
Red Death

Red Death · 3844

Offline Red Death

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on: March 08, 2018, 09:06:24 PM
Have you previously submitted an application/character sheet which has been approved? No
Tell us a bit about your RP experience to date: Been on Furcadia since 2002, but took a long hiatus until the end of 2017 when it seemed right to jump back in.
Why are you interested in joining the dream? I've been lurking in the dream and RPing a few nights in a row, and have thoroughly enjoyed the setting and other players.

Basics / Biography Data
Furcadia Name: Red Death
Character Name (if different):
Alias(es): Red
Species: Dragon
Subspecies/Race: Demon
Age: 750
Apparent Age: 60?
Gender: Male
Height: 9' 6"
Weight: 600 lb
Build: Lean muscular
Fur/Skin Color: Black
Hair Color/Style: None
Eye Color: Yellow glow
Markings/Scars: Mirrored crescent scars intersecting his eyes; scars and eyes glow an even, faint yellow
Appendages: Tail, wings
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Primary Class: Warrior
Secondary Class (optional): Magic-Elemental
Profession: Hunter/Instructor/Mercenary
Appearance (Furcadia Description): Nearly ten feet of dragon, cross of serpent and juggernaut, plate and chain concealed in leather, hemp, and cotton cloaked and hooded but for the wings collapsed at the demon's back. Red-black sockets ring gold eyes, intersected by mirrored crescent scars, both aglow in tandem beneath jutting, jagged horns. Long tunic crimson over faded black trousers. Mounted between wings: seven-foot scissors, matching colors save their crescent edges, glistening - twin blades joined by a broad steel pin. Bound to his hip, cloaked with his figure, by most standards a longsword of solid ebony.

Demeanor: Reserved to the point of anti-social and irreverent; doesn't pick fights but will usually join them
Likes: Wine, violence
Dislikes: Cute things
Phobias (if any): Holy magic
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Dominator)
Description: They respect the law, but have no concern for others, and tend to exploit the law to rise to power. Often they will engage in merciless, organised, planned killing. Example: Adolf Hitler.
Cribnote: It's all part of the evil plan.

Strength (STR): High
Dexterity (DEX): Medium-High
Constitution (CON): High
Intelligence (INT): Medium
Wisdom (WIS): Medium
Charisma (CHA): Low
Overall Evaluation: (76) Very Strong

(Strengths / Resistances) / Weaknesses
      1. Lightning magic
      2. Physical damage output
      3. Straight-line speed
      1. Destructive magic
         - Magic intended to break down Red's corporeal body; lightning, fire, ice, etc.
         - Tangential effects, like ice's property of restricting motion, are still effective. Fire, used right, can interfere with his thermal vision in lieu of the damage it would normally inflict.
         - The only exception to the above is with respect to lightning. Electricity normally causes burns and musculature to seize and convulse, but because of Red's relationship with the sword this element is almost totally null against him. If Fravashi is absent, the tangential effects are mitigated but not null.

      2. Healing magic
         - Magic intended to restore Red's corporeal body. He's stuck mostly relying on his natural healing factor. If this magic is explicitly holy in properties, it actually causes harm.
         - The only exception to this is Red's ability, "Cautery" (see Abilities)

      3. Utility magic
      4. Poison
      1. Holy magic
      2. Attacks from extreme close range
      3. Conventional blindness
      4. Extreme heat sources (vision interference; see Abilities)

    • Weapon: Warscissor
      Description: Custom twin swords, 7 feet each, with a slight inward curve, designed to freely connect and swivel just above the grips to form massive scissors or to separate for independent use
    • Weapon: Fravashi
      Description: A classical broadsword, functioning more like a short sword relative to his size. Imbued with the soul of a lightning sprite, Faravahar, that grants him a moderate degree (and nearly all) of his magical ability.
    • Weapon: Odachi (one 6' and one 12' overall)
      Description: Not actively carried, Eastern single-edged swords of extreme length for average swordsmen but less so at his scale. Originally intended for defeating cavalry on open battlefields, Red only takes one of these into battle with ample notice in advance and with the expectation of heavy opposition.

    *Red maintains a modest personal armory. Nothing therein has any magical properties except for Fravashi. See RPR for more examples.

    • Armor: Standard Loadout
      Description: Visible pauldrons, gauntlets, and boots, entirely practical in design. Patches of steel lining secured within layers of mail and leather along various parts, designed to balance protection with subtlety; for inviting oncoming blows that he can safely take and trap/grapple his attackers. (RPR for details.)
    Trinkets / Items (owned or worn):
    • Item: Misc.
      Description: Wine skin, coin purse, hemp bandages, whetstone and a small bottle of blade oil

    Natural Abilities
    • Ability: Genetic
      Description: Flight via wings, raw physical damage output and resistance
    • Ability: “Serpentine”
      Description: Two-piece lower jaw may unhinge via quadrate bone and forward fangs are retractable to aid in the consumption of large prey, though used mostly as an intimidation tool
    • Ability: “Soulless”
      Description: An empty vessel trapped in the mortal plane, Red's pairing with the sword Fravashi has led to a fusion between himself and the lightning sprite, begetting a gradual increase in Red's native magical potency and bond between the two creatures; but at the expense of his natural eyesight (“Eyes I dare not meet in dreams”), his dual-tone voice (“Terror Song”), and withering restraint of his more violent instincts.
    • Ability: “Terror Song”
      Description: His natural speaking voice is an amalgam of two tones: one a deceptively soothing baritone and the other a lower ethereal rasp. This duet becomes more stark and intense with certain emotions and can be deliberately, significantly amplified.
    Learned Abilities:
    • Ability: “Eyes I dare not meet in dreams”
      Description: A side-effect of “Soulless” and his pairing with Fravashi, Red has been rendered blind. Through intense focus and training, Fravashi's potency has been manipulated to derive an alternative vision tailored primarily to infrared. This form of vision has been functional for centuries at this point and is quite effective, but still has limitations. It gives him a distinct advantage in most settings that complements his skillset, but at the cost of the resolution and detail that normal vision affords. While literate, he cannot see to read or write. Extreme heat sources can distort his perception of the environment, although heat poses little physical threat.
    • Ability: “Cautery”
      Description: He can channel his electrical magic through open wounds and burn them shut. The process is rather painful, despite his resistance to the element, because he's literally turning his offensive magic against himself. The more serious the wound, the more time and energy needed to perform the task and the more painful it is. Mostly useful for repairing wing punctures and minor wounds.
    • Ability: “Imbuement”
      Description: Fravashi's element can be focused and charged into any or all of his extremities or other weapons, temporarily granting them the same damaging effects on contact.
    • Ability: Combat Instructor
      Description: Red has had and provided extensive training and experience over the centuries. His prowess with both natural instruments (claws, fists, etc.) and forged weapons is vast and well-tested, and he can see the combat potential of almost any implement set before him.
    • Ability: Languages
      Description: Many common languages are under his tongue, with functional capabilities in others. Purely a function of his time spent among mortals.

    RPR Profile (or other website) URL (optional):
    Other pertinent info: More on Red and Fravashi/Faravahar's relationship:

    The sprite, Faravahar, is sentient and generally pissed off at its situation (and a bit crazy after a few centuries). Its only interaction with the world is through expulsion of its lightning power to inflict harm, which is almost exclusively at Red's discretion.

    Red has no soul tied to his body, and the sword, Fravashi, was sealed hundreds of years ago; that seal is deteriorating with extended abuse. Faravahar's soul and powers have started "leaking" into Red. As a result, Red now has some autonomy with respect to the sword's lightning magic. The cost is Red's natural eyesight and an intermingling of the two creatures' personalities. (Red's discipline and training that helped suppress his early feral tendencies is being gradually undone. This is a sub-plot I'd be curious to play out.)

    When Red and Fravashi are separated beyond a few meters, Red's lightning power diminishes substantially but not completely. The sword's diminishes only somewhat. Since its soul is divided between the sword and Red, both entities' powers will continue to weaken with time until Faravahar eventually dies (I'm thinking on the order of several weeks). The magical attacks that Red can still muster take longer to prepare, and the more potent ones on the RPR Abilities page are unobtainable. The sprite is a malicious prick and doesn't take kindly to new weilders, though (bzzt), and if stolen Red will likely make retrieval of it his top priority.

    « Last Edit: March 19, 2018, 07:16:16 PM by Red Death »

    Offline Derp

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    Reply #1 on: March 16, 2018, 09:32:21 PM
    Hi I'm Derp, JR admin handling your application

    Couple of questions
    1) Could you clarify more about the fusing of the lightning sprite and the sword and all that? Is said sprite sapient or sentient? Does distance between your chara and sword affect anything etc
    2) Under your strengths and resistances, could you clarify which is which? Is your chara resistant to physical power?
    3) Also destructive magic resistance is kind of sweeping. That's an extremely powerful ability, and it needs an equally severe drawback to balance it out; an equally pronounced resistance to healing and utility magic, perhaps?

    Offline Red Death

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    Reply #2 on: March 18, 2018, 07:54:42 PM
    Hey Derp! Thanks for your consideration.

    1) The sprite, Faravahar, is sentient and generally pissed off at its situation (and a bit crazy after a few centuries). Its only interaction with the world is through expulsion of its lightning power to inflict harm, which is almost exclusively at Red's discretion.

    Red has no soul tied to his body, and the sword, Fravashi, was sealed hundreds of years ago; that seal is deteriorating with extended abuse. Faravahar's soul and powers have started "leaking" into Red. As a result, Red now has some autonomy with respect to the sword's lightning magic. The cost is Red's natural eyesight and an intermingling of the two creatures' personalities. (Red's discipline and training that helped suppress his early feral tendencies is being gradually undone. This is a sub-plot I'd be curious to play out.)

    When Red and Fravashi are separated beyond a few meters, Red's lightning power diminishes substantially but not completely. The sword's diminishes only somewhat, but since its soul is divided between the sword and Red, both entities' powers will continue to weaken with time until Faravahar eventually dies (I'm thinking on the order of several weeks). The magical attacks that Red can still muster take longer to prepare, and the more potent ones on the RPR Abilities page are unobtainable. The sprite is a malicious prick and doesn't take kindly to new weilders, though (bzzt), and if stolen Red will likely make his top priority retrieving it.

    2+3) I see your points. I've fleshed out the S and R below to help clarify. Even so, the resistance to healing/utility magic is a fair concession and I've included it. In short, the best way to hurt him is to hit him really hard and/or really accurately, and taking Fravashi out of the equation helps.
          1. Lightning magic
          2. Physical damage output
          3. Straight-line speed

          1. Destructive magic
             - Magic intended to break down Red's corporeal body; lightning, fire, ice, etc.
             - Tangential effects, like ice's property of restricting motion, are still effective. Fire, used right, can interfere with his thermal vision in lieu of the damage it would normally inflict.
             - The only exception to the above is with respect to lightning. Electricity normally causes burns and musculature to seize and convulse, but because of Red's relationship with the sword this element is almost totally null against him. If Fravashi is absent, the tangential effects are mitigated but not null.
          2. Healing magic
             - Magic intended to restore Red's corporeal body. He's stuck mostly relying on his natural healing factor. If this magic is explicitly holy in properties, it actually causes harm.
             - The only exception to this is Red's ability, "Cautery," outlined on RPR. This only works because it can close wounds by inflicting damage in a targeted way and by using his own brand. Should have included it in the app too, so I will here:
             "Cautery" - He can channel his electrical magic through open wounds and burn them shut. The process is rather painful, despite his resistance to the element, because he's literally turning his offensive magic against himself. The more serious the wound, the more time and energy needed to perform the task and the more painful it is. Mostly useful for repairing wing punctures and minor wounds.
          3. Utility magic
          4. Poison

    If this doesn't clear things up, or if additional questions come up, I'm game.
    « Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 10:07:50 PM by Red Death »

    Offline Derp

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    Reply #3 on: March 19, 2018, 06:30:42 PM
    All right, looks decent, could I trouble you to make the edits to your original post? :D

    Offline Derp

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    Reply #4 on: March 19, 2018, 07:17:15 PM
    Seal of Derppoval!