
Windthor Pryas

Windthor · 2669

Offline Windthor

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on: June 10, 2016, 10:40:31 PM
Experience: I've been RPing on FurC and other such sites on and off for roughly ten years. Windthor in particular has been my character for almost fifteen, back when I was eight and creating Balto fanfictions. He's gone through a lot of revisions and reboots over the years, but he's more or less the same guy.

Furcadia Name: Windthor Pryas
Aliases: Windy, Leon, White Knight, Lightning Puncher
Species: Furre
Subspecies: Dragon/Husky Hyvrid
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3"
Fur Color: White
Hair Color/Style: White, braided, long enough to reach his belt
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Markings: Black patches of scales on his elbows, knees, and the first two fingers on his right hand; Black spot around his left eye
Scars: Three scars on his stomach crossed just above his navel
Appendages: Wings

Demeanor: Friendly and polite, desires to help people when he thinks they need it
Alignment: Neutral Good
Profession: Head Guard of House Balestra; Sergeant Major of the Etlan Forces
Resistances: Fire - It'll still hurt him and burn away fur; Magic - Being half-dragon gives him resistance to most magic, but not immunity; His skin is tough and leathery under his fur, which makes him resistant, but not immune, to sharp and blunt-force trauma.
Weaknesses: Relatively slow; Tends to overthink things
Phobias: Strong fear of scorpions (Arachnophobia); Near-crippling fear of enclosed spaces (Claustrophobia)

Strength (STR): Above Average - Dense muscles coming from being half-dragon means that he's stronger than he appears, and he already appears quite strong. (He's normally holding back; Under times of stress and anger he holds back less and he can literally break someone in half crush their skull with his bare hands)
Dexterity (DEX): Above Average - While not extremely coordinated, Windy's reflexes and instincts have saved his life on several occasions, when he allows them to take over. He's decent at improvising when things aren't exactly going his way, when he's not overthinking things.
Constitution (CON): High - Being half-dragon gives him tough and leathery skin, making him able to take punches and strikes in a bit more stride than most, though he only has so much resistance.
Intelligence (INT): Average - Not a genius by any means, but also not dumb. He tends to overthink things.
Wisdom (WIS): Above Average - He's good at reading people, and often gets "Feelings" that can nag and bother him until he gets to the bottom of them.
Charisma (CHA): Above Average - Physically, he's tall and can be considered traditionally handsome. He is confident, can have a siver tongue when needed and is also very friendly and kind almost to a fault.

- Fists - Good 'ol fisticuffs, sometimes with gauntlets, but bare knuckles have served him the best over the years
- Claymore - A gift; Given to him several years ago, the sword is forged with layers of silver, and enchanted with holy magic; Mostly used for monsters and demons with weakness to silver and holy magic, rarely for any other reason
- Reforged Dagger - Earned after beating the best swordsman of a rival noble House; The dagger was once a broken sword belonging to the Head of the House's father, reforged by Kodachrome to give it an edge
- Etlan Forces Uniform - With chainmail underneath, his House's arm vambraces, and helmetless.
- Necklace - A necklace with a dragon half-moon pendant.
Abilities: Windy doesn't have any special abilities beyond punching.

The wings would probably be the most noticeable feature about Windthor; Beyond that, he is tall with dense, compact muscles giving him obvious strength. His dark blue eyes are friendly and happy, and his hands, while large and strong, are soft and gentle. Recently the hybrid would be seen in a uniform, or at least from the waist down, since he currently didn't have a custom-tailored top for it. Still, the insignia identifying him as Sergeant Major for the Etlan Forces should be effective enough. He was also still wearing his vambraces to indicate his loyalty to the Balestra House.

Any other pertinent info
Soapbox Sadie - He has a lot of opinions and has, on more than one occasion, stepped up and delivered speeches on things that he personally sees as "A giant pile of bullshit". While not generally vulgar, he is very passionate when it comes to what he may see as injustice.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 03:03:04 PM by Takurasho »