
Justin Duclair

Jayce Ithil · 3718

Offline Jayce Ithil

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on: May 08, 2015, 07:06:23 PM
A little about my previous experience: Joined Furcadia for the first time in 2001, role played at Blackstone Tavern and Inn, Winding River Tavern and Inn, and mostly off shoots of those dreams. Went to Second Life in 2006 and Role Played there in various mediums, mostly military related. Rejoined furcadia for a friend in 2014, and recreated a few of my old characters.

Why I'd like to join: Eileadora looks well made and patched, not that I am kissing butt here or anything. However it really shows that the creators and administrators put a lot of thought and time into dream creation. This tells me that they will also do a lot to make a player's experience in the dream as worthwhile and entertaining as possible.

Full Name: Justin Duclair
Aliases: None
Hair: Mahogany
Fur/Skin: White
Eyes: Blue
Height: 180cm 5'10"
Weight: 180lb
Species: Wolf (Anthro)
Race: Furry?
Alignment: Neutral Good
Profession: Bouncer
Resistances: None
Weaknesses: None
Phobias: Magic

Strength - High
Constitution - Medium
Dexterity - Low
Agility - Medium
Intelligence - High
Wisdom - Low

Fortitude - High
Reflex - Low
Will - Medium

- Weapon - Halberd - The halberd is the most common polearm, and could be called a cross between a spear and an axe. Such weapons are often mass-produced for militia, and serve well when defending against marauders.

- Weapon - Info
- Weapon - Info
- Armor - Scale Mail - A strange compromise between chainmail and full plate, scale mail uses the benefits of having plates with the flexibility of not having any rigid surfaces like a breastplate. Thus these "scales" are fastened on the top of a sturdy cloth vest with chainmail supporting any additional area that is exposed.

- Trinkets - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Weapon Proficiency Martial
- Ability - Weapon Focus Halberd
- Ability - Weapon Specialization Halberd
Rugged, was one word that could describe this wolf at first glance standing just shy of six feet in height his fur was always off white with the dust of mining. Strikingly blue eyes were the color of the summertime sky and spoke of a depth of soul like the sea. The top of his head was covered in a short cut of mahogany from which sprouted a pair of white pointed wolf ears. His torso was covered in a earthen toned tunic long sleeved and brown in color with leather cord crisscrossing a v cut neckline. It covers a pair of masculine and broad shoulders that were toned up from repetitive hours upon hours of work. Hiding further the firmed up pectorals that were followed by the ripple of his ribs and leading down to the valley of his toned stomach. The valley is broken up by the gentle rise of his abdominals in a pack of six before descending into his trousers. These too, were of an earthy color and descend into a pair of worn black boots, belted with linen the color of red, looped around and through a brass ring.

Any other pertinent info:
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 07:26:10 PM by Ballistic_Dummy »

Offline Jayce Ithil

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Reply #1 on: August 29, 2015, 08:39:32 PM
Full Name: Hobard Milo
Aliases: Milo
Hair: Black
Fur/Skin: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 60lbs
Species: Eastern Grey Squirrel(Anthro)
Race: Furry?
Alignment: Lawful Good
Profession: Academic
Resistances: None
Weaknesses: None
Phobias: Magic, Spiders, Blood, Monstrous creatures, scary places (IE: Crypts, etc.) And much much more.

Strength - Low
Constitution -Medium
Dexterity - High
Agility - Medium
Intelligence - High
Wisdom - Low

Fortitude - Low
Reflex - High
Will - Medium

- Weapon -
- Weapon - Info
- Weapon - Info
- Armor - Info
- Trinkets -
Five Feathers: Two discarded from the wings of Berselius, one discarded from the wings of Blue Hawk, two from Amena Britta.

Hobard is known to carry an assortment of items on his person, from magnifying glasses to medical kits, and even a coil of rope from time to time. Whether or not he has these on him at any given time would depend on whether or not he had prepared beforehand for a situation. However it can be generally assumed he will always have Parchments, quills and Ink.
Climbing - Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
A eastern grey squirrel with a melanistic mutation in his late teens coming to a height of four and half feet. Dressed in a handsome navy blue coat, with a flowing white tunic beneath. Tucked into a pressed pair of cream colored trousers belted with a scarlet sash. A pair of brown eyes sit behind a pair of round giving him a scholarly look. A belt with various pouches and tools of learning, and a satchel heavy with items hangs on a strap that crosses from his right shoulder to his left hip.

Any other pertinent info:
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 11:10:22 PM by Ballistic_Dummy »

Offline Jayce Ithil

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Reply #2 on: September 28, 2015, 02:59:16 PM
Full Name: Jayce Ti'Ithil En'Malgrave Ay'Reegarr
Aliases: Jay (Only used sometimes.)
Hair: Black
Fur/Skin: Black
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160lbs
Species: Anthropomorphic Red Fox
Race: Furry
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Don't expect him to go out of his way to enforce the law though.)
Profession: Jayce himself is unsure about this one.
Hobby: Gardening and Bee Keeping.
Resistances: None
Weaknesses: Pretty much anything that a mortal would be weak too, like dying for instance.

Strength - High
Constitution - High
Dexterity - Low
Agility - Medium
Intelligence - Medium
Wisdom - Low

Fortitude - High
Reflex - Low
Will - Medium

- Weapon - Longbearded Axe
- Weapon - Arming Sword
- Weapon -
- Armor - Eighteen inch diameter buckler with steel boss
- Trinkets - Wooden disk on a leather cord, with a lightning bolt sword on one side, and a Vinca symbol on the other.
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
- Ability - Info
A lilthe and muscular fox with black fur, short black hair; and a single hazel eye. Jayce is back on his feet, if only barely. The one eyed male wears a red eyepatch on his left eye, there is a lightning bolt sword painted in black upon it. Leather belts wrap about his chest and shoulders with loops and rings for holding equipment. It belts around his waist where a pair of dusty white trousers hug low on his hips. At his right side hangs a long-bearded axe with a two foot haft, at his left hip is an arming sword. Strapped across his back is a wooden buckler, eighteen inches in diameter, banded with iron and riveted, a steel boss is raised in it's center. His right paw is missing the middle digit, removed at the hand as though it were never there. A long scar starting at the low left side of his chest rises across his sternum and end on the upper right of his ribcage, fourteen inches in length, it is dark grey, and no fur grows there. On a leather cord tied around his neck, carved out of wood; is a disk with intricately detailed carvings. A Lightning Bolt Sword on the front face, and the symbol of the Vinca on the reverse.

Any other pertinent info:
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 09:04:18 PM by Ballistic_Dummy »