
Doctor Rogan Sanguis

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on: August 05, 2017, 09:44:39 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? No
Tell us a bit about your RP experience to date: Years and years of experince on Furcadia, a bit on SL, various really. Quite a lot though?
Why are you interested in joining the dream? Because I've been Rping here a little while, and I think the community is really interesting and some of the people here are really nice.

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Rogan Sanguis
Character Name (if different): Rogan Sanguis
Alias(es): Doctor, Dr. Mr. Mister, Master, Rogan, Doctor Sanguis, ((SECRET: Rogan Bonebuilder))
Species: Human
Subspecies/Race: ((Potential Lich))
Age: 33
Apparent Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 lb's?
Build: Slender, athletic - the build of a -tribal savage-
Fur/Skin Color: Pale - almost a ghastly grey; very very white.
Hair Color/Style: Silvery-white, flowing, lustrous lochs.
Eye Color: A mad shade of vivid green.
Markings/Scars: TONS OF MOVING TATTOO'S ALL OVER HIM. (Magical runes and rune-engines.)
Appendages: 2 arms, 2 legs, one head, torso, vertebrate mammal.
Handedness: Right
Primary Class: Magic-Arcane/Mage
Secondary Class (optional): Other: Necromaner
Profession: Doctor
Appearance (Furcadia Description): To some he looked sickly and frail - to others he looked pale, and appealing. The English gentleman was, either way, sharply dressed and certainly a cut above most of those he surrounded himself with. Perfect pale flesh was supple and warm, though his curves were gaunt and slim, and he looked perhaps a bit underweight. His body was light and lithe, and yet still his clothing seemed ti fit just right. The image of class, regality, and poise, (URL: his shapely (URL: features were framed with a mane of silver. Dressed sharp, and with a voice as the wind, he seemed to carry about him a potent presence... And he was never without company. [Always has an entourage nearby - whether you can spot them or not!]

Demeanor: Eloquent, graceful, energetic - perhaps a little eccentric, but generally comes off as classy, despite that.
Likes: Knowledge - Aftereall, it represents power. Wealth - becaus it can buy the things he fancies on a whim. Companions - He's a sucker for a pretty person; boy or girl!
Dislikes: Gore, Violence, Bad food, Classless Company, unrefined individuals.
Phobias (if any): Crossing through the Eye (This is intentionally vague.)
Alignment: True Neutral (Undecided or Balanced)
Description: This can mean either of two things, depending on whether the character is actively or passively neutral.Active neutrals (the Balanced type) are very rare. They are philosophically committed to maintaining the Balance, and will tend to join every fight on the losing side. Passive neutrals (the Undecided type) are somewhere in the middle on both the Good-Evil and Law-Chaos axes. The passive neutral alignment can also apply to creatures with no moral sense such as animals. Example: Zen masters (Balanced), animals (Undecided).
Cribnote: I'm not getting involved / All things must be in balance.

Strength (STR): Medium - For a Human. Average strength *For a Human* can't emphasis that enough.
Dexterity (DEX): High - As A Surgeon, steady hands, good judgement, and a high standard of coordination are required.
Constitution (CON): Medium-low - Erring toward low. At the end of the day, he's only Human. Blood, guts, and all.
Intelligence (INT): High - Years of study of both his magical art and the science of medicine have granted him an agile mind.
Wisdom (WIS): Medium - Nothing special here. Just an average joe. The Wisdom of an *average Human*
Charisma (CHA): Medium-High - As a Doctor, a Wealthy Gentleman, and a man of good repute, elocution and graces are important.
Overall Evaluation: (85) Hercules

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
Strengths / Resistances
  • Strength / Resistance: Phylactery - Pre-prepared
    Description: A true and effective death does not properly stop a well-prepared necromancer; with his magics pre-prepared, and a suitable phylactery already configured, all that waits now with the proper spells is his death.

    A man dies...
    A Lich is born.
  • Strength / Resistance:
  • Weakness: Charm, and Sex.
    Description: A hedonist down to the bone, if you appeal to his sex-drive, or charm him off his classy, expensive boots, then it's entirely likely that with time, you can manipulate him into doing exactly what you want.
  • Weakness: Physical violence - he's no good at it!
    Holy Magic
    Description: There's a reason that he's accompanied by two seven and a half foot ghouls all the time - it's because he can't fight worth a damn. But you better believe that the immortal warriors summoned from the bast to fight for him -can- !

  • Weapon: Cane!
    Description: A dastardly blade concealed within a cane... Or is it the cane itself? That remains to be seen. Perhaps it's a dart-gun....

    Whatever it is, it is laden with -poison-!
  • Weapon: Hexes, Curses.
    Description: Dark spells and magics that can hurt or weaken you in one way or another! From curses of feebleness, to weakness, fatigue, blindness. All kinds of effects!
  • Armor: None! That's not for a gentleman...
  • Armor:
Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
  • Item: A book bound in beige leather; like skin.
    Description: A necromantic focus and tome - it offers both knowledge, and a conduit through which to focus more powerful spells.

    The runes and symbols, and diagrams are so obscure and ancient that the language on its pages are known only to those deeply entrenched in the art of necromancy.

    To even be able to understand the book is likely to be a -CRIME-
  • Item:

Natural Abilities
  • Ability: Dark-sight
    Description: Years spent in catacombs and ancient libraries have developed the necromancers vision in the dark - flickering candles and torches often ran low in their braces. And often too, went out entirely. In these dark halls, necromancers in training needed to be able to navigate well.
  • Ability:
Learned Abilities:
  • Ability: Distracting/Nimble
    Description: With swishing cloaks and coats, long capes, and fancy clothes - pockets full of silver powder, or suchlike. The necromancer is a master of making himself a difficult target - from blinding you with powder, all the way to rolling behind his minions.
  • Ability:

RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
Other pertinent info:

I think - give us basically:
STRENGTH: HIGH - Undead monstrosities cobbled together from the most monstrously powerful parts, and breathed back to life - these beasts were meant to do the most extraordinary of labour, or the most brutal of violence.
DEXTERITY: Medium - They're nothing special dexterity wise. While they're not big, and slow, and lumbering... They're certainly not elves. They can be tripped, they can fall, they can be hamstring'ed. They have perfectly average coordination for a Humanoid.
CONSTITUTION: HIGH - Undead fiends with no sense of pain, no 'vital' organs, no internal processes. Animated by dark magic and dark purpose, their twisted hulks are only affected by direct damage. That said, anything that could hurt a monstrous humanoid would cause them to slow down. As demonstrated in a roleplay recently, blasting a hole through a leg, or an arm, or through the beasts torso, will leave it sagging and slow on that side. Cripple the parts, and you will stop the whole.
WISDOM: LOW - ERGO, NONE. These are undead Machinations - almost construct-like in their composition. They are not able to detect lies, they cannot rely on their dull senses, and they're not too bright, 'neither. They can follow instructions - but beyond this, they're not much fun.
INTELLIGENCE: LOW - You cannot reason with it. You can't bargain with it. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse. And it absolutely WILL NOT STOP until you are DEAD Sarah... I mean uh-- They've got no autonomous intelligence. They're only able to perform a task if they're told to do it, and how to do it step-by-step. Unless the instruction is simple - "Open that." "Destroy!" "Shield this." "Fetch that." But they're not intellectuals by any means.
CHARISMA: LOW - They cannot speak, they do not listen, they are the dullest, most hideous, and plainly uninteresting things this side of the sea. They do what they are told - this is why they exist. From beginning to end, this is their purpose. They are legion - but for the sake of discretion, there are only typically two nearby.
These monstrous brutes are exactly that - raw muscle and power, and little else. They do what they're told, when they're told - unlike the spirits of the dead with which the Necromancer communicates. These brutes are genuinely more akin to fleshy constructs made of dead parts and material. This means thy have no fear. No remorse. They cannot be confused, or tricked, or surprised. They do not percieve beyond what they need to. Their purpose is only to act.
The Flesh Is Weak.
Made of flesh and blood and bone like anyone and anything else, you can blast pieces of them away, or crush and pulverise them, you can slice, hack, and burn them. You can obliterate them a thousand times over. They're undead for goodness sake, not gods! But in that weakness lies a strength...
They are nothing if not expendable.
Consume -
When they become damaged, if they're beyond communication with the Necromancer, they become feral ghouls. These are not creatures with which to trifle - at seven and a half feet tall, and built like monsters, they are nothing but eating machines. When damaged, if they are able to consume dead flesh, their bodies will assimilate it through crude magic, and repair themselves.
-Size 7'6", Approx. 430 pounds gross.(edited)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 07:49:37 PM by ghostkiller2 »

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Reply #1 on: August 06, 2017, 02:20:03 PM
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Reply #2 on: August 07, 2017, 02:40:36 PM


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Reply #3 on: August 08, 2017, 08:08:31 PM
Spoiler: LICH INFORMATION (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 08:10:35 PM by ghostkiller2 »


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Reply #4 on: September 09, 2017, 11:22:39 AM
Man, remember that one time I applied?

Offline Luctus

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Reply #5 on: September 09, 2017, 12:09:07 PM
Indeed! My apologies for things taking so long. We've had to do some rearranging on top of people's work lives having gone crazy. It's no excuse, of course, but these things happen.

So first and foremost, would you be willing to elaborate on the nature of your (non-lich version) character's aversion to holy? Just a little blurb about what it does would be more than sufficient. I can't imagine it's too severe of a weakness since the character isn't even undead yet. The NPC minions should probably have a far more pronounced weakness to holy, given both what they are and what animates them.

As for its eventual lichly form, one stipulation I would add is that its phylactery must be on the same plane of existence it is at any given time. Hiding it in one of the other planes -- or even a pocket dimension or demiplane, for that matter -- would need to carry harsh penalties that in some way meaningfully and severely debilitate the character.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2017, 12:21:05 PM by Zurvan »

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Reply #6 on: September 12, 2017, 12:44:59 AM
For starters, I'm not a staffer, but I like to think I help everynow and then with these inane comments. SO, I'd like to hear about the origin of undead minions mentioned. Zombies and revenants are alright, but considering the strict anti-necroturgy rites of Eileadora, I feel like Rogan must have pulled some crafty corpse acquiral methods or brought his ghastly minions with him.

 Just a little tidbit to note, but yeah. Seems like the only issue is the phylactery location issue. The imag dreams have kind of baad history with liches that have unreachable soul containers, I tell ya...

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Reply #7 on: October 14, 2017, 02:06:41 PM
@ghostkiller2 are you still interested in playing this character here?

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Reply #8 on: November 08, 2017, 03:54:00 PM
So to expand on a couple of the points previously mentioned, the 'aversion' to holy of the non-lich form was only added after being pressured to add some kind of weakness. I can't see any real reason that a living, breathing, human necromancer would have any aversion to holy things. However. I can imagine him finding holy wards and protection magics to be -annoying- in the sense that he'd have to take them into consideration to work his magics.

As for the nature of his nasty ghoulish abominations, they follow him. When he traveled to Eileadora they were with him already. And likely when they're killed, he will most probably make more. These particular abominations are cobbled together from body-parts that poeple aren't likely to miss. Body-parts removed in amputations, parts of corpses coming through the morgue, parts dug up from graves. Even parts from abroad, where other necromancers or undead might be at work.

As for the idea of a phylactery, I have absolutely no intention of Rogan being killed, however, I can heartily assure you that it *is* in this plane of existance, it's just likely to be a very very very long way away - as is often the nature with these things. Any necromancer that keeps his phylactery close by and to hand is an idiot!

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Reply #9 on: November 09, 2017, 03:30:12 PM
"Plane of existence" in this case would refer to Etla, as it exists within its own demiplane. I.e. the phylactery would need to be somewhere on the Etlan side of the rift. So long as that's understood, I will go ahead and move this over to the character sheets category.


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Reply #10 on: November 10, 2017, 05:37:18 PM
Works for me.


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Reply #11 on: December 01, 2017, 07:21:46 PM
So is this done?

Offline Luctus

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Reply #12 on: December 02, 2017, 12:21:39 AM
Yes. The character has already been moved to the approved section.