to death. Typically, an overpowered action in roleplay is defined as a cheap move used to gain an advantage, which is what this scream could be considered. I suggest toning down her resistances.


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Reply #5 on: March 07, 2017, 07:35:57 PM
Hi Takurasho!

Im sorry if I did contradict myself. When I wrote these blurbs, certain ideas and scenarios came out differently than I intended. Like I intended the blurbs to show her resistances, and instead I ended up writing how overpowered she seems. When I think resistances, to me it means that she's still susceptible to her resistances and can succumb to them, but not for long, and she can't be destroyed by them. I think i might have slightly misinterpreted how exactly resistances work. 

 With the first blurb, the magician was supposed to be rather weak, which is why she was able to withstand those attacks as easily as she did. I know I wrote that the magician fired spells that could destroy mortals. I was trying to compare an attack on peasants or other humans to a dragon, to show her resistances. In a regular combat with other players, she definitely would not be able to chomp them in half, plus Gob informed me that magic attacks are done with a prep system and/or a dice system, after I wrote the post. Magic seems much more complicated than I thought when I wrote the blurbs. Also, when I was using the term 'knight', I should have made them bandits or vagabonds. When I wrote that combat scene, the 'knights' were supposed to be much weaker than her, without the magician she would have decimated them even quicker. Making them knights was more of an error on my part, because I wasn't thinking of the kings elite, more like the kings grunts, the lowest of the ranking system, somewhat incompetent. Either I should have made them regular bandits, or very lowly and unskilled knights.  I don't want her to be exceptionally strong or unbeatable, I just wanted to show her resistances to magic, as far as she can't be destroyed by magic, just harmed. Like I said, I updated her application to be more specific, let me know what you think. :)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 07:44:01 PM by Sarnor »


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Reply #6 on: May 14, 2017, 06:36:47 PM
Are you still interested in joining us @Sarnor  ? Would like to talk to you in-game!


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Reply #7 on: May 20, 2017, 08:00:05 PM
I am! Sorry I've been crazy busy with work, plus I'm moving soon and thats not helping with my free time lol.

I work thursday through sunday, four 10 hour days.


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Reply #8 on: May 21, 2017, 04:57:30 PM
Not to worry. In that case, we'll handle it here.

I don't want her to be exceptionally strong or unbeatable, I just wanted to show her resistances to magic, as far as she can't be destroyed by magic, just harmed.

Just keep this in mind while RPing! Usually we limit resistances to a specific element instead of magic in general, but if you play this courteously and balance it out with her weaknesses, I can certainly see how it would work. Consider this app approved, and thanks for getting back to this.