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on: December 17, 2016, 05:24:31 AM
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Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Handle: ALCHEMIST
Character Name: Dr. Hilarius Morgus Hieronymus Antonius

Species: Human (?)
Subspecies/Race: Deutscher
Age: 67
Sex: Male

Height: 6'6" / 198 cm
Weight: 210 lbs / 95 kg
Build: Solid and broad-shouldered.
Fur/Skin Color: Pale, dry; a bit off-color and unhealthy.
Hair Color/Style: Blonde, streaked with grey, wavy; a smart men's haircut that's grown out a little long, combed back against the skull when he bothers to do anything to it at all.
Eye Color: ?
Markings/Scars: Missing ear; a long, curving scar that arcs across his forehead, through an eyebrow, and splits his frown; a pair of thin scars that cross on the bridge of his nose; others. Many others.
Appendages: :J
Handedness: Ambidextrous

Primary Class: Alchemist
Secondary Class (optional): "Anatomist"
Profession: Alchemist & surgeon
Herr Antonius is currently employed as an infirmary doctor and a freelance alchemist with impressive credentials.

Reputation: on the Eileadoran Public Opinion thread

Demeanor: Rigid, military carriage, clipped speech in a rumbling monotone; flat or nonexistant emotional expression in tone and movement.
Likes: The strictly medical side of medicine, business, "business," chess, the fine arts, philosophizing, intelligent company, absinthe, petits fours.
Dislikes: Having his time wasted, incompetence, uncooperative patients, fey-folk, children, magic.

Alignment: Lawful Evil (Dominator)
Archetype 5: The Executive
"The Executive values the three R's - ruthlessness, rationality, and results. When he does something, he does it without mercy or hesitation but only after being quite confident in its ability to achieve his desired results."

Strength (STR): Medium
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-Low
Constitution (CON): Very High
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Low
Charisma (CHA): Medium-Low

    Stripped of his various protections, Herr Antonius is but a human being beneath, and suffers harm normally. However, he is far more inclined to react to mechanical damage out of pure necessity (punctured lung or major artery, broken limb) than he is to physically uninhibitive pain (stab in the guts, kidneys or stomach, a broken rib.) In the latter case, he often fails to react at all...
    Decades of practice in the alchemical field have provided Herr Antonius with a particularly immovable constitution and a legendary capacity for resisting toxins that have entered his blood. He must consume at least two times the regular dose of any imbibed substance, be it alcohol, venom or even potions with positive effects, for it to take any noticeable effect on him.
    Herr Antonius has a will of iron that makes it very difficult to afflict him with mind-altering magic. He is resistant towards all varieties of mental manipulation, including suggestion, control, and thought reading.
    (Individuals who attempt to communicate with him telepathically will recognize that he is also mind-mute, and can neither hear nor respond to them.)
    Herr Antonius is missing most of his right ear, and does not hear very well from that side due to scar tissue. You may have to SPEAK UP.
    Herr Antonius can neither sleep nor eat normally. He takes two substances of his own making twice a day; depriving him of them would be like separating a man from food and rest. Needless to say, he can glean no benefit from regular fare and very little from a comfortable bed.
    (While Herr Antonius cannot receive any magical effects that might come from eating most food, he can still obtain them from drinks.)
    Herr Antonius constantly conducts himself with a very controlled, mechanical stiffness. This irregular and deliberate carriage rather dramatically reduces his reflexes--in other words, when misfortune arises faster than he can calculate it, Herr Antonius is typically going to suffer the brunt of it.
    Herr Antonius does not possess a lick of arcane talent, and he never will. To that end, he can neither use nor counter magic without the assistance of enchantments or specialty potions, which must be prepared ahead of time in any case. Of course, knowing this, he has taken measures against exploitation of this weakness, and inability to use magic does not entail total ignorance of its workings.
    Creatures with the capacity to detect auras will find in the alchemist's a black, dismal sludge mingled with dead gray. There is one spot of a blazing, hateful red that always remains in the general area of his head. Magical beasts of good alignment and even normal animals instinctively fear and revile this man. Only the best-trained horse will carry him, and even then, with great reluctance.
  • PTSD
    This ugly remainder rears its head in two particular circumstances.
    Sanguivores with keen senses might detect hidden within Antonius' clinging aura of laboratory fumes the delectable smell of a most rare and potent blood, but the more judicious might also realize that there is something very wrong with it.
    Description: While this drawback is sufficiently offset by his peculiar eyewear, Herr Antonius nevertheless has difficulty with his eyesight. Figures that are too far away, details that are too small, and people that he does not recognize will all cause him to manipulate his lenses to clarify them.
    Herr Antonius is comfortably unknown in many places, but in many others, he occupies a perilous position between too valuable to lose and too dangerous to leave alive. It would be most unfortunate for him and his operations if someone privy to his many heinous crimes happened to find him.

    Herr Antonius's weapon of choice, worn most of the time. One-handed, portable, quite heavy (it's made of iron,) with both a flat end and a pick on the head. The craftsmanship is well done, but not ornate--as subtle as a hammer can get. It is bound vertically to the alchemist's left side by a pair of straps on his belt.
    A hidden backup weapon for occasions when openly wearing a hammer is not appropriate.
    These are always present somewhere on Herr Antonius's person. They are spiked, and sized large enough to fit his broad hands.
    A strange, fleshy whip bristling with spikes and tipped in a comb of bony barbs--which, upon command, are capable of rotating rapidly like the teeth of a saw, flaying flesh from bone with even the briefest contact, and burying itself deeply if allowed to persist. The Atterax is a living weapon that feeds on the substance of its foes, sucking the slurry of sprayed blood and shredded tissues into itself wherever it coats its spines and coils; in this way, the whip provides itself with the power required to whirl its ruinous teeth (and is, conveniently, self-cleaning.)
    This horrifying implement is attuned to Herr Antonius exclusively. While it can be used as a bladed whip by anyone with the required proficiency, it will not respond to commands to activate its gnashing secondary attack in the hands of any other wielder.
    Believe it or not, sometimes a warhammer isn't enough to solve a problem. When anticipating more dangerous conditions, Antonius will arm himself with those products of his art that are meant exclusively for harm.
    Most of these come in bottles, and when thrown and broken, immediately enact effects that include but are not limited to:
    • Deployable oozes (which cannot be given orders, because they are oozes)
    • Shocking, stunning, and dazing effects
    • Localized transmutation and anti-magic fields
    • Alchemist's Fire
    • Explosions
    • Lots of other horrible things!
    Primarily a heavy, protective coat, marked by long sleeves, a tall collar, carved brass buttons and a checker motif. It is adorned with many pockets and pouches, some visible, some not. The coat's function is complemented by cuffed, elbow-length leather gloves, a wide belt with many more pouches and pockets, and a pair of thick boots, over which Herr Antonius generally wears checkered red spats.
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    A bizarre pair of asymmetrical goggles. They are made out of brass and look quite heavy. Each side possesses a great number of rotating lenses with varying functions. The larger barrel has three closing vents on its side.
    A very tough garment made out of cloth woven together with dragonscale fibers. It has an abjuration enchantment that will absorb one potent spell (3+ preps) before needing to be recharged by a competent mage. It serves as extra insurance in case anything gets through the coat.
    A grotesque leather mask with brass teeth that grind open and shut to permit the wearer's voice to pass through. It deprives dangerous fumes of their toxicity with a specially treated filter that must be replaced after heavy use and has been designed to fit snugly over and around Antonius' peculiar choice of eyewear.
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
    A sizable wooden case covered in dark leather and lined with red velvet. It is kept closed with a number of complicated brass locks. The front cover of the case bears a personal seal, stamped and painted into the leather in gold.
    Inside are the essentials of an alchemist's art; these include a variety of glass bottles and tubes, a small brazier, matchsticks, charcoal, and vials of oil, aqua fortis and aqua vitae. There are also two titanium vials of aqua regia. (Herr Antonius does not usually keep raw reagents in the case, making the contents more or less useless to someone who is not in possession of their own.)
    Herr Antonius keeps an array of surgeon's tools all neatly arranged in a fine case of reddish leather and brass buckles and zippers: wire, gut, needles, scalpels, clamps, grips, cutters, syringes and small doses of anesthetic. More specialized instruments of note include a trephine, a lebsche knife and an orbitoclast, alongside the implements of a most attentive anatomist... or a torturer.
    Populating Antonius's broad belt on a normal day are an impressive array of cutting instruments for the slicing of reagents and flesh, and a number of empty glass tubes that are kept always at hand for the impromptu collection of alchemical ingredients.
    A small, unassuming book bound in battered dark leather, with yellowed pages. Most of its contents are illegible conglomerations of symbols, stern shorthand and groups of apparently meaningless numbers. The few bits that are readable are written auf Deutsch.
    A fine chess set that is comprised of marble-carved pieces and a thick-edged, folding wooden board that becomes a case to house the pieces when hinged across itself, or a small platform and playing board for them when it is opened.
    A band of gold carved with peculiar symbols, into which is set a square ruby of remarkable clarity and vibrant hue.
    A curious article made to hold only one square lens in its brassy frame.

  • Ẃ̞̯̫͢ʜ̸̢̫ ᴛ̧̟̻̰̭̯͉͇̬̪̕ ҉͎̖̜ʜ̸̞͉ͅ ᴠ̷͇̮̬ᴇ̨͔̱͈̺̥̩̹ ̘I̷̢̳̠̺̜̫̞͓ ̧̳͚̀͘ᴅ͙͝ ɴ̵̨͔ᴇ̧͉̰̦̙̞͜ ?

Natural Abilities
    To an observer, Herr Antonius appears to feel little, and express less. This makes him difficult to read and harder to predict. His constant frown and perpetually hidden eyes project an uncomfortably bizarre sort of indifference.
    Herr Antonius is a tall fellow, and a broad one, too. He maintains an abridged version of an old military routine that keeps him in respectable shape.
    Herr Antonius can discern quite a lot about a substance from its taste; he can use this ability to make highly educated guesses about the ingredients and nature of unidentified alchemical products, often without suffering any effect when others might.
Learned Abilities:
    Herr Antonius has obtained the highest possible degree of education in this field, and his incredible prowess is concentrated in bio-alchemy. While he can successfully (and masterfully) craft almost any alchemical substance given enough ingredients and time, his true area of expertise--and interest--lies in the gruesome manipulation and transmutation of flesh, blood and lifeforce, which he appears to believe is the key to something much more significant...
    A detailed understanding of the systems of the body is a requirement for licensed specialization in bio-alchemy, and Herr Antonius is technically a certified physician and general surgeon. Any wholly altruistic interest he may have once had in maintaining the health of his fellow man has long decayed, but he will nevertheless save a life--and quite competently so--if it is within his interests to do so.
    Like most educated men, Herr Antonius spent some of his time studying and practicing the intricacies of these finer fields. Unlike most educated men, his taste and execution have become grotesque, bizarre and horrifying. These skills are predominantly a manner of hobby at this point in Herr Antonius's life.
    Antonius's areas of interest within these fields are fortresses in the one and "figure study" in the other. He is fond of, ah, unconventional materials for the both of them, but is quite adept with both the tools of a draftsman and those of a painter.
    This includes the capacity to read and write as well as many other components of a proper noble education, including familiarity with musical notation, the arts, and philosophy. Herr Antonius can comfortably speak both his mothertongue (Deutsch) and Common, and has some scholarly experience with Arabic, Greek and Latin, three languages that are very important to his field.
    Herr Antonius has spent plenty of time in the presence of miracle-hungry noblemen and politicians, and over the decades has learned methods of oration and verbal finesse that are compatible with his stony countenance and uncomfortable presence.
    One of very few hobbies for which Herr Antonius appears to have anything resembling a passion.

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« Last Edit: January 16, 2018, 02:28:30 AM by HERR ANTONIUS »


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Reply #1 on: December 17, 2016, 11:25:22 AM
It brings me no shortage of joy to say approved and moved.

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Reply #2 on: December 17, 2016, 12:43:51 PM

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Offline Hashenn

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Reply #3 on: December 17, 2016, 01:09:49 PM
[I immediately fell in love with his face.]

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Reply #4 on: December 17, 2016, 01:26:03 PM
[I immediately fell in love with his face.]

[Ev just gets increasingly concerned with everyone's eyeballs in this frikkin' city.

Slash-really intrigued by aforementioned goggles, dat craftsmanship]
« Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 01:57:17 PM by Arron »

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Reply #5 on: December 17, 2016, 07:49:02 PM
Denied for gratuitous allcaps.

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Reply #6 on: December 17, 2016, 10:00:57 PM

Er, I meant--
