
Lady Idani

Lady Idani · 5294

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on: January 24, 2017, 06:11:59 PM
Previous RP Experience: Around 20 years (give or take) of online and IRL roleplay in the form of chat, forum, and tabletop RP. I have also served as an admin for a roleplay forum for a few years.

Why I would like to join: I'm impressed with the active nature of this community and have never partaken in such large group roleplay, and I would like to broaden my horizons on that front! (I'm also extremely shy and am forcing myself out of my comfort zone so I can meet some new folks and write new stories.)


Furcadia Name: Idani

Character Name: Idani (pronounced ee-DAH-nee)

Aliases: The Lady Idani, The Gold Woman, Summoner

Species: Centaur

Class: Noblewoman, Summoner

Age: 43

Gender: Female

Height: 6'2"

Build: Light and lithe, quite small for a centaur. Not physically strong compared to others of her kind, though she can pull a considerable amount due to her physiology. Delicately featured face, nimble hands, shapely legs and hooves.

Hair: White, naturally straight, extends down to mid-back. Usually worn in a stylish updo, with fashionable curls and jewelry scattered about. Occasionally lets it down for close company.

Markings: Dark dappled grey fur. Mixture of grey and black blotches over most of her body, clears up to almost solid grey on her face. Darkens to black on her muzzle, ears, arms, and legs. Black hooves and nails. There is a distinctive rune engraved into the flesh of her forehead, it looks like it is inlaid with molten gold and glows with a soft light of its own. Usually hidden by artfully styled bangs.

Eyes: Large, intense, and emerald green. Generally do not display emotion; it is most likely to see Idani with a rather bored, cold stare. Flashes of anger or amusement will occasionally spark something in her eyes, but again, this is rare. Often makes deliberate, aggressive eye contact with people to discomfort them into looking away. Usually completely dismisses servants and doesn't look at them unless they are hers, or she is looking to buy.

Apparel: Only the finest, most fashionable dresses and robes. Prefers crimson and gold silk, heavy brocades, lace, and velvet. Even when she must venture out into the wild, she dresses in the highest of fashion. She is not afraid to get dirty or ruin a dress from the rigors of travel or the bloodstains of her job and pleasure. Extremely modest in style, will almost always wear long sleeves, full skirts, and extreme high-necked collars. Never seen without a pin styled as a black knight chess piece affixed to her dress.

Heavily adorned with gold jewelry; bracelets and anklets studded with gemstones, fine chain and jeweled necklaces, many gold rings in each ear, and often delicate chains in her hair and tail, as well as multiple rings on both hands. Favors emeralds and rubies. Usually sports golden horse shoes, red or gold dusted eye makeup, and often paints her hooves and nails gold. When out on business affairs, carries a large dark leather satchel at her waist that holds far more than it looks like it should.

Voice: A rich and expressive alto, with an accent common to centaurs of her kind that meshes well with the Common tongue, making for a subtle difference in pronunciation and enunciation. (Accent is equivalent to French) Speaks several languages fluently. Voice Reference!

Scent: Wears expensive perfumes and scented oils in her hair; prefers sweet musks rather than flowery or fruity smells. The odor of fine shisha tobacco clings to her clothing, as well as the acrid scents of whatever substances she has imbibed that day. Under all of that, to those with keen senses, there is the unmistakable smell of blood and death.

Appendages: Two arms and four legs.

What profile is complete without a visual aid?
Reference Image

Demeanor: Noble, haughty, and aggressive. She walks with a measured and graceful stride, head held high and tail flagged full. Her expression is usually a dismissive frown with half-lidded eyes focused on her objective rather than the people and objects around her.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Profession: Magic-user, Freelance Mercenary, Wealthy Benefactor
- Mind-affecting Magic: Idani has a will forged in flame and made of steel, and it is very difficult to affect her in matters of the mind.
- Always Alert: The Summoner's senses of scent and hearing are very keen, and it is quite difficult to catch her unawares.
- Political Manipulation: You probably don't have what she wants, so it's unlikely you will be able to sway her with bribes, promises, or other one-sided deals. (Come to her with a mutually beneficial offer, however, and she will indulge you.) She cares little for your local social drama, hierarchies, and political machinations unless they serve to further her goals in some way.
- Physically Weak: Idani is small and comparatively weak to most other centaurs, and has a very light constitution. As such, if one were to manage to get into melee range, she would have little ability to withstand much damage, and she does not possess much resistance to poisons, except for her drug and alcohol tolerance.
- Pride: A vain creature by nature, Idani's pride can be easily pricked and insults are usually taken personally.
- Grudges: Forgive and forget are things the Summoner does not often do. Her memory is excellent and her ability to satisfy a grudge is ruthlessly efficient, if occasionally reckless. Oftentimes this works to her disadvantage.
- Heights: Centaurs are made to stand upon the ground!
- Enclosed Spaces: Idani gets exceptionally edgy and prone to lashing out when in close quarters for too long.

Strength (STR): Low
Dexterity (DEX): Medium
Constitution (CON): Low
Intelligence (INT): High
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): High


- Magic - Idani has an array of damaging and utility spells that she can cast at the effective capacity of an 16th level Summoner, in Pathfinder RPG terms. (The exact spell list exists, you can see it on her RPR)
- Ritual Dagger - A twelve-inch long thin, curved blade made of blackened steel with a gold and gem inlaid hilt. It serves ritual and defensive purposes, good for bloodletting and killing as necessary. To those folks especially sensitive to magic (or skilled at detecting magical auras), the dagger hums violently, enchanted with a very potent magic indeed.
- Eidolon - See below for more information on Idani's eidolon.

- Wears no armor - Dresses in high fashion at all times.

- Stronger than many bipeds, only by virtue of her quadruped physiology.
- Excellent sense of smell and hearing.
- Can run extremely fast.

- Languages - French (native tongue), Common, Latin, Italian, Orcish, Draconic, Elvish, Drow, Dwarvish, and a handful of Furre dialects. Learned from dedicated study over the years.
- Diplomacy - High society breeds high manners, which Idani has learned to use in matters of political intrigue, deception, and diplomacy. Despite her cold disposition, she is exceptionally versed in proper mannerisms, and always comes off initially as exceedingly polite and socially-conscious, if distant and disdainful while doing so.


Name: Yavin (pronounced "yah-VEEN")

Over the years, Yavin has been shaped by its mistress into the form it currently holds today. It is long and serpentine, like a great lithe constrictor snake, with a dragonlike head and a long, flowing mane all down its back from head to tail. Its body is covered in thick, protective hide the color of blood, gold, and ashes. It possesses two arms, each equipped with a three-fingered hand armed with curved golden talons, and its jaws are lined with wickedly sharp teeth. Its eyes are fierce with goatlike pupils, and a golden rune is engraved into the skin of its forehead, glowing softly.

Yavin rarely rests upon the ground, flying through the air by way of magic thanks to the method of its creation. It flies in a rippling, undulating fashion, making it rather breathtaking to see, as long as it is not focusing its mistress's wrath upon you.

For the most part, Yavin does not present a personality beyond that of a vicious killing machine, as Idani does not keep it summoned at all times unless she is out in the wilderness. But if one were to observe its interactions with its mistress, or have the rare opportunity to talk to it or interact with it for more than a brief time, one would realize the creature is its own person.

It does not speak aloud, but rather uses a telepathic voice that is a soft, rich tenor, loaded with contempt for anyone but Idani herself. It possesses an easily flattered ego, loudly proclaiming its victories to its mistress, who shamelessly indulges it every time with praise. It tends to be boastful and snarky, with a dry sense of humor and a knack for puns. When alone with its mistress, it is deeply affectionate, though rare is the one who has seen this with their own eyes.

Any other pertinent info:

Idani's RPR profile

Playlist of inspiration music

(Furcadia Description)
The jingle of jewelry and whisper of an elaborate red silk dress accompanies the clack of goldshod hooves as the richly-adorned centaur moves. Her head held high, her gestures graceful and deliberate, she views the world around her with a scornful eye. She leaves a lingering odor of aromatic tobacco, blood, and fine perfume as she passes.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 11:20:47 PM by Lady Idani »

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Reply #1 on: January 24, 2017, 07:51:12 PM
Summoner Idani is one of the best-written characters I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She is a detailed and fully-fleshed out person beneath the trappings of her alignment--which is a product of her history, not the other way around. Everything she is and everything she does has a developed story behind it, and I don't assign the word 'developed' lightly.

Needless to say, her player is an exceptionally talented wordsmith who knows how to prioritize interesting and productive narrative over all else. Highly recommended. 👌


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Reply #2 on: February 02, 2017, 05:07:40 PM
Thanks for your patience Idani! Here are the questions to come out of the review I sent you before.

Do you use preps?

Can Blurred movement and Expeditious Retreat be used simultaneously?

How do her own abilities work with a summoned creature present?

Does controlling a creature (besides her Eildolon) take constant concentration?

How quickly can the Eidolon be Rejuvinated, and at what cost (is this Life Link)?

Binding effects IC action and should be influenced by OOC consent. How long does it last, how strong is it based on variables of will and the effected's opinion of the order they've been given?

How well can she reflect or parry spells? Is this limited to a certain range of magic, and how many times can she use this power?

Does her power, as a whole, run on some source of energy? Is there a set amount of "mana" that eventually needs time to replenish?

Offline Lady Idani

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Reply #3 on: February 02, 2017, 09:48:06 PM
GAH my internet's been out all evening, otherwise I would have had this posted sooner.

Thank you for the response! I'm just gonna go down the list point by point for ya.

-I have no experience using preps actually, but I always use my magical things cautiously when writing with others, because I value consent and narrative over powerplay in ALL cases. So I always allow for reactions and the other player's ability to completely avoid anything I do if they so choose. (With the understanding that they will do the same for me!)

-No they cannot. In the TABLETOP system, they can, but I never stack buffs like that, as it disrupts interesting narrative possibilities imo.

-When she has her Eidolon summoned, she can cast as normal, and can also cast through the Eidolon. With other summoned creatures, her concentration is too disrupted to use magic.

-Yes, essentially.

-Rejuvenation and Life Bond are two entirely different things actually! Rejuvenate Eidolon is basically just a heal spell that only works on the Eidolon. I don't use it in combat because combat healing is boring imo. Life Bond is different, in that the Eidolon essentially is soaking all damage that Idani is taking, but the Eidolon only has a certain amount of health and can "die" when that health runs out. When he "dies," he will disappear and cannot be summoned again until the following day. Once he is gone from combat, Idani's pretty much shit out of luck and is significantly weakened, and her own health pool is pretty low so if you keep hitting her, she'll be out pretty quickly.

-Binding is basically an out of combat thing for plot only, and of course I observe consent in ALL things. The strength and duration are based entirely on plot and what makes for a more interesting narrative at the time, and is always dependent on the other player's consent and discretion. If their character is powerful, it's entirely reasonable they could break out of any binding spell pretty easily. They also have a chance to simply shrug it off if they are strong of will! It really all depends on the scene, and again I never use it in combat.

-The reflect/parry spells feats is actually something I'm considering doing away with completely, as it really has no interesting benefit toward storytelling and only really has a place in a tabletop setting. I think any effect this could gain me would simply be too disruptive toward fun story. SO I think I am going to remove these!

-Her power runs on a "spells per day" system as per the class that I based her on. She can only cast a certain number of spells from each spell level bracket, and when she's used them all, she's out of those until the following day. The higher the spell level bracket, the fewer "spells per day" are available to her. She must prepare her spells each morning; that is, she meditates upon the words and calls to mind all the incantations so they will be ready to go should she need them. If she does not take at least an hour each morning to do this, she cannot cast anything until she has the ability to meditate upon them. So if she's captured, or unconscious, or otherwise deprived of her ability to prepare her spells, she's outta luck! The only exception to this is her ability to summon her Eidolon. This is an innate ability that is less a spell and more a piece of herself.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2017, 03:51:07 AM by Lady Idani »

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Reply #4 on: February 03, 2017, 12:31:34 PM - Prep system

So long as this is followed, no issues. Everyone uses it. There is no other system.


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Reply #5 on: February 03, 2017, 01:52:42 PM
I value consent and narrative over powerplay in ALL cases.

Music to my ears. I know I myself typically prefer to play in a "freeform" writing style for narrative's sake, the prep system helps ensure magic isn't abused. You could always ask the other participants before a fight scene if they would prefer to do without!

Approved, enthusiastically